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Step 3 for the treatment of periodontal diseases: surgical regeneration of the periodontium Devan S Raindi Jay Parmar Iain Chapple Dental Update 2025 51:5, 707-709.
Surgical regeneration can offer significant benefits in the management of teeth affected by severe periodontitis that continue to demonstrate pocketing following steps 1 and 2 of periodontal therapy. To gain the maximum benefit from this treatment modality, an understanding of the biological principles of regeneration, appropriate case selection and the latest surgical techniques are required. The most recent S3-level guideline released by the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP) and adoloped by the British Society of Periodontology is evidence based, and can support the clinician in such decision-making.
CPD/Clinical Relevance: Surgical regenerative techniques can play an important role in the treatment of complex periodontal defects.
The ultimate goal of periodontal therapy is to restore periodontal tissue architecture, namely alveolar bone, cementum, periodontal ligament and gingival tissue to its original form and level of attachment. Despite significant advances in regenerative biology and surgical techniques over recent decades, case selection remains the most important criterion when considering whether a surgical regenerative approach is appropriate for a specific site in an individual patient. This article provides an overview of regenerative biology, surgical factors and the current S3-level guidelines when considering surgical regenerative techniques in the treatment of periodontitis.
Biological concepts in regeneration
Regenerative periodontology requires an understanding of the biological principles of wound healing to enable the clinician to guide or manipulate the process clinically to attain optimal outcomes. Before considering regenerative biology, it is important to understand the different healing scenarios for the periodontium following surgical intervention, namely:
Repair: a biological process by which periodontal tissues lost due to periodontitis are replaced by new tissues that do not replicate the structure and function of the lost tissues. This is the process that occurs following traditional surgical procedures and includes the formation of a long junctional epithelial attachment to the root surface.
Regeneration: a biological process by which the architecture and function of tissues lost due to periodontitis are replaced by tissues identical in structure and function to the original healthy tissues.1
The first concept in regenerative wound healing was known as ‘domain theory’, leading to a focus on guiding the correct cells to the root surface by exclusion of the epithelial and gingival connective tissue cells, allowing development of new alveolar bone and periodontal ligament rather than a long junctional epithelium or gingival connective tissue attachment.2 Based on this theory, the first successful regenerative procedure was completed in 1982 on a lower lateral incisor using a non-resorbable membrane, which aimed to prevent occupation of the wound with epithelial and gingival connective tissue cells – a concept termed guided-tissue regeneration (GTR).3
As knowledge and research on periodontal wound healing have evolved, complex processes have been unravelled that are more important than simple exclusion of cells and which were the most likely reason for successful regeneration in these early studies. These include:
While cellular activity is important during the wound healing process, it is the molecular signalling activity by cells that dictates how the tissue heals. This has led to a surge in research on biological agents, such as enamel matrix proteins and growth factors, with a range of products now available on the market to the surgeon (Table 1).
Table 1. A summary of biologics investigated within the periodontal literature for surgical regeneration.
Principles of action
Clinical evidence
Enamel matrix proteins (EMDs)
Amelogenins are the main enamel matrix derivative (EMD) and are thought to promote regeneration by mimicking the processes taking place during the initial stages of tooth development. However, more recent research has demonstrated they have a range of different activities that impact positively on regenerative outcomes. They have been demonstrated in vitro to improve mesenchymal cell attachment, spreading and chemotaxis. With respect to cellular proliferation, EMDs demonstrate a positive effect on mesenchymal cells, such as PDL fibroblasts, osteoblasts and gingival fibroblasts, but much less of an effect on epithelial cells. Cells exposed to EMDs also demonstrate upregulation of growth factors, cytokines and extracellular matrix proteins. At the genetic level, EMD has demonstrated the ability to upregulate gene transcription factors associated with osteoblast/cementoblast differentiation. With respect to wound healing, EMDs demonstrate positive effects in endothelial cell migration and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) production26,27
Emdogain (Straumann, Crawley) is the most used EMD in dentistry with its indications not limited to regenerative periodontal surgery. It is commonly used in mucogingival surgery, peri-implant surgery, as well as novel research suggesting a potential benefit non-surgically, although this falls outside the scope of this articleA Cochrane systematic review has demonstrated improvements in periodontal attachment levels in infrabony defects when comparing the use of Emdogain alone versus control. Furthermore, studies tended to report a reduction in complications when using Emdogain compared with guided-tissue regeneration procedures (e.g. membrane exposure)28Emdogain is also commonly combined with bone graft material to optimise the wound healing processes. A novel EMD carrier system demonstrating better adsorption to bone graft material, known as Osteogain (Straumann), is under development and showing promise in early trials29–31
Growth factors
Growth factors are molecules capable of mediating the migration, proliferation and differentiation of cells. Two of the most extensively explored growth factors within the literature include:
Fibroblast growth factors (FGFs): FGF-2 in particular demonstrates angiogenic activity as well as the ability to maintain bone-marrow mesenchymal stem cells.
Platelet-derived growth factors (PDGFs): of the three different isoforms, PDGF-BB has been reported to stimulate periodontal regeneration through chemotaxis and mitogenesis of key cells during wound healing. It also promotes angiogenesis in conjunction with VEGF
Challenges in the use of growth factors in regenerative periodontology include the need for a carrier system, as well as the likely need for a cocktail of different growth factors, which are required at different stages in the wound healing process32
A large multicentre, placebo-controlled clinical trial (328 patients) has demonstrated non-inferiority of recombinant human FGF-2 (rhFGF-2) to EMD for the treatment of infrabony defects33In another large multicentre RCT (180 subjects), recombinant human PDGF-BB (rhPGDF-BB) has demonstrated improved radiographic bone fill when combined with β-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) compared with β-TCP alone, although other clinical parameters of CAL gain and gingival recession did not show statistical significance at 6 months despite a trend favouring the addition of rhPDGF-BB34
Autogenous platelet concentrates
Platelet concentrates contain increased levels of growth factors, which, as discussed above, can optimise regenerative healing via a range of mechanisms. First-generation platelet concentrates (platelet-rich plasma (PRP)) were limited owing to the liquid nature of the concentrate and the substantivity of the growth factors released. The evolution to second-generation platelet concentrates (platelet-rich fibrin (PRF)), with the removal of anticoagulants within the formulation, have begun to overcome these initial limitations, because the concentrate takes the form of a matrix providing a more gradual release of growth factorsThe main cell types present in PRF include platelets and leukocytes. Platelets in particular contain a variety of proteins involved in the wound healing process (e.g. β-thromboglobulin, fibronectin, thrombospondin)32
A recently published systematic review and meta-analysis investigated the effectiveness of PRF for the treatment of infrabony defects compared with open flap debridement (OFD) alone, and in conjunction with other biomaterials The addition of PRF to the surgical site gave approximately 1.3 mm greater probing depth reduction, 1.4 mm CAL gain and improved bone fill when compared to OFD alone in the meta-analyses. Similar clinical outcomes were found when comparing PRF to other regenerative strategies Interestingly, the addition of biomolecules to PRF, such as statins, metformin and bisphosphonates, all provided improved clinical outcomes compared with the use of PRF alone, and may represent an area for future research35
Hyaluronic acid
Hyaluronic acid is a glycosaminoglycan present in abundance within the extracellular matrix. It has been shown to demonstrate positive effects on cell adhesion, migration and differentiation, as well as having anti-inflammatory effects. These effects, alongside its biocompatibility, have led to a surge in research into its clinical application into periodontal regenerative as well as non-surgical therapies and soft tissue surgery
A recent randomized controlled trial with a 2-year follow-up compared the use of hyaluronic acid with EMD for the treatment of infrabony defects alongside the use of a single flap approachAlthough both groups demonstrated improvements in clinical outcomes at 2 years, the use of EMD provided greater improvements in probing pocket depths.36However, this suggests promise for the use of hyaluronic acid in cases where patients may not consent to the use of animal-derived regenerative products
Based on these newer principles, both surgical techniques and regenerative biomaterials have evolved allowing for greater predictability of results and ability to optimise outcomes in a greater variety of clinical situations. These are discussed in the next section.
Surgical considerations for regenerative approaches
General medical considerations
As for any surgical intervention the patient's medical status may provide absolute contraindications to surgery in general practice. These include, but are not limited to:
Uncontrolled diabetes and other uncontrolled systemic diseases (e.g. unstable angina);
Severe uncontrolled immunocompromise;
Severe uncontrolled bleeding conditions (e.g. haemophilia);
Intravenous bisphosphonate therapy;
Cigarette smokers demonstrate reduced treatment responses in all forms of periodontal therapy and this includes regenerative periodontal surgery.5
It is the authors' opinion that advanced regenerative procedures should not be undertaken in smokers, without careful consideration and clear justification.
Strategic importance of the tooth
In many cases the strategic value of the tooth to be treated must be considered as part of a wider restorative plan when deciding whether regenerative procedures are appropriate. Teeth that act as abutments for a fixed/removable prosthesis may shift the decision towards regenerative surgery. In other situations, the presence of multiple teeth with hopeless prognoses and which require removal, may tip the decision to a pragmatic one that includes removal of the target tooth to accommodate a wider prosthetic rehabilitation. However, the guiding principal of treatment planning should remain retention of teeth wherever possible, as recommended in the most recent S3-level clinical guideline for stage IV periodontitis.6
Microsurgical equipment
Atraumatic soft tissue management is a fundamental requirement for regenerative procedures because it is the soft tissue protecting the underlying blood clot that facilitates optimal healing. To ensure minimal trauma to the flap, as well as to allow for primary intention healing, microsurgical equipment has developed from microsurgical blades/handles through to tweezers, elevators and suture forceps.
Flap design
Flap design has progressed from conventional intrasulcular incisions to minimally invasive papilla-preservation techniques allowing for predictable primary intention healing and wound stability (Figure 1). Surgical approaches can generally be classified into those involving two flaps (one buccal and one palatal/lingual flap is raised (Figure 2) or one flap where the defect is accessed from the buccal (or palatal/lingual) aspect alone (Figure 3) with the advantage of the latter providing greater overlying soft-tissue stability for wound healing. The technique of choice will be dictated by the defect morphology and access to the root surface ensuring adequate root surface decontamination.
Figure 1. The evolution of surgical flap design for regenerative periodontal surgery.Figure 2. Peri-operative image of a double flap (buccal and palatal) for treatment of an infrabony defect associated with the distal aspect of the UR2.Figure 3. Peri-operative image of a single buccal flap to access an infrabony defect on the mesial aspect of the LR6. The buccal flap has been raised leaving the lingual tissue and papilla intact.
Defect anatomy
The shape of the bony defect is the principle local factor dictating the feasibility for a regenerative approach. Bone defects can be classified as either suprabony (where the base of the pocket remains coronal to the alveolar bone crest) or infrabony/vertical (where the apical extent of pocket lies below the alveolar crest). Figure 4 demonstrates the radiographic appearance of supra- and infrabony defects. Infrabony defects can be further subclassified based on their depth, width and number of bony walls. As the number of bony walls increases, radiographic infill and CAL gain improve with treatment, primarily because the defect can contain a more stable clot.7 Novel techniques, such as the ‘soft tissue wall technique’ combine regenerative surgical approaches with mucogingival techniques with the aim of coronally advancing tissue and using connective tissue grafts to convert one-walled non-contained defects to three-walled contained defects.8 The angle of the defect also plays a role with wider angled defects (≥36 degrees) demonstrating less radiographic infill following regenerative surgery compared to narrower defects.9
Figure 4. Radiographic appearance of (a) suprabony and (b) infrabony defects.
Furcation involvement
As the horizontal and vertical grade of furcation increases, the risk of tooth loss increases.10,11 The primary aim of regenerative therapies around furcation-involved teeth, therefore, aims to convert furcation-involved teeth to grade 0 (known as furcation closure) or grade 1, where they can then be successfully maintained long term by both patient and professional. Owing to the nature of furcation anatomy, a contained defect suitable for regeneration is only present in the grade 2 situation (Figure 5). Through and through defects (i.e. grade 3) are non-contained and unsuitable/unpredictable for regenerative therapy, although can potentially still be managed via other approaches (e.g. furcation tunnelling, root resection/hemisection).12
Figure 5. A lingual grade 2 furcation evident on the LL6 suitable for regenerative techniques.
Endodontic–periodontal lesions
Owing to the infrabony/vertical nature of defects treated with regenerative procedures, it is not uncommon for bone loss to approach the apex of a tooth. In cases where there is suspected endodontic involvement, sensibility testing should ascertain the pulp status and if necessary, endodontic therapy should be completed prior to surgery. If peri-operative instrumentation beyond the apex is also expected, endodontic therapy should be considered prior to surgery. Where there is evidence of suboptimal primary root canal therapy, root canal re-treatment should be completed before surgery. Based on these criteria, the evidence suggests that root-treated teeth demonstrate comparable outcomes to vital teeth when treated with regenerative surgery.13
Baseline mobility has been demonstrated to impact on clinical outcomes associated with regenerative procedures, with reduction in CAL gain observed as mobility increases.14 This is most likely to be due to micromovements within the blood clot that impair the healing process. It is therefore necessary to identify and manage mobility prior to regenerative procedures, which may include carefully prescribed occlusal adjustments and the use of localized cleansable splints (e.g. wire and composite).
Biomaterial selection
To stimulate regenerative activity, wound biomodification can be considered at the time of surgical intervention. This can take the form of bone graft materials, membranes, or the application of biologics promoting molecular and cellular activity during healing, which favour regenerative outcomes.
As discussed, early regenerative approaches used non-resorbable membranes made of PTFE. Membranes have now evolved and include resorbable options, which are the primary choice for regenerative procedures around teeth, if a membrane approach is to be employed.
Bone graft materials can be subclassified based on either their origin or their mode of action (Table 2). In terms of their mode of action, bone graft materials may demonstrate one or more different modes of action, with the ideal bone graft material exhibiting osteogeneic, osteo-inductive and osteoconductive behaviours. These graft materials can be used alone or alongside membranes/biologics in what are termed ‘combination approaches.’
Table 2. Classification of bone graft materials by origin or mode of action.
By origin
By mode of action
Autogenous: graft transferred from one part of an individual to another part of the same individual
Osteogenic: contains bone-forming cells
Allogeneic: graft is transferred between genetically dissimilar members of the same species (i.e. from one human being to a different human being). These can take the form of either:
Mineralized freeze dried bone allograft (FDBA)
Decalcified freeze-dried bone allograft (DFDBA)
Osteo-inductive: contains substances that induces differentiation of bone forming cells
Xenogenic: graft is transferred from a donor from a different species (e.g. cow/pig)
Osteoconductive: serves as a scaffold for bone formation
Alloplastic: graft is synthetic or inorganic (i.e. not taken from a human/animal)
There is no ‘one size fits all approach’ when it comes to the application of biomaterials: defect location (furcation vs interproximal vs combined) and anatomy (two-walled/three-walled/wide/narrow) should be considered for each individual case. Patient preference must also be taken into account, particularly as many commonly used biomaterials are derived from animal products. Owing to the significant increase in biomaterials available on the market and commercialization of regenerative periodontal care, it remains the responsibility of the surgeon to ensure that the biomaterials selected for regenerative procedures have the appropriate safety, clinical efficacy, and histological data when demonstrating regenerative healing.
Suture techniques
Closure of the surgical site by primary intention is an essential part of wound healing. A variety of suture techniques are available to the surgeon to manage the wound margins and provide primary intention healing. One commonly used technique is the Laurell–Gottlow (modified internal mattress) suture, and its variants, which combines the eversion of the wound margin achieved with the internal mattress suture with the inversion achieved with a single interrupted suture.15
Sutures for regenerative procedures should be monofilament in nature to reduce bacterial contamination and wicking along the biomaterials used/wound margin. This will generally lead to the use of non-resorbable sutures, which are generally removed at 2–4 weeks. Smaller sutures sizes (e.g. 5-0, 6-0, 7-0) are favoured in modern periodontal surgery to reduce soft tissue trauma and tension on the soft tissue during closure.
Surgical aftercare
Appropriate patient and professional post-operative care ensures that healing of the tissue is monitored carefully both in the short and long term. Patients should be provided with:
Appropriate analgesic advice with consideration of their medical history;
Chemical disinfection (e.g. chlorhexidine 0.2% mouthwash) for at least the first 2 weeks while the patient abstains from mechanical plaque removal in the surgical area;
Advice on appropriate diet;
Gauze to apply pressure in case of post-operative bleeding;
Contact information for follow up questions/concerns;
A review appointment.
Reassessment of the regenerative site should be completed at 6 months to allow sufficient time for healing of soft and hard tissue. During this period, interim supportive periodontal therapy appointments should be provided to ensure maintenance of the remaining dentition, as well as reinforcing tailored oral hygiene instruction at the site level. Plaque accumulation at the surgical site during the post-operative healing period can induce a chronic inflammatory response that delays/subverts healing. The frequency and number of maintenance appointments is not standardized, although some studies have employed professional supragingival plaque removal at weekly to fortnightly intervals for the initial healing period of 6–8 weeks followed by 3-monthly supportive therapy.16,17
Outcomes for regenerative surgery
Successful periodontal regeneration can only truly be confirmed histologically via evidence of new alveolar bone and cementum with inserting periodontal ligament fibres. In clinical practice, this is clearly not an option, and therefore, surrogate clinical measures are used to inform success. Long-term success is primarily dictated by tooth retention, although surrogate clinical measures, such as probing pocket depth reduction, bleeding on probing, clinical attachment level and pocket closure provide important measures in the shorter term about the health of the tooth and its long-term prognosis.
Improvements in tooth prognosis and tooth survival are a fundamental aim of any form of periodontal therapy, and a common clinical decision is considering the ‘extraction threshold’ for a tooth and its subsequent prosthetic replacement. Fortunately, the periodontal literature is replete with evidence confirming the benefits of periodontal treatment, even in teeth with advanced clinical attachment loss, and thus suggest caution before assigning a tooth for removal and prosthodontic replacement.
A systematic review exploring the long-term survival rates of periodontally compromised teeth and implants demonstrated consistently that, irrespective of the type of periodontal therapy, the survival rates of dental implants do not exceed that of successfully treated and maintained teeth.18 This concept carries over to furcation-involved teeth, where a cost-effectiveness comparison study concluded that not only did implant-supported crowns have shorter survival times, but were the more costly therapy compared with tooth retention, despite the presence of any grade of furcation.19
Specific to regenerative therapy, one randomized control trial treated teeth assigned with a ‘hopeless’ prognosis to either removal and prosthetic replacement (implant or tooth-supported bridge), or to a test group where they received regenerative periodontal surgery (including management of mobility/loss of vitality/occlusion) followed by 3-monthly maintenance care. At the 5-year follow-up, only two out of the 25 treated teeth in the test group were lost, representing a 92% survival rate, with a subsequent 10-year survival rate of 88% (one further tooth lost) in a cohort of teeth previously considered of ‘hopeless’ prognosis. Further subanalyses revealed that as well as the biological savings in the test group, tooth retention provided economic savings over the 10-year period when including the costs of tooth replacement at baseline.20,21Figures 6 and 7 demonstrate the radiographic outcomes achievable with regenerative surgery with appropriate case selection and a surgical approach.
Figure 6. Evidence of bony infill with single flap approach to infrabony defect affecting the mesial aspect of the UR2.Figure 7. Improvements in bone levels around the LR2 crater defect with a single flap approach.
Two systematic reviews relevant to regenerative surgery were produced as part of the development of the S3-level guideline for stage IV periodontitis by the EFP. They investigated the clinical outcomes of regenerative surgery compared with access flap surgery and the outcomes associated with regenerative surgical treatment of furcation defects.
When comparing regenerative surgery to access flap surgery (with any type of access flap design), meta-analysis demonstrated a statistically significant additional benefit to regenerative surgery for both CAL (1.34 mm) and probing pocket depth reduction (1.20 mm).22 When considering class II furcations, the evidence suggests that regenerative approaches lead to an almost 21 times increased likelihood of furcation closure/conversion to class I, as well as additional benefits in both vertical and horizontal CAL gain compared with open flap debridement alone. The use of bone graft materials tended to provide the best benefits in terms of biomaterial selection.23
S3-level clinical guideline relevant to regenerative surgery
As part of the EFP S3-level guideline for the treatment of periodontitis, surgical therapy is considered a treatment option when entering step 3, that is the presence of residual sites following initial non-surgical therapy. It may be necessary to consider a second round of non-surgical therapy in many cases before the decision for surgery becomes appropriate.
Table 3 provides a summary of the relevant guideline recommendations in relation to surgical regenerative interventions produced by the EFP including the adolopment outcome by the British Society of Periodontology for UK clinical practice.24,25
Table 3. Summary of S3-level guidelines relevant to regenerative surgery and their adolopment recommendation by the British Society of Periodontology.
Original EFP recommendations relevant to regenerative surgery
BSP implementation
Surgical treatment is effective, but frequently complex, and we recommend that it is provided by dentists with additional specific training or by specialists in referral centres. We recommend efforts to improve access to this level of care for these patients
We recommend not to perform periodontal (including implant) surgery in patients not achieving and maintaining adequate levels of self-performed oral hygiene
We recommend treating teeth with residual deep pockets associated with intrabony defects 3 mm or deeper with periodontal regenerative surgery
In regenerative therapy of intrabony defects we recommend the use of either barrier membranes or enamel matrix derivative with or without the addition of bone-derived grafts
We recommend the use of specific flap designs with maximum preservation of interdental soft tissue, such as papilla preservation flaps. Under some specific circumstances, we also recommend limiting flap elevation to optimise wound stability and reduce morbidity
We recommend treating mandibular molars with residual pockets associated with Class II furcation involvement with periodontal regenerative surgery
We recommend treating molars with residual pockets associated with maxillary buccal Class II furcation involvement with periodontal regenerative surgery
We recommend treating molars with residual pockets associated with mandibular and maxillary buccal Class II furcation involvement with periodontal regenerative therapy using enamel matrix derivative alone or bone-derived graft with or without resorbable membranes
In maxillary interdental Class II furcation involvement, non-surgical instrumentation, open flap debridement, periodontal regeneration, root separation or root resection may be considered
Regenerative periodontal surgery is an important treatment modality in securing the long-term prognosis of severely compromised periodontally involved teeth. With the correct case selection and surgical approach, regenerative procedures provide additional benefits to access flap surgery and can avoid the need for tooth removal and the subsequent technical/biological complications that may accompany prosthetic tooth replacement.