On the 9th April 1968 a new society was inaugurated for restorative dentistry. Dentists from private practice, hospitals and the schools attended and, after considerable discussion, the name ‘British Society for Restorative Dentistry’ was settled upon. The scope of the society was best described by the British term Conservative Dentistry but it was hoped to establish areas of common interest with adjacent subjects which are of direct importance to the retention of the natural dentition and its partial replacement by bridgework of various types.
The meeting elected the following officers: President H M Pickard; Vice Presidents Prof D Shovelton and A R Thompson; Hon Secretary Mr H Allred; Hon Assistant Sec Mr A G Alexander; Hon Treasurer Mr A H Rowe; Hon Editor Mr C E Renson; Members of Council Messrs D N Allan, N P Butler, H E Heighway, J W McLean and M S D Seymour. The council planned to submit to an autumn meeting a draft constitution, plans for various activities and plans for the immediate future.
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