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A new generation of antiplatelet and anticoagulant medication and the implications for the dental surgeon

From Volume 42, Issue 9, November 2015 | Pages 840-854


Steven Johnston


Dental Officer, NHS Orkney

Articles by Steven Johnston


The management of dental patients taking either antiplatelet medication, anticoagulant medication or both has been well established in the previous literature. Recently, new generations of drugs have emerged which are becoming increasingly common, including direct thrombin inhibitors, factor X inhibitors and a new class of oral thienopyridines. The implications of these drugs for the dental surgeon are not yet fully known. Awareness remains low and there is very little information available within the literature on safe use during surgery. This review paper aims to provide some guidance for dental practitioners performing invasive procedures.

CPD/Clinical Relevance: A new generation of anticoagulant and antiplatelet drugs have serious implications for patients undergoing surgery and their use is increasing.


Invasive procedures in dentistry generally consist of relatively minor, non life-threatening surgery. One complication which leads to intra- and post-operative disturbance to patient care is haemorrhage. A patient's ability to achieve haemostasis can be disrupted by a wide variety of congenital or acquired disorders of blood vessels, platelet function and/or number and the coagulation system. This review will focus on the management of antiplatelet and anticoagulant drug-induced increased risk of bleeding intra- and post-operatively, briefly looking at the more commonly used drugs at present, followed by a more detailed outline of the new generation of drugs which have emerged in the last decade, exploring the implications of each for dental surgery.

The components of coagulation are present within the circulating blood and, in health, remain in an inactivated state until injury is incurred. When the endothelium of a blood vessel is breached, vasoconstriction (the vascular component of haemostasis) ensues in order to reduce blood loss and assist in platelet adhesion. This adhesion is reliant upon von Willebrand factor within the subendothelium and leads to platelet activation and changes in cell morphology. Platelet agonists, such as adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and thromboxane A2 are then released. Fibrinogen binds to receptors on the platelet membrane, cross-linking the platelets in a process called platelet aggregation, forming the primary platelet plug and thus completing primary haemostasis.1 Three common antiplatelet drugs used in the prevention of thrombo-embolic disease act by reducing platelet aggregation via different mechanisms of action:

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