Neil MacBeth

BDS, MSc, PhD, Dip MFGDP, MGDS RCS, MFDS RCS, Dip FFGDP (UK), FCGDent, FDS RCS (Rest Dent), DDR, CDLM, RAF, Group Captain, Defence Primary Healthcare (Dental)

Solutions for implants placed with prosthetic inconvenience

The consequences associated with implants placed in a sub-optimal position are particularly severe in the aesthetic zone and can be further complicated when the individual has a thin and scalloped...

Amlodipine-induced gingival overgrowth in the peri-implant region: a review and case report

This case report describes amlodipine-induced mucosal overgrowth at an implant site and its contribution to the development of peri-implantitis. A 45-year-old Tanzanian male received dental implant...