The Prevention of Dental Caries and Periodontal Disease from the Cradle to the Grave: What is the Best Available Evidence?

From Volume 30, Issue 4, May 2003 | Pages 170-179


Robin M. Davies

BDS, PhD, FDS(Edin.)

Director, Dental Health Unit, Manchester

Articles by Robin M. Davies


Increasing weight is being given to applying an evidence-based approach to clinical practice. There is evidence to support a range of preventive measures which the profession and patients can apply to maximize the control of caries and periodontal disease. This paper examines the strength of evidence to support the advice and procedures that may be used by dental professionals to provide an effective preventive programme of advice and procedures for patients of all ages. A hierarchy of evidence is used ranging from Cochrane Reviews at the top, observational studies in the middle, and opinion at the bottom. Whilst the evidence to support preventive advice and procedures in children and adolescents is relatively strong, few studies have been conducted in adults and the elderly.
