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Improving patients' aesthetics is an important request in daily practice. Tooth whitening is a treatment option available for improving aesthetics. This paper will pose questions asked by our patients on bleaching techniques and outcomes and offer appropriate up-to-date answers.
CPD/Clinical Relevance: This paper addresses the most important questions raised by patients and colleagues concerning vital tooth whitening (VTW).
Tooth discoloration is a common problem affecting patients of all ages. The dental profession has used numerous chemicals and methods to remove discoloration from teeth over many years.1
Dental bleaching is a chemical process that uses oxidizing agents on tooth surfaces to penetrate the enamel and dentine, resulting in a change of colour.2
Numerous techniques and products with different concentrations are available to the profession and direct over-the-counter (OTC) products are available to the patient.3
The aim of this article is to answer frequently asked questions about bleaching.
Tooth colour is determined by a combination of the different optical properties of enamel, dentine and pulp. Tooth discolorations vary in aetiology, appearance and severity, and are categorized as intrinsic or extrinsic. Some of these occur during tooth formation and others afterwards. It is important to identify the correct aetiology in order to obtain an effective treatment.4,5
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