Richard Ibbetson

Director, Edinburgh Postgraduate Dental Institute, The University of Edinburgh

All-Ceramic inlays and onlays for posterior teeth

The impact of the loss of tooth tissue on the strength of that which remains can be significant. Vale in 1956 was one of the first investigators to describe the weakening of the tooth resultant from...

A contemporary approach to the provision of tooth-supported fixed prostheses part 2: fixed bridges where the abutment teeth require minimal or no preparation

Where a tooth-supported fixed prosthesis is indicated and the abutments are generally sound, resin-retained bridges are preferred, whilst recognizing that patient choice may be a factor limiting their...

Guidelines for crowns, fixed bridges and implants

“Why is it that teeth decay? You don‧t always have to go to the doctor‧s to have holes in your arm stopped up do you? It‧s a flaw in the design.”