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Soft tissue profile around dental implants placed in the aesthetic zone — a biological update

From Volume 45, Issue 3, March 2018 | Pages 247-252


Sonam Gupta


Postgraduate student, Department of Prosthodontics and Crown and Bridge, Manipal College of Dental Sciences, Manipal University, Manipal, Karnataka, India

Articles by Sonam Gupta

Aparna Ichalangod Narayan


Professor and Associate Dean, Department of Prosthodontics and Crown and Bridge, Manipal College of Dental Sciences, Manipal University, Manipal, Karnataka, India

Articles by Aparna Ichalangod Narayan

Ashita Vijay


Postgraduate Student, Department of Prosthodontics and Crown and Bridge, Manipal College of Dental Sciences, Manipal University, Manipal, Karnataka, India

Articles by Ashita Vijay

Dhanasekar Balakrishnan


Professor and Head, Department of Prosthodontics and Crown and Bridge, Manipal College of Dental Sciences, Manipal University, Manipal, Karnataka, India

Articles by Dhanasekar Balakrishnan


Abstract: The success attained with endosseous implants is well documented in the literature but complications are inevitable due to high risk factors associated with bacterial related breakdown of osseointegration and peri-implant mucosa. It is now apparent that maintenance of a complete seal of the gingival cuff around implants is paramount for achieving predictable outcomes, as there is no room for error when multiple implants are being placed in the maxillary anterior region. However, the restorative dentist not only faces a challenge in restoring missing teeth but also the missing volume of three-dimensional gingival envelope encompassing them.

CPD/Clinical Relevance: This article has focused on the comprehensive understanding and integration of various biological elements that are imperative in the rapidly advancing field of implantology.


Rehabilitation of missing natural teeth by osseointegrated implants has signified a new advent in restorative dentistry. In the past decade, much of the focus was on achieving good bone to implant contact for the survival and success of implants. Recently, implant dentistry has seen a paradigm shift from focusing on functional restoration to aesthetic integration of tissues.

Regardless of high success rates attained with osseointegrated implants, the peri-implant mucosal response is still not stated clearly.1 For a clinician, restoration in the aesthetic zone has become a complex and challenging task, particularly in sites with deficiencies of soft tissue or bone and, at the same time, maintenance of it has become equally demanding. Simultaneous removal of multiple teeth may often result in flattening of the interproximal osseous scallop and subsequent collapse of interproximal papillae. Hence, management of soft tissues in cases of multiple implant placement becomes more critical. Therefore, for a clinician it is a prerequisite to have a clear vision and understanding of the three-dimensional envelope of soft tissue and bone surrounding the implant to aid in selection of a proper treatment approach.

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