Biological Guides to the Positioning of the Artificial Teeth in Complete Dentures

From Volume 28, Issue 10, December 2001 | Pages 492-495


H. Devlin

PhD, MSc, BSc, BDS

Senior Lecturer in Restorative Dentistry, The University Dental Hospital of Manchester

Articles by H. Devlin

G. Hoad-Reddick


Senior Lecturer in Dental Education, The University Dental Hospital of Manchester

Articles by G. Hoad-Reddick


Setting teeth for complete dentures is traditionally done away from the clinic in the dental laboratory. This has unwittingly given the impression that arranging tooth position is a mechanical process in which the clinician has little say. Many technicians are given few instructions, but a detailed prescription is crucial to the success of the denture. This article describes those considerations the dentist should address in communicating with the laboratory technician. A ‘denture space’ impression technique is described to assist the dentist in the correct prescription for posterior teeth placement.
