Welcome to Professor Josette Camilleri, BChD, FDS RCPS (Glasg), MPhil, PhD, FCGDent, FICD, FADM, FIMMM, FHEA

From Volume 51, Issue 11, December 2024 | Page 746


Ewen McColl

BSc(Hons), BDS, MFDS, FDS RCPS, MCGDent, MRD RCS Ed, MClinDent, FDS RCS(Rest Dent), FHEA, FDTF(Ed), , BSc (Hons), FCGDent, FDTFEd, FFD RCSI

BSc (Hons), BDS, FDS RCPS, FCGDent, MRD RCS Ed, MClinDent, FDS RCS(Rest Dent), FDTFEd, FFD RCSI, FHEA, Head of School, Director of Clinical Dentistry, Peninsula Dental School, University of Plymouth

Articles by Ewen McColl

Email Ewen McColl


I am delighted to welcome Josette, who is Head of Dentistry and Clinical Professor of Endodontics and Applied Materials at the University of Birmingham, to the Editorial Board of Dental Update.

Josette obtained her Bachelor of Dental Surgery and Master of Philosophy in Dental Surgery from the University of Malta. She completed her doctoral degree, supervised by the late Professor Tom Pitt Ford, at Guy's Hospital, King's College London. She has worked at the Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, Faculty for the Built Environment, University of Malta and at the Department of Restorative Dentistry, Faculty of Dental Surgery, University of Malta.

She is currently Head of Dentistry and Professor of Endodontics and Applied Materials within the University of Birmingham's College of Medicine and Health. Her research interests include material characterization with special interest in endodontic materials and hydraulic cements. She has been instrumental in development of hydraulic materials for endodontic applications and also discovered the mechanisms of tooth discolouration caused by bismuth oxide in dental cements.

Josette is highly published and has an international ranking as a materials scientist and as a clinical academic. In 2018, she was awarded the Louis Grossman prize by the French Endodontic Society and is the first female recipient of this prestigious award.