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The versatility of flowable composites. Part 2: clinical uses Matheel AL-Rawas Yanti Johari Nazrul M Yusoff Dasmawati Mohamad Adam Husein Dental Update 2025 49:8, 633-636.
BDS, MResDent (Prosthodontics), FRACDS
Specialist and Clinical Lecturer, Prosthodontic Unit, School of Dental Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia; Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia
BDSc, Grad DipClinDent, DClinDent, FRACDS, Senior Lecturer, Prosthodontics Unit, School of Dental Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kelantan, Malaysia.
Flowable composite (FC) is a type of tooth-coloured restorative material with a lower viscosity compared to other types of resin composites. FC is considered as a versatile dental material, with a wide range of application. FCs have progressively gained importance in clinical dentistry. The increase in consumer demand has resulted in a gradual upsurge of dental professionals relying on composites in injectable form. Scientific and technological improvements in their properties and handling characteristics have not only seen FCs grow in popularity, but resulted in the development of different generations and types of dental FCs suitable for use in all cavity types, lining, core build-ups, and most recently, bulk-fill flowable composites.
CPD/Clinical Relevance: To provide clinicians with an overview of the indications and clinical applications of the conventional FCs.
Most of the resin composites used today are of a putty-like consistency, which suits the needs of different dental applications. Nevertheless, as demand from clinicians has increased, the search has begun for a material that can offer easy handling and better adaptation into minimal and deep cavity preparations with difficult access. This led to the launch of flowable composite at the end of 1996.1 Low viscosity and better wettability allow the material to flow into every corner and surface without voids or gaps, in contrast to that of putty-like composites. Flowable composites may reduce chairside time and improve the quality of the restoration.2
While most clinical studies have reported that flowable composites (FCs) have better clinical performance in comparison to other sealants,3 some have also added that they have better retention rates as well.4 The mechanical properties of multiple commercial FCs were measured and compared to four conventional sealants. They found that commercial FCs yielded superior results in the tested parameters in comparison to conventional sealant materials.5
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