An Overview of Bleaching Techniques: 1. History, Chemistry, Safety and Legal Aspects

From Volume 31, Issue 10, December 2004 | Pages 608-616


M. Sulieman

LDS RCS (Eng.), BDS (Lond.), MSc

Research Fellow, Division of Restorative Dentistry, Department of Oral and Dental Science, University of Bristol Dental School, Lower Maudlin Street, Bristol BS1 2LY and Private Practitioner, Wimbledon, London

Articles by M. Sulieman


The use of a variety of bleaching techniques has attracted much interest from the profession, as they are non-invasive and relatively simple to carry out. Coupled with the uncertain legal situation within the European community, and especially within the UK, this series of articles hopes to give a broad overview of bleaching techniques, their efficacy and relative safety, as well as update the current legal situation.
