Dento-Alveolar and Facial Injury caused by Air Gun Pellets

From Volume 37, Issue 5, June 2010 | Pages 323-325


Laura Colgan

BDS, MFDS(Glasg)

Oral and Maxillofacial Senior House Officer

Articles by Laura Colgan

Diane Shannon

BSc, BDS, MFDS(Edin)

Oral and Maxillofacial Senior House Officer, Monklands Hospital, Aidrie, Scotland

Articles by Diane Shannon


Recent changes in the law concerning air gun ownership have made air guns a topical subject and many have called for even tighter restrictions. A case of accidental injury during play with an air rifle is described. It highlights the dental and soft tissue damage that can arise from an injury from such a ‘toy’ and outlines its subsequent management.
