Abstract: Understanding the anatomy of anterior and posterior teeth is important as the main aims of restorative dentistry are to restore the form, function and the aesthetics of damaged teeth. The anatomy of individual teeth is complex and infinitely variable, making it difficult to learn and challenging to teach. As tooth anatomy programs often occur in the early part of pre-clinical training it may also be difficult for clinical students to recall anatomical principles and apply them later to restorative treatment.
This paper is the first of two describing an innovative method of teaching and learning tooth anatomy that includes a program of step-by-step drawing exercises. The posterior tooth drawing exercises described here and the anterior versions in part two were originally designed for undergraduates studying tooth anatomy for the first time. Since their inception these exercises have also proved popular with experienced clinicians aiming to refine their dental anatomical knowledge for application in restorative procedures.
CPD/Clinical Relevance: Detailed understanding of tooth anatomy will help clinicians to plan, accurately and predictably, the restoration of posterior and anterior teeth.
Most undergraduate curricula provide tooth anatomy teaching as a compulsory component of preclinical training.
Although anatomical complexity and variation make it a difficult subject to learn, most undergraduate programs aim to teach students basic shapes and predictable patterns so that they can recognize individual teeth and compare them to each other.
Often the teaching of tooth anatomy and clinical training are separated by months or even years, making it challenging for students to apply previously learned anatomical principles to restorative procedures.1
If tooth anatomy is not mastered during undergraduate training there is a risk that students may graduate with limited skills in the accurate shaping of direct restorations and in designing fixed and removable prosthodontic restorations so that they integrate functionally and aesthetically with the residual dentition.
In 2009, a review of the second year undergraduate curriculum at the University of Birmingham School of Dentistry provided the opportunity to redesign tooth anatomy teaching with a greater restorative focus. This paper is the first of a two-part series describing the innovative tooth drawing exercises that form an integral component of the program.
Tooth anatomy teaching
Design of the new blended learning program included didactic teaching (predominantly online delivery) reinforced by a series of tooth drawing exercises divided into the following subject areas:
Basic occlusion and endodontic anatomy (Figure 2) (not described in this paper);
Anterior tooth anatomy (described in paper 2).
Figure 1. Exemplary pencil drawings of maxillary and mandibular right premolars and molars completed by a second year undergraduate student.Figure 2. Exemplary occlusion and endodontic anatomy drawing exercises completed by a second year undergraduate student.
The term anatomy is used in preference to the commonly used term morphology. Morphology has been described as the ‘organized study of natural form and structure with no regard for function’.1 While the drawing exercises require students to draw individual teeth, it is emphasized that they function clinically as a single masticatory unit.2
The self-directed exercises are carried out independently over a one month period. Time taken for completion of the posterior tooth drawing exercises approximates to eight hours (~one hour per tooth) and uses the following protocol:
Students follow a series of online step-by-step guides;
Students produce a portfolio of posterior (and anterior) tooth drawings;
Students submit hard copy originals for formative assessment and feedback.
The exercises aim to provide a foundation for subsequent practical studies that include: wax carving, composite shaping and amalgam carving simulation exercises, detailed study of occlusion and endodontics and clinical restorative procedures.
In common with a recent analogous programme in the USA,3 the drawing exercises have produced positive student outcomes and feedback. As a result they have been adapted for Master's level training courses at both the University of Birmingham and at King's College London Dental Institute.
Tooth drawing exercise design
For decades it has been known that illustrations prove helpful in learning to reproduce the form and anatomical characteristics of natural teeth.4 The tooth drawing exercises presented below were designed with reference to multiple sources including:
Anatomical study guides for dental students and technicians;1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12
Wax carving guides designed to help students and technicians understand 3D anatomy;14,15,16,17
Guidelines for anatomical amalgam carving;17,18,19,20
Guidelines for shaping direct composite restorations;20,21,22,23
Plastic teeth designed for simulation training, eg Kavo (Biberach, Germany), Frasaco (Tettnang, Germany) Nissin (Kyoto, Japan);
Natural teeth (clinical photographs and extracted examples).
As some traditional learning resources have been described as ‘laborious and unnecessarily detailed’,8 care was taken not to over-complicate the drawing designs and to interpret the salient features in simplified, stylized formats, rather than relying on the exact duplication of specific natural teeth.
The main aim of these drawing exercises is to instill fundamental anatomical principles so that they can be employed well beyond the academic identification of individual teeth. The step-by-step pencil marks were specifically chosen to correspond to the movements made clinically when reproducing functional occlusal anatomy with carving and shaping instruments. To reinforce the practical relevance further, the following design principles were also applied:
The drawing exercises are of the permanent dentition, on which the majority of restorative procedures are carried out;
2D occlusal views representing the operator's clinical perspective were chosen, rather than more complicated 3D projections;
Pencil drawing was recommended to enable corrections;
The step-by-step designs use graph paper – making them suitable for students with a range of artistic talents;
Teeth are drawn oversized but to scale (5.0 mm² graph paper representing 1.0 mm² clinically);
To enable size comparison, teeth are drawn in boxes based on published proportions;9,11
Individual teeth are drawn progressively in a logical order to reinforce common, repetitive anatomical forms (Table 1);
Specific anatomical features are also drawn in stages, in the order shown in Table 2;
The posterior teeth are drawn together, on one page, to enable comparison;
Maxillary and mandibular teeth are drawn adjacently allowing students to begin considering occlusal relationships;
Owing to the frequency of anatomical variations, third molar drawings were not included.
Mandibular right second molar
Mandibular right first molar
Maxillary right first molar
Maxillary right second molar
Maxillary right second premolar
Maxillary right first premolar
Mandibular right second premolar
Mandibular right first premolar
Outline form
Cusp tips
Fissure pattern
Occlusal table
Cusp ridges
Marginal ridges
Dissectional grooves
Secondary anatomy
For expediency, only teeth from the right side of the mouth were initially selected, rather than full arches with contralateral mirror image drawings. This is a recognized disadvantage and the digital step-by-step guides presented for the first time in this series have been developed to allow students to practise both right and left posterior tooth drawings (Figures 3 and 4).
Figure 3. Digital drawing of the posterior tooth drawing exercises demonstrating outline forms, fissure patterns, occlusal tables and cusp ridges of right mandibular and maxillary teeth.Figure 4. Digital rendering of right mandibular and maxillary posterior teeth.
The following step-by-step tooth drawing exercises may be used to learn and revise the common features making up the basic coronal anatomy of eight posterior teeth. The accompanying notes use nomenclature derived from the references listed above and the exercises are presented in the order recommended in Table 1.
Mandibular second permanent molars
The maxillary second permanent molars usually erupt between the ages of 12–13 years and are completely calcified by 15–16 years with two roots. They are the seventh tooth from the mandibular midline and are therefore commonly referred to as lower (right/left) 7 and abbreviated to LR7/LL7 or 47/37 in the Federation Dentaire International (FDI) system.24
Drawing the coronal anatomy of a mandibular second permanent molar
Mandibular second molars are usually the second largest mandibular teeth with average occlusal coronal dimensions of: 10.5 mm (mesiodistal) × 10 mm (buccolingual). Although they usually resemble the first permanent molars they tend to be smaller, squarer in shape and have fours cusps rather than five. The following guidelines may be used to draw a (slightly squarer than average) LR7 (Figure 5).
Lower second molars have three occlusal fossae positioned centrally and mesially and distally inside the marginal ridges;
Marginal fossae are generally triangular in shape and may be referred to as triangular fossae;
The deepest part of each fossa is referred to as the pit;
The midline fissure is the ‘valley’ between the bases of the lingual and buccal cusps and is an important anatomical landmark on virtually all posterior teeth;
Lower second molars have two lateral fissures orientated perpendicularly to the midline fissure creating a cruciform (cross-shaped) fissure pattern (like a hot-cross bun!);
Lateral fissures extend between the cusps of all lower molars onto the buccal and lingual axial surfaces. Here they become shallow axial grooves running parallel to the tooth's long axis;
The buccal axial groove may extend into a pit known as the Foramen caecum molarum;
The primary cruciform fissure pattern is supplemented by short marginal fissures extending from the mesial and distal pits.
The cusp ridges originate from the cusp tips and are angled toward the centre of the tooth at approximately 45 degrees to the midline;
The shape of cusp ridges has been variously described as: teardrop- or egg-shaped or as triangular lobes;
Drawing the four cusps is difficult. It is recommended to draw the general shape initially as ‘rounded balloons’ tapering from the cusp tips to form mesiolingual (ML), mesiobuccal (MB), distolingual (DL) and distobuccal (DB) cusp ridges.
Marginal ridges may be a single ridge of enamel, but are more commonly made up of two parts: one lingual and one buccal, separated by a shallow groove.
The shallow marginal grooves are extensions of the midline fissure and together they form the dissectional groove, which is a common feature of all mandibular and maxillary posterior teeth;
Where the dissectional and axial grooves meet the tooth outline the angles should be rounded.
When rendering the drawing to demonstrate its 3D anatomy start by darkening the three most important coronal features: the outline form, the cusps, the fissure pattern (midline fissure/lateral fissures/marginal fissures and the axial grooves);
The buccal (functional) cusps should appear more rounded than the lingual cusps;
The outline form, cusp ridges and triangular fossae (inside the marginal ridges) may then be shaded to complete the drawing.
Mandibular first permanent molars
The mandibular first permanent molars usually erupt between the ages of 6–7 years and are completely calcified by 9–10 years with two roots. They are the sixth tooth from the mandibular midline and are therefore commonly referred to as lower (right/left) 6 and abbreviated to LR6/LL6 or 46/36 (FDI).
Drawing the coronal anatomy of a mandibular first permanent molar
Lower first molars are usually the largest mandibular teeth with average occlusal coronal dimensions of 11 mm (mesiodistal) × 10.5 mm (buccolingual). Like the second permanent molars they are generally oblong in shape, but are more rectangular and have five cusps rather than four. The following guidelines may be used to draw a LR6 (Figure 6).
Figure 6. Step-by-step tooth drawing exercise: mandibular first permanent molar.
The lower first molars have three occlusal fossae positioned mesially, distally and centrally;
The central fossa anatomy varies and often consists of 1–3 pits;
90% of lower first molars share the unique Dryopithecus morphology;6,7
Dryopithecus morphology is defined as a five-cusped tooth with bases of disto- and mesio-lingual and centro-buccal cusps meeting at the central fossa;8
In common with all lower molars and premolars, the midline fissure is positioned slightly lingually and the curved buccal cusps predominate;
The lingual lateral fissure and the more mesially placed of the buccal lateral fissures are parallel but are slightly offset, unlike the cruciform fissure pattern of lower second molars.
Each of the five molar cusps has an oblique cusp ridge extending from the cusp tip towards the centre of the tooth at approximately 45 degrees to the midline;
Average cusp sizes decrease in the following order: mesio-lingual, disto-lingual, mesio-buccal, centro-buccal, disto-buccal.
Render the drawing to emphasize the most important occlusal anatomical features.
Maxillary first and second permanent molars
Maxillary first and second molars usually erupt between the ages of 6–7 and 12–13 years, respectively, and are completely calcified by ages 9–10 and 15–16 years, both with three roots. They are the sixth and seventh teeth from the maxillary midline and are therefore commonly referred to as upper (right/left) 6/7 and abbreviated to UR6/7 and UL6/7 or 16/17 and 26/27 (FDI).
Drawing the coronal anatomy of maxillary first and second permanent molars
Upper first and second molars are usually the largest and second largest maxillary teeth with average occlusal coronal dimensions of 10 (mesio-distal) × 11 (bucco-palatal) squares and 9 (mesio-distal) × 11 (bucco-palatal) squares, respectively. Upper first and second molars have very similar anatomy and are therefore considered here together. The following guidelines may be used to draw UR6 and then UR7 (Figure 7).
Figure 7.
(a–h) Maxillary first permanent molar UR6. (i–l) Maxillary second permanent molar UR7.
Both upper and lower molar cusp ridges are known as oblique ridges as they are angled at approximately 45 degrees to the tooth midline and are orientated towards the centre of the tooth;
The relative cusp sizes of upper molars are distinctive features;
Upper molars have two buccal cusps of similar size;
They have one large mesio-palatal cusp and one small disto-palatal cusp (known as the Hypoconus)
The midline fissure commonly extends across the distal marginal ridge as a well-defined dissectional groove, but the mesial version is sometimes absent.
Upper first, second and third molars diminish in size on moving distally and tend to become more triangular in shape due mainly to decrease in Hypoconus size
Render the drawings using the same techniques as described for the lower molar drawings;
Upper first molars may be distinguished by a prominent oblique ridge joining mesio-palatal and disto-buccal cusps. It is known as the Crista obliqua
Maxillary permanent premolars
The maxillary first and second premolars usually erupt between the ages of 10–11 and 10–12 years, respectively. Upper first premolars are completely calcified by 13–14 years and usually have two roots (which may be fused). Upper second premolars are calcified by 13–15 years and usually have one root. They are the fourth and fifth teeth from the maxillary midline and are therefore commonly referred to as upper (right/left) 4/5 and abbreviated to UR4/5 and UL4/5 or 14/15 and 24/25 (FDI).
Drawing the coronal anatomy of maxillary first and second permanent premolars
Upper first and second premolars are usually very similar in size and shape and may both be drawn inside boxes with dimensions of 7 (mesio-distal) × 9 (bucco-palatal) squares. As upper first and second premolars have very similar anatomy they are considered together here.
Upper premolars are commonly extracted to make space for orthodontic tooth movement and when visually assessing new patients it can be challenging to determine which premolar remains. Use the following guidelines to draw UR5 and then UR4 and learn the subtle variations in their occlusal coronal anatomy (Figure 8).
Figure 8.
(a–h) Upper right second permanent premolar UR5. (i–l) Upper right first permanent premolar UR4.
Unlike the oblique cusp ridges of molars the cusp ridges of upper premolars are approximately perpendicular to the tooth midline and are known as transverse ridges.
Render the triangular marginal fossae inside the mesial and distal marginal ridges.
Figures 8g and 8k: Dissectional grooves and secondary fissures
On upper second premolars the dissectional grooves crossing the marginal ridges are often poorly defined or absent;
A characteristic feature of upper first premolars is that the midline fissure often interrupts the mesial marginal ridge as a dissectional groove, which tends to be orientated palatally;
The mesial dissectional groove may extend onto the mesial proximal surface as a concavity. This unique anatomical feature is known as the canine groove (or fossa);
Premolars often have secondary ridges formed between the transverse ridges and the triangular marginal fossae;
Draw four secondary cusp ridges between the transverse ridges and the triangular fossae.
Render the upper premolar drawings to demonstrate the subtle variations between upper first and second premolar anatomy.
Mandibular permanent premolars
Mandibular first and second premolars usually erupt between the ages of 10–12 and 11–12 years and are completely calcified by 13–15 and 14–15 years, respectively, with one root each. They are the fourth and fifth teeth from the mandibular midline and are therefore commonly referred to as lower (right/left) 4/5 and abbreviated to LR4/5 and LL4/5 and 44/45 & 34/35 (FDI).
Drawing the coronal anatomy of mandibular first and second permanent premolars
Unlike the upper premolars, which are similar, the lower first and second premolars have distinct anatomical differences. The average lower second premolar may be drawn inside a box with dimensions of 7 (mesiodistal) × 8 (buccolingual) squares and the lower first premolar 7 (mesio-distal) × 7.5 (bucco-lingual) squares. The following guidelines may be used to draw LR5 and then LR4 (Figure 9).
Figure 9.
(a–h) Lower right second permanent premolar LR5. (i–l) Lower right first permanent premolar LR4.
Lower second premolars are larger than lower first premolars;
Lower second premolars have a squarer occlusal outline than all the other premolars;
The general occlusal outline of lower first premolars is circular;
Lower premolars all have marked buccal curvatures to accommodate the occluding upper premolars;
Unlike the more symmetrical upper premolars, the lower first and second lower premolars have much smaller lingual cusps compared to their buccal cusps, which make up the bulk of their crowns.
Lower first premolars have two cusps, compared to lower second premolars, which commonly have three;
Lower second premolars have variable cusp morphology. They may have two or three cusps;
The three-cusped version is most common and comprises one buccal cusp and two lingual cusps. The mesiolingual cusp tip is usually larger than the distolingual
In the two-cusped version the lingual cusp is often mesially placed;
Lower second premolars have a more rounded and shorter buccal cusp than lower first premolars.
The occlusal surface of lower first premolars has two fossae (mesial and distal). The distal fossa is usually larger;
Three-cusped lower second premolars have three fossae (mesial, central and distal);
The fissure pattern of lower premolars is lingually placed and the midline fissure often curves around the lingual aspect of the buccal cusp;
Three-cusped lower second premolars are said to have a Y-form fissure pattern compared to the H-form fissure pattern that is common to all the other premolars.
In lower first premolars the buccal cusp tip is close to the middle of the tooth and the occlusal surface slopes lingually at approximately 45 degrees to a diminutive lingual cusp, which may not occlude with the upper teeth.
On lower first premolars the fossae and transverse ridges are the dominant occlusal features. Fissures may be poorly developed or even absent;
The (Y-form) lower second premolar is the only posterior tooth to have cusp features common to both a premolar and a molar. The buccal aspect, in common with the other premolars, has a single transverse cusp ridge but the lingual aspect resembles a molar with two oblique cusp ridges.
The marginal ridges are divided by dissectional grooves. On lower first premolars the mesial marginal ridge often has a well-defined dissectional groove which tends to be orientated lingually.
Complete the lower premolar drawings by rendering the outline form, cusp ridges and the fissure pattern.
The tooth drawing exercises described in this paper and its sequel attempt to overcome some of the challenges in teaching and learning tooth anatomy and guide the accurate, predictable, enjoyable restoration of patients with damaged teeth.