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An update on discoloured teeth and bleaching part 2: mechanism of action of bleaching agents and management of discoloured teeth Raj Dubal Richard WJ Porter Dental Update 2025 45:8, 707-709.
The term ‘discoloured teeth’ describes a very broad array of clinical manifestations which can result from an equally broad list of aetiologies. The ability to assess and diagnose the cause accurately allows clinicians to prescribe and execute the appropriate treatment modality and avoid disappointing outcomes and potential overtreatment. This article aims to provide an overview of the current legislation related to dental bleaching, the mechanism of action of bleaching agents and an update regarding the techniques which are at practitioners' disposal for managing different clinical challenges. The potential risks and complications related to bleaching are presented.
CPD/Clinical Relevance: A sound understanding of the different bleaching materials and techniques available and their appropriate application are essential in helping clinicians to provide appropriate, safe and effective treatment modalities.
Teeth bleaching is a commonly requested and provided treatment modality. A number of different bleaching agents have been described in the literature. The most frequently used bleaching agents are hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. Carbamide peroxide breaks down to produce urea and hydrogen peroxide and it is the latter of these products which is responsible for whitening teeth. In a split mouth trial by Mokhlis et al, the efficacy of 20% carbamide peroxide and 7.5% hydrogen peroxide were compared. There was found to be no difference in outcome, although teeth whitened with carbamide peroxide appeared lighter than the hydrogen peroxide group at 14 days. There was no difference in lightness at 12 weeks, and there was no difference with regards to gingival irritation or tooth sensitivity.1
The use of sodium perborate for internal bleaching was first described by Spasser in 1961.2 His technique of sealing sodium perborate with water within the pulp chamber was modified by Nutting and Poe in 1967, who replaced the water with hydrogen peroxide, and suggested the phrase ‘walking bleaching’.3 Both reports describe the sealing of chemicals within the pulp chamber, after which the patient was able to leave the office and return for review at a later date. Perborate-based materials are reported to release greater quantities of hydrogen peroxide than 10% carbamide peroxide, and do not have a discernibly more effective action. However, the use of sodium perborate was banned in the European Union, as of 1st December 2010. Its use in cosmetic products is prohibited in Article 15(2) of the Cosmetics Regulation 1223/2009 as a result of it being classed as carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic for reproduction.4,5 This is also reiterated on the General Dental Council website.6
Commonly, bleaching gels contain 10% carbamide peroxide, which equates to 3.5% hydrogen peroxide. In a study by Meireles et al, the effectiveness and safety of 10% and 16% carbamide peroxide (which equates to 5.5% hydrogen peroxide) concentrations were compared in a double-blind randomized clinical trial. Both concentrations were found to be equally effective and safe, although the 16% concentration was associated with a greater degree of sensitivity. This study supported the use of a 10% preparation of carbamide peroxide, as it is effective and safe.7
How do they work?
The compound directly resulting in the bleaching effect, hydrogen peroxide, is an oxidizing agent. Hydrogen peroxide breaks down in the presence of water to yield water and a free radical species. This free radical is highly reactive and passes through the dentinal tubules and tooth structure and reacts with the molecules responsible for the stain within the tooth. As a function of this reaction the stain molecule is broken down into smaller molecules and thus becomes gradually less evident.
Chemically, carbamide peroxide is a compound of equal proportions of urea and hydrogen peroxide, and in much the same way as hydrogen peroxide, breaks down ultimately to yield reactive free radicals which can interact with stain molecules to decompose them. When comparing carbamide peroxide and hydrogen peroxide, 10% carbamide peroxide is equivalent to 3.5% hydrogen peroxide; there is an approximately 3:1 relationship in terms of bleaching strength.
General Dental Council guidelines and legislation
The General Dental Council equates the application of materials and techniques to aid in improving appearance to the practice of dentistry. In a Position Statement on the GDC website, it is stated that ‘it is illegal for tooth whitening products which contain more than 6% hydrogen peroxide or for any associated products which release greater than 6% hydrogen peroxide to be supplied or administered for cosmetic purposes’.
Whilst the GDC have delegated the responsibility of appropriate delivery and use of hydrogen peroxide to the dentist, hygienists, therapists and clinical dental technicians may provide this treatment under prescription from a dentist, with the assumption that appropriate training and indemnity is in place.
The healthy dentition
In the simplest cases, patients may present with a healthy dentition, but with an accompanying complaint of dark or a poor shade of teeth. Following exclusion of any pathology, such patients may be managed by either ‘in-office’ or ‘at-home’ bleaching techniques.
’In-office’ bleaching
‘In-office’ bleaching techniques are those which are applied by the clinician to the teeth within the dental office. Such techniques can be associated with the use of ‘lasers, additional lights or heating lamps’, which aim to energize the oxidizing agent further and provide a more pronounced and rapid lightening in tooth shade. Historically, such techniques have employed the use of stronger bleaching concentrations, for shorter bursts of time, with the aim of achieving a more noticeable result, in a shorter timeframe. Despite the allure of such techniques, using stronger bleaches is illegal and increases the risk of post-operative sensitivity, pulpitis and/or pain.8,9 Precautions must also be taken to use a light-cured or rubber dam, in order to protect the soft tissues from the effects of the bleach, as this may result in undesirable iatrogenic damage to the gingival and other soft tissues (Figure 1).10 There is also a greater risk of lightening due to dehydration of the teeth and, as a result of this, the risk of a patient leaving with whiter teeth and re-attending with a relapsing shade in a short period of time is high.11 As a result of the need for surgery time, the costs for such treatments can also be high in comparison to ‘at-home’ bleaching solutions.
Figure 1. Clinical view of maxillary and mandibular teeth isolated with light-cured dam, with bleaching gel applied as part of an ‘in-office’ bleaching procedure.
’At-home’ bleaching
‘At-home’ bleaching techniques employ the use of a bleaching tray which is constructed from a dental cast, which is derived from an alginate impression. The trays are often constructed from ethylene-vinyl acetate, which is a thermoplastic elastomeric material (Figure 2). The trays can be constructed with or without reservoirs. In a study by Matis et al, the clinical efficacy of a bleaching agent was assessed when using trays with reservoirs in comparison with trays without reservoirs. The trays with reservoirs yielded significantly lighter teeth when assessed using a colorimeter. However, no differences could be discerned when shade guides and photographs were used to assess outcome.12 The ‘at-home’ bleaching technique entails the patient applying one drop of bleach into the tray, in alignment with each tooth. The tray is inserted into the mouth and any excess bleaching gel on the gingival tissues is removed with the aim of avoiding any iatrogenic blanching or damage to the tissues. The bleaching agents are often weaker than those employed in ‘in-office’ bleaching and, as a function of this, the incidence of adverse events is lower. The adage of ‘slow and steady wins the race’ comes to mind. Patients are instructed to use the bleach in the trays for 2 to 4 hours daily, until the desired shade is achieved. Patient satisfaction has been noted with bleaching with 10% carbamide peroxide for 2 hours daily after 4 to 6 weeks.13 It is recommended that the patient avoid colourful foods and drinks, as well as any agent which may stain the teeth while they are bleaching their teeth. It is also recommended that the patient uses a desensitizing toothpaste, and this can also be delivered in the same tray, having cleaned it of the bleaching agent. The clinician is wise to record clinical photographs with a matching tooth shade guide tab prior to beginning bleaching, as this will act as a baseline record – all too often, the patient and/or clinician forget the starting point, and this can lead to challenging conversations at the end of treatment. Clinical photographs with shade tabs should also be recorded at subsequent review appointments. Patients should be warned that, like all dental treatment, nothing is permanent and the effects of the bleaching can be variable. In light of this, patients should be advised that they will, in all likelihood, require periodic top-up bleaching in the future, and there is a risk that improvement in shade may not occur, although this is unlikely.
Figure 2. View of maxillary and mandibular bleaching trays and a syringe containing 10% carbamide peroxide. This would typically be used for ‘at-home’ bleaching.
The endodontically treated tooth
Discoloration of an endodontically treated tooth is not an uncommon phenomenon (Figures 3, 4 and 5). Irrespective of this, bleaching techniques are not a one-stop shop in the management of such scenarios. Precision in diagnosis of discoloration will lead the clinician to the correct treatment modality. Discoloration of an endodontically treated tooth may occur as a function of:
Presence of restorative material within the coronal portion of the tooth;
Restorative material or gutta percha (GP) in the pulp chamber of the tooth;
Blood breakdown products within dentinal tubules;
Discoloured tooth tissue within the pulp space.
Figure 3. Clinical view showing the grey discoloration of the LR3 following completion of endodontic treatment.Figure 4. Clinical view showing a customized bleaching tray which allows for bleaching gel to be delivered to the LR3 whilst allowing for drainage of excess on the adjacent teeth.Figure 5. Clinical view of the LR3 tooth following completion of bleaching, and an improvement in appearance.
Presence of restorative material within the coronal portion of the tooth
Bleaching agents are ineffective in lightening the colour of teeth when a discoloured bulk of filling material or gutta percha is present within the pulp chamber or supra-crestal intra-dental space. To avoid such problems, it is recommended that all dark or discoloured restorative material be removed from the supra-crestal intra-dental tooth space, to a level of 2 mm below the adjacent bone crest. Removal of this material will aid in allowing a more appropriate absorption and transmission of light through the tooth.14,15Figures 6 and 7 show an endodontically treated UL1 tooth which has gutta percha and a layer of material to seal the GP in, passing into the pulp canal space supra-crestally. Some of this staining may also be a result of blood breakdown products.
Figure 6. Radiograph showing gutta percha and an overlying sealing material which extend supra-crestally.Figure 7. Clinical view showing the discoloured tooth, which has discoloured as a consequence of a combination of material in the supra-crestal pulp space, as well as likely blood breakdown products which have passed into the dentinal tubules.
Restorative material or gutta percha (GP) in the pulp chamber of the tooth
In the case of gutta percha, it is recommended that endodontic treatments are completed and the gutta percha is cut back to 2 mm below the level of the adjacent crestal bone (Figure 8). The gutta percha should then be sealed into the canals using a material with excellent sealing capacity, such as Cavit or IRM. The base of the pulp chamber should then be filled with an additional layer of sealing material, such as glass ionomer cement, and the remaining pulp chamber space should be filled with a light shade of material with good marginal integrity. This can include glass ionomer cement or resin composite.
Figure 8. Radiograph showing the gutta percha having been reduced to a level 2 mm below the adjacent crestal level, sealed with overlying restorative material.
Removal of excess intra-pulpal material, whether it be restorative material or gutta percha, should be executed under rubber dam, in order to ensure an uncontaminated field and to avoid compromising the endodontic treatment present. In cases where the endodontic treatment has been previously completed, and in the absence of apical pathology, the gutta percha can similarly be accessed under rubber, and cut back to 2 mm below the adjacent crestal bone and similarly sealed. Removal of endodontic material from within the pulp space and subseqent selective bleaching can result in considerable improvements in tooth shade (Figures 8, 9, 10).
Figure 9. Clinical view showing an improvement in shade of the UL1 having cut back the gutta percha, and used 10% carbamide peroxide in a customized tray.Figure 10. Clinical view of a bleaching tray on the support cast, with spacer material painted on the cast, to provide a reservoir space for the carbamide peroxide in the UR1 site. There are windows cut in the tray over the adjacent teeth to ensure that any bleaching agent passes through and can be removed.
Blood breakdown products
If the restorative material has been completely removed, and the gutta percha is appropriately cut back, resultant discoloration of the tooth may be as a result of either blood breakdown products, in particular iron sulphide passing into the dentinal tubules when the tooth became non-vital, the presence of breakdown products from the restorative material or the presence of other chromogenic materials within the dentinal tubules. In such cases, a bleaching agent can be used to lighten the tooth conservatively and predictably. This can be performed either by external bleaching or an inside/outside bleaching technique (Figures 3, 4 and 5).
External and inside/outside bleaching
External bleaching can be performed using a tray which is derived from an impression of the teeth. It is highly advisable to customize the tray so that only the discoloured tooth can be bleached, and the tray should be modified so that no other teeth can be bleached using it. Modifications to trays can involve preparation of windows over the teeth which are not to be bleached so that it is not possible to retain the bleaching gel (Figure 10). As mistakes can happen and the temptation to bleach additional teeth exists, it is imperative to protect the patient from this, otherwise the remaining teeth may lighten considerably, and the affected tooth less so, and control of the harmony of the shade within the dentition becomes more challenging and very difficult to address.
In the case of inside/outside bleaching, a similar approach to external bleach is employed. The gutta percha is removed to a level of 2 mm below the cemento-enamel junction, and a sealing material, such as glass ionomer cement, is placed over the remaining gutta percha with a thickness of at least 2 mm. The patient should then be shown how to deliver a drop of bleach into the back of the tooth, as well as in the appropriate tooth space in the tray. Again, any excess bleaching agent should be removed via the window and gingival extension of the tray. This should be continued until the tooth shade is acceptable to the patient, after which the palatal access space for gel delivery can be restored with an appropriate material (Figures 6–11).
Figure 11. Clinical view of the syringe, containing the bleaching gel, 10% carbamide peroxide, which is then delivered into the tray prior to placing in the mouth.
Tray cleaning instructions
Good maintenance of bleaching trays is important. It allows for complete removal of spent gel and any debris which may have accumulated in or around the tray. Such residue may subsequently reduce the efficacy of bleaching as less gel may be placed in the tray or the fit of the tray may become compromised. Bleaching trays should be cleaned using a soft toothbrush and soapy room temperature water. The trays should be stored in a tray holder and, as with the gel, be kept in a cool dry place away from heat and direct sunlight. The gel may be kept refrigerated, but should not be frozen. The gel may be refrigerated to prolong the shelf life, but do not freeze. It has also been postulated that using refrigerated gels may accelerate the bleaching process, as a temperature rise of 10°C increases the speed of hydrogen peroxide decomposition two-fold.16
Hereditary disorders of tooth structure
Amelogenesis Imperfecta (AI) is a hereditary condition, which occurs as a result of a single gene mutation. This condition results in a variety of enamel defects, which can range from mild to severe forms. Whilst 14 different types of AI have been described, these tend to be attributed to one of the four following groups:
The appearance of teeth affected by AI can range from mild mottling to severely discoloured and pitted. In some cases, the fragile and poorly developed enamel can be susceptible to easy and rapid chipping, and the dentition may suffer very rapid rates of wear and deterioration. In the case of severely discoloured teeth, conservative restorative options can be limited when aiming to rehabilitate the patient's teeth, as the dark colour can shine through overlying restorations, such as composites and porcelain veneers (Figure 12).
Figure 12. Clinical view showing the labial view of a patient with amelogenesis imperfecta, which appears to be hypoplastic and hypocalcified in nature.
Dentinogenesis imperfecta (DI) is a group of hereditary conditions which result in abnormal dentine development. The conditions can affect the teeth only, or be associated with the condition osteogenesis imperfecta. Dentitions affected by DI can have a variable blue-grey to yellow appearance, which is evident through the translucent overlying enamel. The defective interface between dentine and enamel results in the cleaving off of enamel, resulting in frequent fractures and rapid wear of the teeth. As a result of the high susceptibility of such dentitions to rapid wear, prosthetic management and protection of the teeth is a priority. In much the same way as amelogenesis imperfecta, the unfavourable shade of the teeth can pose considerable challenges at the prosthetic phase of treatment.
In cases of such dental defects, pre-prosthetic external bleaching of the teeth, using a customized tray, can help to alleviate the discoloration, or partially lighten the teeth, resulting in either an acceptable tooth shade, or making it easier to use composite or porcelain over the teeth, while minimizing the shine through of the stained underlying tooth tissue. This approach can provide a conservative and minimally interventive initial therapy, although care must be taken to ensure that sufficient quantity and quality of overlying tooth tissue is present to prevent excessive pulpal inflammation and the possibility of irreversible pulpitis. It is recommended that the clinician delays placement of composite resin restorations for 3 weeks following completion of bleaching, as reductions in bond strength have been reported following bleaching in the literature.18,19,20,21,22 At 3 weeks, bond strengths of composite to enamel return to near pre-bleaching levels.21,22
Tetracycline staining
Tetracyclines are a group of broad spectrum antibiotics which have been used in the management of a number of common infections, as well as in the management of acne, since their introduction in 1948.23 The first reference to tetracyclines being implicated in tooth discoloration in children was in 1956,24 and further to this a number of reports implicated the antibiotic in causing enamel hypoplasia.25,26 Tetracycline-related staining in adults has also been reported.27,28,29,30,31,32 Tetracyclines are able to chelate calcium ions and are able subsequently to be incorporated into tooth tissue, and other tissues which are mineralizing at the time of administration.33,34 The greater the rate of mineralization, the more tetracycline is deposited.35 They are able to affect both the deciduous and permanent dentitions if administered during dental development, and it is therefore advised that they are avoided in pregnant mothers and young children until the age of 7–8 years,34,36 the age at which calcification of the third molar teeth is complete.31
Tetracyclines have also been shown to cause pigmentation of a variety of other tissues including skin, thyroid, nails, sclera, conjunctiva, tongue and bone.29,30, 37,38,39,40
Tetracycline-related dental discoloration can vary greatly, depending on which drug is responsible, and appearance can vary from yellow to brown to grey. Following eruption, the teeth tend to have a yellow fluorescent colour, however, there is a progressive discoloration of some teeth in response to light exposure.40 The initially yellow labial surfaces of the anterior teeth gradually darken28 as the incorporated tetracycline is oxidized due to light exposure.41,42 The palatal and buccal aspects of the posterior teeth remain unaffected due to low light exposure.28 The association between tetracyclines and enamel hypoplasia is also possible but unconfirmed as this may be due to other illness or interruption during mineralization for which the tetracycline had been originally prescribed.
Associations between tooth colour and tetracyclines have been made, and have been outlined in Table 1.
Type Appearance
Grey-brown hue
Brown-yellow to yellow hue
Tetracycline HCL
Brown-yellow to yellow hue
Brown-yellow to yellow hue
Blue-grey to grey darkening of crownsBlack or green roots of erupted teeth
No change
A thorough exploration of the history is pivotal in accurate diagnosis. Despite the appearance of the teeth, they are still structurally normal and as resilient as unaffected teeth to wear and disease, although there are the aesthetic and associated psychological aspects to consider. It has been reported that teeth with more severe tetracycline staining can be more difficult to bleach than unaffected or mildly affected teeth.44 Various bleaching techniques have been reported in the literature for the management of such cases. Historically, a 30% hydrogen peroxide solution was carried in gauze and was applied to tetracycline stained teeth. The solution was heated to 88°F using a hand-held device, and this was performed for 30 minutes weekly, for eight weeks. The authors reported a significant improvement in appearance in five out of six patients.44
More recently, the use of vital nightguard bleaching has been investigated. Vital nightguard bleaching using a 10% carbamide peroxide gel has been shown to deliver significant aesthetic improvements in the management of teeth with tetracycline staining.45,46,47 One study reported that, in a group of 21 participants, an extended treatment time of six months was necessary for bleaching teeth with tetracycline staining. They reported that those teeth with very stained cervical portions responded less favourably than those with less stained cervical portions. There was no reported difference in efficacy with or without reservoirs, and no teeth suffered loss of vitality. Only one participant reported tooth sensitivity and gingival irritation post-bleaching. A total of 71% of participants attended for review at 90 months post-bleaching and, of these, 60% of participants reported no obvious or a slight change in shade, 7% reported a very slight change which may be noticeable by others, and 7% reported a moderate change in colour. No participants reported a return to the original discoloration.45
Other groups have confirmed the efficacy of carbamide peroxide in bleaching teeth with tetracycline staining, and again an extended bleaching time of six months was employed with the use of reservoirs on the trays. Some groups have reported efficacy of bleaching teeth with concentrations of carbamide peroxide as low as 6.5% employed over a six-month period.47
The literature supports the use of 10% carbamide peroxide in trays with reservoirs over the most severely affected portions of the teeth. This should be prescribed for an extended bleaching time of six months. The effect of the bleach is perceptible at 6049–9046 months following bleaching (Figures 13 and 14).
Figure 13. Clinical view showing the characteristic blue-grey banding associated with tetracycline staining.Figure 14. Clinical view showing the efficacy of bleaching with 10% carbamide peroxide over a two-month duration.
Risks with bleaching
Being a treatment modality which aims to resolve discoloured teeth, bleaching can be considered an aesthetic and elective intervention. Despite this, severe manifestations of dental discoloration can have a profound psychosocial impact on a person, potentially leading to considerable inter-personal and professional problems. As such, this conservative tool can have wide-reaching effects with negligible collateral dental damage. Despite this, it is imperative that the clinician is aware of the possible risks and side-effects which may occur, and inform the patient of these, as well as the technical aspects and alternative treatments. This forms an integral component of a valid consent process.
Dental hypersensitivity is a frequently reported side-effect of bleaching,48,50,51,52,53,54,55,56 which occurs as a likely combination of opening up of the dentinal tubules following removal of the stain, whilst also eliciting a mild reversible pulpitis reaction. Bruzell et al reported a prevalence of 50.3% for ‘at-home’ bleaching in comparison to 39.3% for ‘in-office’ bleaching.57 In other studies, prevalence of sensitivity has been reported between 55%55 and 70%58 of the study population. Despite these rates, patient satisfaction was found to be high,57 and discontinuation of bleaching in ‘at-home’ bleaching has been found to occur in less than 20% of patients.55,59 Hypersensitivity is usually a transient occurrence,60 and can be managed by desensitizing toothpastes, fluoride preparations and 5% potassium nitrate gels.58 The avoidance of extremes of temperature during the period of bleaching can provide symptomatic relief.58
Despite these predictive factors, all patients should be warned of bleaching-related sensitivity given that studies, including the use of placebo gel, have shown comparable prevalence of symptoms and a greater intensity of symptoms with placebo gels.55,61
Uneven results
Whilst the bleaching agent can be applied to all teeth in even measure, it is difficult to guarantee that all teeth will bleach unequivocally to the same extent and at the same rate. It is important to inform the patient that the rate and extent of lightening is variable, although efficacy is high, and this is supported by the literature. Definite completion dates and time frames are given at the dentist's peril.
It is important for the patient to exercise due care and attention as, in the case of bleaching a single tooth, the risk exists of overshooting the shade and having a residual tooth which is considerably lighter than the other teeth. This would necessitate bleaching of the remaining dentition, and it may be challenging to get a homogeneous end result (Figure 15).
Figure 15. Clinical view showing the UR1 tooth which has been ‘overbleached’.
Shade regression
Patients must be made aware that, despite lightening of the teeth occurring, some relapse of the bleaching effect is likely over time. Patients are advised to keep their bleaching trays, and bleaching syringes can be requested at a later stage, if and when the shade deteriorates. A randomized clinical trial investigating degree of colour change, rebound effect and sensitivity found that ‘in-office’ bleaching resulted in greater colour regression in comparison to ‘at-home’ bleaching at six months. At the 2 week, 1 month and 3 month follow-up intervals, no difference in effect was noted.62 In contrast to this, another study comparing efficacy and shade regression with ‘in-office’ and ‘at-home’ bleaching found no difference in efficacy or shade regression between the two at 9 months. This study, however, only examined bleached maxillary first pre-molars in participants aged 20–25 years old.63 In a 9–12 year retrospective case series study, Ritter et al found that, at a mean observation time of 118 months, colour stability was observed by 43% of participants.64 A double-blind randomized clinical trial of two carbamide peroxide-containing bleaching agents reviewed colour stability at 2 years following intervention. This study found that tooth shade remained lighter than baseline at 2 years and, despite high patient satisfaction, 66% of participants gauged their shade relapse as mild to moderate.65 The presence or absence of a tray reservoir does not appear to have an impact on shade regression.12
The literature would suggest that shade stability following bleaching is high and can range from 2 to 10 years or more. Relapse to the original pre-bleaching shade is seldom reported.
Irritation or iatrogenic soft tissue damage
Soft tissue and, in particular, gingival irritation may be caused by the tray itself or by the bleaching material within the tray. It is recommended that well-fitting trays formed from high quality impressions are constructed to carry the bleaching agent. Some authors have recommended a scalloped margin to the tray to minimize soft tissue contact and thus irritation.55 In the case of ‘at-home’ bleaching, patients should be appropriately instructed on how much bleach to deliver into the tray. Instructions should be given on the removal of excess bleaching agent which may seep out through the side of the tray and on to the soft tissues. Similarly, a poorly applied and maintained gingival barrier during ‘in-office’ bleaching can result in a significant gingival inflammatory response. Greater gingival irritation has been reported in ‘in-office’ bleaching procedures than ‘at-home’ techniques, and this may be as a result of the higher concentrations of bleaching agent used.66 There is a risk of greater iatrogenic damage to the gingival and other soft tissues if this material is allowed to remain in contact with the soft tissues for a protracted duration. Adverse effects include burning or blanching of the tissues, which can result in a whiter/lighter appearance to the soft tissues. Studies involving exposure of human tissue equivalents to tooth-whitening agents resulted in altered tissue morphology, induced proliferation of basal keratinocytes, and caused apoptosis of cells in all epithelial strata. An increased expression of cytokines that are linked to inflammation was also observed.66 Whilst exposure of soft tissues to bleaching agents may be asymptomatic or sore, such findings would support a preventive and mindful approach.
External cervical resorption
External cervical resorption (ECR) is an inflammatory-mediated breakdown of the external cervical portion of the tooth. It has been reported to be a potential serious sequela of internal bleaching.67,68 Isolated cases of resorption defects have been reported in the literature in relation to bleaching, the first of which were reported by Harrington and Natkin in 1979.69 Much of the literature available regarding ECR pertains to traumatized or sub-optimally root-filled and poorly sealed teeth. In many cases, such teeth can be observed to undergo ECR without bleaching being carried out. In an analysis of 257 teeth exhibiting ECR, Heithersay found that orthodontics was the most common single predisposing factor, being associated with 24.1% of the teeth. Trauma was the second most common sole factor (15.1% of teeth). Trauma, in combination with intracoronal bleaching, orthodontics, or delayed eruption was associated with a further 11.2% of teeth. Intra-coronal bleaching was found to be the only potential predisposing factor in 3.9% of the teeth. Surgery involving the cemento-enamel junction area was a potential predisposing factor in 5.4% of teeth. Interestingly, 16.4% of teeth had no identifiable predisposing factor. Heithersay concluded that there was a strong correlation of ECR with orthodontic treatment, trauma, and intracoronal bleaching, either alone or in combination.70 The combination of internal bleaching with a history of trauma has been cited to be the most important predisposing factor for ECR.71 Several long-term follow-up studies have demonstrated an association between ECR and non-vital internal bleaching.69,72,73,74,75,76,77
A greater risk of cervical resorption has also been reported when the internal surface of the tooth is etched prior to bleaching and a high concentration of hydrogen peroxide75,77 is heated within the tooth. It has been suggested that heating of the bleaching agent78,79 and etching of the internal tooth surface promotes deeper penetration of the bleach, allowing it to reach and damage the cementum and periodontal tissues, and in a more energetic state denature the dentine also, eventually eliciting a foreign body reaction, resulting in resorption.75 The literature is strongly in support of the association of ECR and teeth which are endodontically treated as a result of trauma.74,78, 80,81,82,83 It has been suggested that the damaged cementum layer in the presence of high concentrations of bleaching agent initiates the resorptive process,84 although it may be that a damaged cementum layer alone is the aetiological factor for ECR initiation. There is support for a lower concentration of bleaching agent to be used, as the final achievable effect is comparable, although it may take longer to achieve.85
The efficacy of internal non-vital bleaching is nonetheless high, and a robust protocol is necessary to minimize the risk of ECR occurring. It is key that the gutta percha is removed to 2 mm below the cemento-enamel junction and an effective barrier between the endodontic treatment and bleaching agent is placed. The sealing material should extend to the CEJ to prevent passage of the bleaching gel into the endodontic space and into the periodontal ligament space via local dentinal tubules.86 A number of materials have been proposed for this purpose. Cavit has been found to have better sealing capacity than IRM,87 although following bleaching this will need to be removed. Alternatively, a glass ionomer cement (GIC) may be used. It has been demonstrated that a 2 mm thickness of GIC is effective in preventing the penetration of a 30% hydrogen peroxide solution into a root canal.88
While the risk of ECR from internal bleaching appears to be low, it is important for the clinician to recognize the association with previous orthodontics and endodontic treatment as a consequence of trauma. High concentrations and heating of the bleaching agent is not recommended
This article has aimed to review current legislation regarding dental bleaching. The mechanism of action of dental bleaching agents has been explored and an overview has been given of the various clinical approaches which may be employed in managing discoloured teeth. Potential risks associated with bleaching techniques have been discussed. It is clear that dental bleaching is a safe, minimally interventive and highly controllable treatment modality, with negligible biologic risk and cost when used appropriately.