Diabetes Mellitus and Oral Care

From Volume 31, Issue 4, May 2004 | Pages 190-198


Janice Fiske


Senior Lecturer/Honorary Consultant, Department of Special Care Dentistry, Kings, Guy's and St Thomas' Dental Institute of King's College London

Articles by Janice Fiske


Diabetes is a common condition. Its incidence is increasing. It can lead to medical complications including visual impairment, neuropathies, renal and cardiovascular disease. Diabetes can have an adverse effect on oral health and health-care. Conversely, poor oral health can have an adverse effect on blood glucose control. Repeated oral infections can indicate uncontrolled diabetes and lead to its diagnosis. Whereas hyperglycaemia may occur in untreated diabetes, hypoglycaemic episodes are not uncommon in well-controlled diabetes Type 2. The tight glycaemic control required to prevent its long-term complications can be destabilized by infection, anxiety or missed meals.
