Ode to amalgam

From Volume 46, Issue 11, December 2019 | Page 1082


Peter Sands


Didcot, Oxfordshire

Articles by Peter Sands

Fiona Sands

St Helens Dental Practice, Abingdon

Articles by Fiona Sands


During a dental examination in March earlier this year I noted a large amalgam filling I placed in a lower molar tooth some 24 years ago (Figure 1) and wondered what some of the large composite restorations I am placing now will look like in another 24 years. Sadly, unless I am still working when I am 83 years-old, I won’t be around to find out.

Figure 1. Large amalgam filling in lower molar tooth.

With Minimata and the reduction in the use of amalgam I thought I would like to pay my respects to what was, in my humble opinion, a very successful, and relatively cheap, dental material. This prompted me to pen a little ditty, which I hope makes your readers chuckle.

G V Black would turn in his grave to discover amalgam is being waved goodbye. We are turning our backs on his classic design In favour of composite, white and sublime No more undercuts, slots'n’grooves, Pluggers and packers all old news Burnishers and finishing all old hat. What would GV Black think of that? Instead of Eames, and an alloy that gleams, A resin that's white and sparkles bright Where conversion rates and particle size Will determine the dazzle hitting our eyes. White is the future or so we are told Pack it in bulk and hope it holds? No mercury, nor silver or poisonous things Let's not worry about the benzene rings? C factors and stress are now the issue, Come now please pass me a tissue. The patients all love it, apart from the cost, The departments coffers are now at a loss Or is it the dentists that take the hit When material costs dampen our wit? Twas ever thus in a broken system Where quantity prevails as the given wisdom. But time will tell if fillings last longer Or the beautiful fillings are very much stronger. Hopes remain high, bonding's the future 10 MDP, monomers and esters, But if we are wrong we’ll be the jesters. If all fails, and everyone wails There's always perio!