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Pain part 1: introduction to pain Tara Renton Dental Update 2025 42:2, 707-709.
Professor of Oral Surgery, King's College London; Honorary Consultant in Oral Surgery, King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London
This series of papers aims to provide the dental and medical teams with an update in pain, both acute and chronic orofacial conditions, relevant to dentistry and medicine. Pain is the most common symptom for patients presenting to their dentist, and is increasingly commonly presenting to doctors as well, in general practice and A & E departments. Most of the dental team take for granted their knowledge and ability to manage acute dental pain. However, the education and preparation in managing patients with chronic pain conditions remains poor in many medical and dental schools. Conversely, medics are better educated and exposed to chronic pain during their undergraduate education, however, with regards to orofacial pain education, exposure is diminishing due to decreased exposure to dentistry, ENT, otolaryngology, OMFS and oral surgery. Thus many clinical teams remain disadvantaged when diagnosing and managing orofacial pain.
Clinical Relevance: Significant advances that have been made in understanding the pain mechanisms are not to be overlooked and have a huge impact on how we manage patients in pain.
The Greek goddess of revenge, ‘Poine’, was sent to punish the mortal fools who had angered the gods. This gave us our word pain. Many ancient cultures believed pain and disease were punishment for human folly, resulting in many ‘pain-inducing rituals in ancient cultures’. Most people dealt with pain using some derivative of opium (first reported c5000 BCE). Opium is a Middle English word (c1100–c1500 AD) of Greek origin that passed through Latin into English. Opium is a diminutive of the ancient Greek opos, or milky juice of plants. Few reports of attempts were made to understand the mechanisms of pain. Galen (129–216) was the first to describe a network of nerves leading to the brain. Later, Mairnonides (1138–1204), a Spanish philosopher residing in Egypt, reported that ‘Galen's art heals only the body but Abou Amran's (Mairnonides) heals the body and soul’. Later, Descartes (1596–1650) was the first to state that pain was experienced in the brain, rather than in the heart, as the accepted Aristotelian doctrine. Patrick Wall and Ron Melzack's 1965 gate theory of pain1 was a breakthrough, based on our better understanding of pain pathways in man.
Over the past 50 years, our understanding of the mechanical pain pathways in man has significantly increased. We now understand that specific and general receptors and transmitters at the primary, secondary and tertiary sensory neuron interface play a role in regulating pain. However, the mechanisms leading to the development of chronic pain remains elusive and is currently the focus of many researchers.
The trigeminal sensory region is very complex, incorporating the cranium, ears, eyes, sinuses, nose, pharynx, infra-temporal fossa, jaw joint, teeth, jaws, salivary glands, oral mucosa and skin. As many medical students are rarely exposed to ear, nose, and throat (ENT), otolaryngology, and dentistry, this region remains an enigma to most, with their singular experience of trigeminal pain being based on trigeminal neuralgia in relation to neurosurgical procedures.
The issues specific to trigeminal pain include the problematic impact on daily function. By nature of the geography of the pain (affecting the face, eyes, scalp, nose, mouth), it may interfere with just about every social function we take for granted. The trigeminal nerve is the largest sensory nerve in the body, representing over 50% of the sensory cortex. It is no wonder that pain within the trigeminal system in the face is often inescapable.
Dentistry is also inextricably linked with pain. St Apollonia, the dental patron saint, was tortured and had her teeth knocked out as she refused to rescind her Christianity. Any dentist meeting a new acquaintance will be familiar with that look of fear and apprehension on some people's faces when you reveal your profession! This link is reinforced throughout history in art and literature. Many quotes about toothache reaffirm the unpleasantness of dental pain:
Toothache ‘can be counted among the greatest of torments’ (Celsus, 25 BCE);
‘For there was never yet philosopher that could endure the toothache patiently’ (Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing, Act VI).
It is the author's opinion that dentists are the unsung heroes of managing acute pain but have, in general, a poor understanding of chronic pain, which can result in unnecessary surgery and occasionally harm to their patients.
So what is pain?
Pain is defined as ‘an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage or described in terms of such damage’.2 This is an over-simplification of the complex, entirely subjective, sensation with physical and psychological effects. The pain mechanism involves:
Nociception (the transmission of the painful stimulus to the sensory cortex);
Sensation (arrival of the stimulus at the sensory cortex and recognition of pain);
Pain behaviour and suffering (the results of engagement of the affective system).
The initial sensation (nociception = sensation of pain) is adjunctive to the affective reaction to pain (anxiety, stress, fear) and these cannot be separated from each other, which then leads to behaviour as a result of the pain ‘experience’.
Pain experience is dependent upon age, gender, ethnicity, culture, personality, stress, depression and anxiety. Various settings can affect your pain levels, including whether you are stressed, anxious or tired and whether you trust in your clinician. It is known that soldiers in military zones have higher pain thresholds in combat than off duty; and rugby players continue to score tries even having just sustained a fracture during a tackle!
Pain can be caused by organic and psychological causes. Herta Flor's pain psychology group in Mannheim have eloquently shown, with MRI studies in man,3 that a significant vascular activity in reaction to pain is initiated due to the affective components of pain rather than the physical nociceptive process or actual tissue damage. This is demonstrated by evaluating and comparing the brain activity of a subject's brain whilst experiencing pain elicited by a heat thermode on his/her hand, compared with the brain activity observed when he/she watches a partner undergoing the same experiment. Nearly 60% of the pain-elicited brain active areas were activated when the subject was empathizing rather than directly experiencing pain. This highlights the known role of the affective and emotional components of pain, with 60–80% of brain activity related to the emotional and affective components of pain. This dwarfs the areas directly activated during eliciting physical pain (action potential in peripheral pain nerve–nociceptors – a process referred to as nociception) and sensation (recognition of a painful stimulus when the stimulus is ‘recognized’ by the somatosensory cortex). The dominant aspect of the affective and emotive components of pain, causing the actual behaviour and suffering as a result of the pain experience, provide the most challenging aspect of management of pain conditions.
Over recent times, there have been significant developments in understanding the pain mechanism, the implications of which are spread over many different fields, including: neuro-imaging, psychometrics, neuro-immunity, neurophysiology and pain genetics.4 This in part may explain the difficulty in reaching and or maintaining a consensus for the taxonomy of pain itself. Woolf (2010)5 eloquently highlights this by posing the question ‘What is this thing we call pain?’ Woolf classifies pain into three groups:
Nociceptive (detects noxious stimuli);
Inflammatory (adaptive and protective); and
Pathological (neuropathic with a lesion present or dysfunctional with no identifiable cause) (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Types of pain and relating pain conditions to pain types (adapted from Woolf 2008).5
In this paper, it is emphasized that the processes driving these pain types are different and that treatments should be specific and preferably directed at the distinct mechanisms responsible.6 Within the orofacial region there has been significant progress in advancing the understanding of musculoskeletal pain and neuropathic pain related to the orofacial region (Figure 1).7,8,9,10,11
We now understand that specific pain circuits exist, including general receptors and transmitters at the primary, secondary and tertiary sensory neuron interface play a role in pain (Figure 2).
Figure 2.
(a) Shown are the major neural pathways involved in nociception. We understand that the key primary sensory nerves transmitting painful stimuli are A delta (cold and pain) and C fibres (warm and pain). They synapse with the secondary order sensory neurons, a specific region of the spinal cord (lamina I of the distal root ganglion, DRG). These secondary order neurons convey pain to the contra-lateral tertiary sensory neurons in the sensory cortex. Other specific areas of the brain play a role in pain although their roles are not yet fully understood (thalamus, anterior cingulate cortex, insula and brainstem). Nociceptive input is transmitted from the periphery to the dorsal horn via A delta and C fibres (for somatic pain) or via afferent sympathetic pathways (for visceral pain). It is then modulated by control systems in the dorsal horn and sent via the spinothalamic tracts and spinoreticular systems to the hypothalamus, to the brainstem and reticular formation, and eventually to the cerebral cortex. Ascending transmission of nociceptive input is also modulated by descending inhibitory pathways originating in the brain and terminating in the dorsal horn. (b) Different types of primary afferent sensory neuron are involved in transmitting noxious (C and A fibres) and non-noxious (A and A fibres) stimuli. C and A fibres (yellow) terminate in the superficial aspects of the dorsal horn of the spinal cord, whereas A and A fibres (green) terminate in the deep aspect of the dorsal horn of the spinal cord and in the dorsal column nuclei. Sensory neurons synapse onto second-order neurons in the spinal cord or dorsal column nuclei, and these second-order neurons ascend to higher centres of the brain such as the thalamus. The thalamus, in turn, projects to cortical areas in the brain, such as the somatosensory, anterior cingulate and insular cortices that are required for the conscious perception of pain. In addition to perceiving pain, higher pathways can modulate the transmission and perception of pain. Cortical areas such as the amygdala, hypothalamus and anterior cingulate cortex are involved in modulating the experience of pain. Neurons in these regions of the brain project to regions in the hindbrain such as the periaqueductal grey which, in turn, projects to the rostral ventromedial medulla in the brainstem. Rostral ventromedial medulla neurons are known to project to and modulate neurons in the dorsal spinal cord and, through this process, neurons from higher regions of the brain can inhibit or facilitate the transmission of pain information through the spine. (c) A top–down pathway that can be activated by both exteroceptive stimuli and certain motivational states. Limbic forebrain areas, including the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), other frontal cortical areas, the hypothalamus (H) and central nucleus of the amygdala project to the midbrain periaqueductal grey (PAG), which can be thought of as a main output pathway of the limbic system. The PAG, in turn, indirectly controls pain transmission in the dorsal horn through the rostral ventromedial medulla (RVM). This pathway can exert both inhibitory (green) and facilitatory (red) control. A separate control channel through serotonergic neurons in the RVM (yellow) can also modulate pain in a state-dependent manner. T, thalamus. (With permission from Nature Reviews Neuroscience).Figure 2.
(d) Illustration demonstrating the areas of the brain related to pain (sometimes referred to as ‘The pain matrix’). (e) Noxious stimuli can sensitize the nervous system response to subsequent stimuli. The normal pain response as a function of stimulus intensity is depicted by the curve to the right, where even strong stimuli are not experienced as pain. However, a traumatic injury can shift the curve to the left. Then, noxious stimuli become painful (hyperalgesia) and typically painless stimuli are experienced as pain (allodynia).15
We understand that the key primary sensory nerves transmitting painful stimuli are A delta (cold and pain) and C fibres (warm and pain). They synapse with the secondary order sensory neurons, a specific region of the spinal cord (lamina I of the distal root ganglion, DRG). These secondary order neurons convey pain to the contra-lateral tertiary sensory neurons in the sensory cortex. Other specific areas of the brain play a role in pain, although their roles are not yet fully understood (thalamus, anterior cingulate cortex, insula and brainstem). However, our comprehension of the mechanisms behind the complex peripheral and central nervous system interaction has only just begun. Translational research methods, including functional MRI, biomolecular and genetic assays, are rapidly improving our ability to research these mechanisms in man. Psychometric studies (social, illness behaviour, psychological distress, beliefs and attitudes, personality traits, drug abuse) will enhance our understanding of the affective components of pain (Figure 2).
Types of orofacial pain
Acute pain
‘Healthy pain’ is due to inflammation related to infection/autoimmune/trauma and stimuli (thermal/mechanical/chemical). Mechanisms and management of acute pain are covered in Part 2 of this series excluding LA. Dental acute pain includes:
Management of intra-operative pain with local anaesthesia, with or without adjunctive sedation (for anxiolysis), and general anaesthesia for prolonged or extensive surgical procedures. Management of anxiolysis, non-medical (behavioural) and medical (sedation) are not covered in this series.
Management of post-surgical pain.
Patient presenting with pain as a symptom. The pain may be chronic (lasting over 3 months) or acute (lasting under 3 months), usually a symptom of ongoing pathology.
Chronic pain
The American Medical Institute reported in 201112 that ‘chronic’ pain costs the nation up to $635 billion each year in medical treatment and lost productivity. The 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act required the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to enlist the IOM in examining pain as a public health problem. Unhealthy/neuropathic pain lasting >3 months is now recognized as a disease of the neuromatrix. Chronic pain is incredibly common in western society, with 33% of the UK population suffering mainly from joint, back pain and/or headaches.
Chronic orofacial pain syndromes represent a diagnostic challenge for any practitioner. Patients are frequently misdiagnosed or attribute their pain to a prior event, such as a dental procedure, ENT problem or facial trauma. Psychiatric symptoms of depression and anxiety are prevalent in this population and compound the diagnostic conundrum. Treatment is less effective than in other pain syndromes, thus often requires a multidisciplinary approach to address the many facets of this pain syndrome.13
Why does acute pain become chronic pain?
There are several hypotheses of how healthy acute inflammatory pain may ‘evolve’ into unhealthy chronic pain. Persistent acute stimuli, for example multiple surgeries or recurrent infections, may increase the likelihood of developing chronic pain. Increased sensitivity of CNS to peripheral stimulus is another demonstrated result caused by persistent inflammatory pain.14 Neuroplasticity relating to the interaction between PNS and CNS results in permanent changes in the system and ‘memory of pain’, caused by prior pain experiences, resulting in changes in the somatosensory cortex changes. Then, of course, there is increasing evidence for a genetic predisposition.5
Stages of the pain experience
The pain process involves four key stages:
Behaviour; and
1. Nociception
Nociception involves:
Tissue damage neuropeptide release;
Chemical and electrical events (conduction);
Activation of the sensory cortex.
Pain signal conduction
Painful stimuli (thermal, mechanical, inflammatory due to infection, radiation, chemical) are sensed by specific thinly myelinated A delta and non-myelinated (slow) C nerve fibres with distinct tactile and proprioceptive receptors. Extreme noxious stimuli are converted to electrical activity by transient receptor potential generating channels (TRP channels) and purinergic channels. This electrical activity is amplified by sodium channels to initiate an action potential in primary sensory neurons. These primary neurons in turn synapse, via glutamate transmitters, with secondary order neurons near the spinal cord in the distal root ganglion (DRG). The second order neurons lie predominantly in the superficial laminae (I and II) in the spinal dorsal horn (Figure 2 a–d).
Dedicated tracts convey specific pain fibres. The lateral spinothalamic tract projects multimodal sensory inputs from spinal wide dynamic range neurons to the lateral thalamus implicated in processing sensory and discriminative aspects of pain. The medial aspect of the spinothalamic tract and the spinoparabrachial tract project to the medial thalamus and limbic system, implicated in the emotional and aversive aspects of pain. Cerebral synapses contain one of the following neurotransmitters: norepinephrine, acetylcholine, or serotonin.
The experience of pain is perceived in the sensory cortex. In addition, there are descending and ascending pathways that may inhibit or facilitate pain (Figure 3a, b). The ‘descending anti-nociceptive tract’ exerts an inhibitory effect on the transmission of the pain signal through its influence within the dorsal root of the spinal cord (Figure 3).
Figure 3. Pain modulation. (a) Downward facilitation/inhibition pathways.Figure 3. Pain modulation. (b) Neurotransmitters involved in pain modulation.Figure 3. Pain modulation. (c) The brain regions related to pain modulation. Non affective areas (purple) and areas related to the affective components of areas correspond to the cognitive modulations of pain related to activation of prefrontal brain areas (Green – Cortex dorso lateral: prefrontal cortex (PFC); ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (PFC) and anterior cingulate cortex (ACC)). The areas modulate activation in pain associated regions (blue) in the (ACC, S1, S2/insula and thalamus). This process facilitates or inhibits pain processing at the level of the spinal cord and DRG. (With permission from Nature Reviews Neuroscience).Figure 3. Pain modulation. (d) Sensory cortex representation of the body (humunculus). (From Howard MA, et al, PloS One 2011).19
The peripheral nervous system (PNS) involves specific receptors (nociceptors), transmitters, modulators and specific pain nerves C and A delta fibres, causing elicited activity in health (Figure 4) and resulting in:
Figure 4. Neuroinflammation is a proinflammatory cytokine-mediated process that can be provoked by systemic tissue injury but it is most often associated with direct injury to the nervous system. The cellular and neuroinflammatory events occur both in the CNS higher centres centrally (green) and spinal column (blue). Within the PNS (pink) the majority of the response is neuronal. Chemokine-induced recruitment of peripheral immune cells is a central feature in inflammatory neurodegenerative disorders. Immune cells, glial cells and neurons constitute an integral network that coordinates the immune response by releasing inflammatory mediators that in turn modulate inflammation, neurodegeneration and the signal transduction of pain, via interaction with neurotransmitters and their receptors. The chemokine monocyte chemoattractant protein-1/chemokine (C-C motif) ligand (MCP-1/CCL2) and its receptor C-C chemokine receptor (CCR2) play a major role in mediating neuroinflammation and targeting CCL2/CCR2 represents a promising strategy to limit neuroinflammation-induced neuropathy. In addition, the CCL2/CCR2 axis is also involved in mediating the pain response. Key cellular signalling events, such as phosphorylation and subsequent activation of mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) p38 and its substrate MAPK-activated protein MAPKAP Kinase (MK) MK-2, regulate neuroinflammation, neuronal survival and synaptic activity. Neural-immune interactions activate immune cells, glial cells and neurons activate the painful inflammatory response. If persistent or the patient is genotypically or phenotypically predisposed, the response can lead to the debilitating pain state known as neuropathic pain. It occurs most commonly with injury to peripheral nerves and involves axonal injury with Wallerian degeneration mediated by haematogenous macrophages. Therapy is problematic and directed at the components seen in this figure, including: anti-cytokine agents, cytokine receptor antibodies, cytokine-signalling inhibitors, and glial and neuron stabilizers.
Receptors activation;
Axons (primary/secondary/tertiary [cortex]);
The central nervous system (CNS) comprises the spinal cord and brain (Figure 2 a–d). The peripheral and central nervous system events do not occur in isolation. There is constant cross-talk and upward and downward interaction, recognition and modulation.
Pain mediation: chemical mediators of pain
Pain mediators, such as bradykinin, cytokines and serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) are specific chemicals that stimulate nociceptors, and are released at the site of tissue damage.16,17 Most mediators of pain act on intracellular calcium, leading to activation of calcium dependent kinases, for example Cyclo-oxygenase-2 (COX-2) and Nitric oxide synthase (NOS). Prostaglandins are the product of COX-2 activation facilitating neurotransmitter release from primary neurons at the spinal dorsal horn. The combination of mediators and prostaglandins at the site of tissue trauma is sometimes referred to as ‘inflammatory soup’ (Figure 5). These chemical mediators are an extremely important component of the pain experience, as they constitute the initiation of the pain cascade. As such, its inhibition or suppression could have a significant effect on limiting the pain experience (Figure 5).18
Figure 5. Inflammatory agents regulate receptor through direct and indirect mechanisms. Inflammatory ‘soup’ resulting from tissue damage causing elicitation of action potential in local nociceptor neurons. Pain mediators such as bradykinin, cytokines and serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) are specific chemicals that stimulate nociceptors, and are released at the site of tissue damage. These nerve endings are further sensitized by prostaglandins, which can contribute to the pain experience considerably. The combination of mediators and prostaglandins at the site of tissue trauma is sometimes referred to as ‘inflammatory soup’. These chemical mediators are an extremely important component of the pain experience, as they constitute the initiation of the pain cascade. As such, its inhibition or suppression could have a significant effect on limiting the pain experience. Tissue injury, ischaemia, or cellular stress generates an array of proalgesic and pro-inflammatory agents, collectively referred to as the ‘inflammatory soup.’ This includes extracellular protons (H+), bradykinin (BK), and nerve growth factor (NGF), as well as reactive nitroxidative species (ROS) that convert polyunsaturated fatty acids into reactive carbonyl species, such as 4-hydroxy-trans-2-nonenal (HNE). Some factors, such as HNE and protons, activate transient receptor potential cation channel (TRPA1) or transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) directly, while others, such as BK and NGF, modulate channel gating indirectly by binding to cognate receptors bradykinin receptor (BR) and tyrosine kinase A (TRKA), respectively, to activate cellular signalling cascades, most notably those downstream of phospholipase C (PLC). Protons activate ion sensing channels (TRPV), acid sensing channels (ASIC) and sodium channels (NaV 1.3,1.7 and 1.8). Thus many receptors function as polymodal signal integrators capable of detecting chemically diverse products of cell and tissue injury. In doing so, these channels promote pain hypersensitivity by depolarizing the primary afferent nerve fibre and/or lowering thermal or mechanical activation threshold.
The central nervous system is constructed of the brain and spinal cord and its constant interaction with the peripheral nervous system (PNS) is continual and reciprocal. The complex interactions between the PNS and CNS far exceed the traditional concept of the nervous system functioning like an ‘electrical system’. Any trauma peripherally will result in immediate and ongoing interactions between the PNS and CNS. Should persistent irritation (infection for example) occur peripherally, lasting more than 3 months, permanent changes take place within the sensory cortex as a result. In addition, the majority of local inflammation, arising after skin trauma, is neuroinflammation rather than cellular, illustrating the link between the nervous and the immune systems. A simplified overview of the PNS and CNS is illustrated in Figures 2, 3 and 4.
2. Sensation
Sensation is the sensory cortex notification and recognition of pain (Figure 2).
The recognition of the nociceptive input as a painful sensation occurs within the CNS specifically within the sensory cortices. There are specific pain-related areas for pain including (Figures 2, 3 and 5):
Spinal cord C1-S5
-Distal root ganglion
-Ventral horn = motor
-Dorsal horn = sensory
Specific areas of the brain
-Cranial nerve
-Anterior cingulate cortex
-S1 and S2
-Limbic system–memory
-Basal ganglia–movement
A majority of these pain signals are processed in a forward part of the parietal cortex, known as the somatosensory cortex. This area sits right behind the region of the brain that consciously controls movements. Now the somatosensory cortex actually regulates our experience of all physical sensations (touch, vibrations, etc) and processes most of the conscious signals that we are aware of feeling. However, this area is actually made up of two distinct areas: the primary and secondary somatosensory cortices. Each regulates the processing of different types of sensory information. A recent study uses functional magnetic resonance imaging to ‘view’ an increase in oxygenated blood supply to areas of the brain, in patients experiencing ongoing pain after third molar surgery.19
3. Behaviour
If the sensation is related to a reflex pathway, physical limb withdrawal may occur. Reactions of people to a pinprick when sewing, possibly half expecting this event compared with an inadvertent needlestick injury on a known high risk patient, will be extremely different, with significant contrast between anxiety, emotional, fear and physical reactions. In other conditions, behaviour will depend on many factors including:
4. Suffering
Suffering of the patient will also depend on many factors including:
Carer presence and interaction.
Genetics in pain
Genetics may play a role in all of the above and, in the past five years, knowledge has increased in relation to genetic deficiencies in specific pain receptors and how preponderance of expression of various transmitters will affect the patient's pain experience.20 Humans have 3.16 billion base-pairs of DNA and 23 pairs of chromosomes. The Human Genome Project has sequenced about 2.8 billion base-pairs to date and only 3% of the human genome actually code for proteins (actually doing the work!), with approximately 15% of the non-coding DNA in humans being conserved (presumably of functional importance). The rest of the genome is presumed to be a bit like your attic full of stuff that may be useful one day! But the exact role of this apparently redundant DNA has yet to be revealed. With regard to specific pain-related genes (Table 1),19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27 SCN9A gene polymorphism, resulting in Nav 1.7 sodium channel deficiency, resulting in total lack of pain perception, was identified in six children from three related Pakistani families who feel no physical pain. Although capable of feeling other sensations like warm and cold, they have a lack of pain perception and suffered injuries as follows:
COMT19,20DRD421GCH121CYP2 D623DAT119OPRM19TRPV124IL122IL625TRPA1 – familial episodic pain syndrome. Episodic upper body pain, triggered by fasting, cold and fatigue19SCN9A26 Causes deficiency or malfunction of Nav1.7 (sodium channel 1.7) expression on nerves. Three pain syndromes are associated with SCN9A polymorphisms:
Inherited erythromyalgia attacks of burning pain and redness in extremities;
Channel-opathy insensitivity to pain, inability to sense pain.
All six have had lip injuries;
Two lost one-third of their tongues;
Most suffered fractures or bone infections;
Some have been scalded by boiling liquids or steam;
Others burned from sitting on radiators.
The COMT protein (catechol-O-methyl transferase) is a brain janitor and metabolizes the brain chemicals called dopamine and norepinephrine. Dopamine is often known as the brain's ‘pleasure chemical’, because of its role in transmitting signals related to pleasurable experiences. Differences in expression of this gene determined differences in pain directions experienced by patients.19
Melanocortin 1 receptor deficiency linked to Muopoid receptor deficiency seen in redheads may be related to a 20% increase in pain thresholds. It does appear that redheads have a significantly different pain threshold and require less anaesthetic to block out certain pains.20
A recent review of ‘neurogenetics’ summarizes some of the surprising aspects in highlighting the underlying susceptibility of certain individuals in developing chronic persistent pain.28
Modulation of pain
Once the pain information is in the brain, the processing paradigm is not yet clear. Reflex pathway signals go to the motor cortex, then down through the spinal cord and to the motor nerves causing muscle contractions. Ronald Melzack and Patrick Wall proposed that a gating mechanism exists within the dorsal horn of the spinal cord that downwardly inhibits pain. Small nerve fibres (pain receptors) and large nerve fibres (‘normal’ receptors) synapse on projection cells, which go up the spinothalamic tract to the brain, and inhibitory interneurons within the dorsal horn causing inhibition of the ascending pathways of pain. However, several recent observations have led scientists to think that the brain can influence pain perception.18,29
The pain from the cut on your hand eventually subsides or reduces to a lower intensity. However, if you consciously distract yourself, you don't think about the pain and it bothers you less. People given placebos for pain control often report that the pain ceases or diminishes.
This indicates that pain-influencing neural pathways must exist from the brain downward with an inhibition of sensory input whilst simultaneously facilitating inhibitory neurones (Figure 3).18
The descending pathways originate in the prefrontal cortex (via the thalamus) and the hypothalamus. Thalamic neurons descend to the midbrain to the periaqueductal gray (PAG), where they synapse on ascending pathways in the medulla and spinal cord and inhibit ascending nerve signals. This inhibits pain relay, thus providing pain relief (analgesia). Some of this relief comes from the stimulation of natural pain-relieving opiate neurotransmitters called endorphins, dynorphins and enkephalins.18
Pain signals can set off autonomic nervous system pathways as they pass through the medulla, causing increased heart rate and blood pressure, rapid breathing and sweating. The extent of these reactions depends upon the intensity of pain, and they can be depressed by brain centres in the cortex through various descending pathways. As the ascending pain pathways travel through the spinal cord and medulla, they can also be set off by neuropathic pain – damage to peripheral nerves, spinal cord or the brain itself. However, the extent of the damage may limit the reaction of the brain's descending pathways. The influences of the descending pathways may play a role in neuropathic/psychogenic pain (pain perception with no obvious physical cause). Identified regions of the brain active in pain modulation are illustrated in Figure 3.18 Cognitive factors (eg expectations) impact pain via the prefrontal cortex (PFC) that modulates the activity in pain-related brain regions. The PFC has, for instance, been shown to modulate the activation of the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) but might also target connections between brain regions associated with pain perception. The primary sensory cortex (SI), the secondary somatosensory cortex (SII) and the periaqueductal grey (PAG) activity can all be modulated by PFC, hippocampal and ACC activity which will drive the behavioural and suffering activity by the patient.18
However, more recently, the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) has been identified as the ‘attentional focus’ for pain. Neuro-imaging and electrophysiological studies in humans have shown that somatosensory stimuli, including those causing pain, activate ACC neurons and other related limbic areas.29,30 Recent studies have demonstrated that rostral anterior cingulate cortex responses were higher for the strong placebo effects, thus mirroring the behavioural effects. The activity of the ACC may directly link placebo analgesia to anticipatory activity in the ventral striatum, a region involved in reward processing, reinforcing the rostral ACC activity correlating with increasing analgesic efficacy.31
In another recent study assessing personality traits and placebo effects, molecular imaging showed that subjects scoring with positive trait measures presented greater placebo-induced activation of μ-opioid neurotransmission in the subgenual and dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), orbitofrontal cortex, insula, nucleus accumbens, amygdala and periaqueductal grey (PAG).32 In addition, endogenous opioid release in the dorsal ACC and PAG was positively correlated with placebo-induced reductions in pain ratings (Figure 3).
Another MRI imaging development is the assessment of functional connectivity differences between brain regions, which might identify some of the earliest functional consequences of a disease process. Based on this method, some studies claim that they can predict the patient's placebo response.
Even though the function of the grey matter is unclear, there is increasing evidence that significant changes in grey matter may predispose the patient to the development of chronic pain. However, the jury remains ‘out’ as to whether this is a response to the pain.31
There is also a second pain pathway that regulates our rapid unconscious experiences of pain, the autonomic nervous system. Most of this engages the inappropriately named ‘fight-or-flight’ circuit via the amygdala. Signals are relayed to a few separate areas such as the cingulate (that processes conflict) and the insula (that appears to do everything). It is thought that these areas regulate the emotional salience of pain.18,31
Clinicians must have an understanding of the complexity of the different pain conditions to optimize their patient care.
This section has hopefully highlighted how complex pain is for both patients and clinicians. Pain can be a result of emotional or physical pain and, if prolonged, become a disease itself of the ‘pain matrix’ resulting in neuropathic and dysfunctional pain. The majority of the pain response is due to the emotional and affective components of the pain response, driving behaviour and suffering of the patient. A minute, but significant, part of the pain process is the healthy inflammatory and nociceptive pain which is designed to protect us (the bit we understand). Additional challenges are that the pain ‘system’ involves constant exchange of information (both electrical and chemical) between the peripheral and central nervous system, and a constant ‘moving target’.
The trigeminal nerve, the cranial sensory nerve, provides the primordial sensory system, which is designed to protect our airways, mind, senses of sight, hearing, smell and taste, and our alimentary entrance, all functions that underpin our very existence. Is it any wonder that challenges to this region result in massive fear, anxiety and stress responses, hard wired by our neurophysiological system supporting our survival?
Because of these features, pain must be managed by treating the patient holistically and not just by prescribing drugs that target explicit parts of a known pathway. Empathy and acknowledgement of the patient's problem are probably the most powerful components to successful management of chronic pain patients, reflecting the affective and emotional activity in response to pain.
The future is to tap into our own pain modulation systems. Pain suppression is an inherent skill; think of the rugby player with a broken leg continuing to score a try or a self-immolating Tibetan monk! Sleep is the ultimate ubiquitous suppressor of any input to the brain; if only we could harness part of this potential. Perhaps we could train ourselves and our patients to manage pain by using hypnosis, acupuncture or meditation to maximize pain modulation or other yet unknown techniques?