The Role of Extended Duties Dental Nurses in Applying Fluoride Varnish for the Prevention and Control of Dental Caries

From Volume 37, Issue 8, October 2010 | Pages 549-554


Colwyn M Jones

Consultant in Dental Public Health, NHS Health Scotland, Thistle House, 91 Haymarket Terrace, Edinburgh EH12 5HE

Articles by Colwyn M Jones

Alan Walker

Director of Postgraduate General Dental Practice Education, NHS Education for Scotland, One Clifton Place, Glasgow G3 7LD, Scotland

Articles by Alan Walker


The role of extended duties dental nurses (EDDNs) in undertaking preventive dental care has provided an opportunity for their direct involvement in patient care, both at an individual patient level and as part of a population wide health improvement initiative. The article describes the developing role of the dental nurse in the clinical application of fluoride varnish, with associated evidence of effectiveness for the prevention and control of dental caries. The use of fluoride varnish as being central to caries preventive programmes for individual patients judged at risk of future dental caries is considered. A Scottish dental public health initiative which utilizes these extended skills and the benefits of fluoride varnish application is described.
