In 2019, a Parliamentary select committee inquiry was established to examine the state of UK dentistry.
It set out a series of questions and asked for written submissions to be made in point form. This was a personal submission giving my responses to those questions.
Once the December 2019 general election was called all the select committees were dis-established.
It is uncertain if that select committee will re-convene or, if so, when that might happen and when, if ever, it will report.
NHS dentistry faces a range of existential challenges – a recruitment and retention crisis and a failed contract which is devastating morale in the profession.
These soft fizzy drinks are now heavily promoted as being ‘calorie free and sugar free’ and they account for about half of fizzy drinks sales and profits. However, far from them being beneficial, they damage the teeth badly by dissolving them in the erosive acids so that large amounts of sound teeth disappear, rather than rotting them with the frequent sugar contact along with the acids therein.
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