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Aggressive periodontitis: how does an understanding of the pathogenesis affect treatment?

From Volume 38, Issue 8, October 2011 | Pages 511-521


Aws Alani


Specialist in Restorative Dentistry.

Articles by Aws Alani

Robin Seymour

School of Dental Sciences, Newcastle University, Framlington Place, Newcastle upon Tyne NE2 4BW, UK

Articles by Robin Seymour


Aggressive periodontitis is a relatively rare periodontal condition that can result in significant attachment loss over a short period of time. As the disease is difficult to manage, owing to its rapid progression and severity, a variety of adjuncts have been advocated in its management. The authors outline concepts of the aetiology and pathogenesis of aggressive periodontitis and how the different treatment regimens relate to the current understanding of the disease process.

Clinical Relevance: There is a wide variety of treatment regimens advocated for the treatment of aggressive periodontitis. General dental practitioners and specialists should be aware of the relative advantages and disadvantages of these and how they relate to the disease process.


Aggressive periodontitis (AP) has been defined as a group of rare, often severe, rapidly progressive forms of periodontitis which are often characterized by an early age of onset and a tendency to aggregate in families. It has been characterized as having the following major features:1

Other features or characteristics of AP often include:

It is well established that AP can be further classified as localized or generalized (Table 1) (Figures 14). The localized form usually occurs around puberty and often affects first molars and then central incisors, although it is not always exclusive to these teeth.

Features of the generalized form include:

Although these two subdivisions may have some substance in their criteria, the differences between localized and generalized may not be so obvious. The prevalence of AP varies according to the population studied and ranges from 0.1% in Caucasians to up to 22% in Afro-Caribbeans.7,8

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