Professor Damien Walmsley Department of Restorative Dentistry, University of Birmingham School of Dentistry

From Volume 28, Issue 10, December 2001 | Page 508


Damien Walmsley

Department of Restorative Dentistry, University of Birmingham School of Dentistry

Articles by Damien Walmsley


Professor Walmsley qualified from the University of Manchester in 1981 and, after house jobs at Guy's and St Bartholomew's Hospital, went back to Manchester to take up a MRC studentship on the Biological Effects of Dental Ultrasound. He joined the University of Birmingham as a lecturer in 1985, and this was followed by promotion to Senior lecturer (1991) and consultant in Restorative Dentistry (1993) and Professor of Restorative Dentistry (2000). Ultrasonics in Dentistry is a major research interest and this has been recognized by both the EPSRC funding council and commercial companies working in this area. Professor Walmsley is leader of the technology transfer in Dentistry Network, funded by the EPSRC; the Web is used to promote communication between members. His publications are a major contribution to this field. He is also interested in the use of magnets in dentistry.


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