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Bonded amalgams and their use in clinical practice Stephen J Bonsor Dental Update 2025 38:4, 707-709.
Stephen JBonsor
The Dental Practice, 21 Rubislaw Terrace, Aberdeen; Hon Senior Clinical Lecturer, Institute of Dentistry, University of Aberdeen; Online Tutor/Clinical Lecturer, University of Edinburgh, UK.
There has been a move in recent years for operative dentists to use the benefits of adhesive technology when placing dental amalgam restorations. This paper describes the potential advantages of the bonded amalgam technique. These benefits include decreased microleakage between the cavity wall and the restorative material. This, in turn, may decrease post-operative sensitivity, pulpal inflammation and the incidence of recurrent caries. Extra retention for the restoration may also be provided and the need for cavities to rely on traditional retention and resistance form may be decreased or even eliminated, thus conserving precious tooth tissue. If the restoration is bonded then flexure during function in teeth may be decreased and, in the case of teeth exhibiting a cracked cusp, this may alleviate or eliminate symptoms. Bonding may also provide support to weakened tooth tissue which otherwise would have to be removed, so rendering cavities more conservative, and may increase the fracture resistance of the tooth. Clinical examples are included to illustrate some of these benefits.
Clinical Relevance: The use of adhesives to bond amalgam to tooth tissue offers potential advantages, although some of the current evidence is equivocal about their routine use.
Dental amalgam
Dental amalgam is a mixture of a silver alloy with mercury.1 It has been used in dentistry since the 1800s2 and, through scientific investigation, the composition of the constituents of the alloy have been refined to produce a material with today's optimized clinical handling and performance. Traditional amalgam alloys suffered from a lack of strength, exhibited flow and creep and were susceptible to corrosion owing to the presence of the γ2, tin-mercury phase.2 Furthermore, amalgam on its own does not bond to tooth structure and cannot provide a complete seal or be retained in the tooth without some form of mechanical retention, such as undercuts.3 More recently, attempts have been made to reduce or even eliminate the γ2 phase by increasing the copper content in the alloy to above 13%.4 This modification of the setting reaction has resulted in some important changes in the properties of the amalgam, namely:
This latter point, although a benefit of the newer alloys, can work against the clinician as the corrosion products produced by the γ2 phase in traditional amalgams blocked up the potential gap at the tooth material interface and decreased microleakage.5,6 The use of another material between the tooth and the amalgam may help to overcome this problem by creating a seal and may also improve the retention of the material.
History of amalgam bonding
Many materials have been employed to fill the amalgam tooth interface and improve retention by bonding. These have included zinc phosphate cement,7 Copal varnish8 and polycarboxylate cement.9 Since the mid 1980s, resin composite adhesives which bond to metal have been used,10,11 as their bonding potential has been realized to offer considerable advantages. Resin-based composites, either setting by a dual cure12 or chemical (anaerobic) reaction,3 have been used for this purpose, as have resin-modified glass polyalkenoate (ionomer) cements.13–15
Potential benefits
Table 1 lists the potential benefits of bonding amalgam.
Decreased microleakageDecreased incidence of recurrent cariesDecreased pulpal inflammationDecreased post-operative sensitivityIncreased fracture resistance of the toothDecreased cuspal deflectionTreatment of cracked cuspConservation of tooth tissueIncreased retention
Decreased microleakage
Microleakage is ‘the passage of bacteria, fluids, molecules or ions between a cavity wall and the material applied to it’.16 Its clinical relevance is that the passage of bacteria at the tooth restoration interface may cause recurrent caries or pulpal irritation with subsequent pulpal inflammation.17,18 This could lead to a clinical diagnosis of reversible pulpitis or loss of vitality of the tooth. Operative intervention would then be necessary which, at best, would require a replacement restoration with the cavity inevitably increasing in size19 or, at worst, endodontics or extraction of the tooth.
Microleakage has been traditionally studied in vitro by using a dye leakage model. These studies have shown significantly less microleakage in restorations where either Copal varnish or a resinous material had been applied.20–23 Other studies have compared resin-lined and varnish-lined amalgams and concluded that bonded amalgam leaked less than varnish-lined restorations.11,24 The same conclusion was arrived at in an in vivo study.25
Resin-modified glass ionomer cements have also been advocated for bonding. Two studies in the literature contradict each other, with one26 concluding that these agents should not be used routinely to control microleakage, as increased dye penetration was observed, and the other8 concluding that resin-modified glass ionomers could be used successfully as they significantly decreased microleakage.
A study that examined various resin composite adhesive combinations in reducing microleakage27 concluded that a dentine-bonded system, combined with a high copper amalgam alloy, can provide significant protection against microleakage for up to a year. Interestingly, however, the combination of Tytin amalgam (Kerr, Romulus, MI, USA) and Panavia Ex (Kuraray, Osaka, Japan) showed a significant increase in microleakage scores compared to the other combinations tested.
The effect of amalgam alloy morphology (namely spherical and admixture varieties) was significant as a reduction in microleakage at the cavity margins was seen in all the adhesive groups tested, except where Copal varnish was used to line cavities.28 There was no significant difference in total microleakage scores between the alloy types. Bonding using Amalgambond and Disperalloy (Dentsply/Caulk, Milford DE 19963–0359) and Amalgambond and Tytin showed significantly less microleakage for the admix alloy (Disperalloy) and Amalgambond combination.29
The importance of a coronal seal in endodontics is well recognized.30 Great emphasis has therefore been placed on the quality of the definitive restoration after endodontic therapy.31 In addition, the use of an adhesive system has been promoted to restore endodontically treated teeth (Figure 1) in an attempt to decrease or eliminate microleakage, thus preventing reinfection of the root canal system.32
Figure 1. An endodontically treated tooth ready for restoration with a bonded amalgam.
Decreased incidence of recurrent caries
Recurrent or secondary caries can develop between the tooth and the restorative material with time if fermentable carbohydrate ingestion has occurred and the oral conditions are conducive. Three studies have documented secondary caries as the most common reason for replacement of restorations.33–35 Indeed, marginal microleakage is thought to be a major factor in the development of secondary caries.5,6,36–39 The development of the ability to bond restorations in situ may well improve their marginal integrity. This could in turn retard the progression of caries in this interface. Belcher and Stewart40 reported a lower incidence of recurrent caries around bonded amalgam restorations after two years of clinical service compared to those placed conventionally.
Decreased post-operative sensitivity
The use of adhesive resins to bond the amalgam to tooth tissue offers the potential to decrease post-operative sensitivity41 and, whilst laboratory studies have demonstrated that significant reductions in microleakage may be achieved, post-operative sensitivity can only be demonstrated by in vivo studies. Most published studies have shown no difference between bonded and conventionally placed amalgam restorations with regards to post-operative sensitivity,42–44 but one study did show that bonded amalgams were less sensitive up to six months after placement.45
Increased fracture resistance of the tooth
It has been reported that root-filled posterior teeth are more susceptible to fracture than teeth with intact pulps. This is mainly due to the removal of (much) tooth structure during the endodontic and restorative procedures,46,47 but also due to the dehydration of the dentine that occurs following the completion of the endodontic treatment.48 The use of adhesive techniques, in combination with the definitive amalgam restoration, may therefore afford some support to the weakened tooth and increase the fracture resistance of the tooth.49
In vitro studies, to date, show conflicting results. One study50 reported no significant difference in fracture strength across the experimental groups, and another51 reported that the conventional amalgam group exhibited the weakest resistance to fracture when compared with the groups bonded using amalgam or composite resin, but there was no statistically significant difference between the bonded restorations.
Other in vitro studies found no statistical difference in fracture resistance between bonded and non-bonded amalgam restored teeth,52,53 whilst others have reported variable tooth strengthening of bonded amalgam restorations with different adhesive products,54,55 and it has also been reported that fracture resistance is markedly increased in bonded amalgam restorations.56,57
Unsupported enamel has traditionally been removed when amalgam is planned to restore the tooth, as the material confers no strength to the remaining tooth3 and this may lead to fracture of the (weak) tooth. If the restoration was bonded in situ, then it may obviate the need for tooth tissue removal (Figure 2). Latino, Troendle and Summitt58 assessed whether a bonded amalgam restoration did actually support unsupported enamel. In this study, no significant difference was detected between the performance of the bonded and conventionally placed (control) amalgam groups. The authors therefore recommended that restorative materials should not be relied upon to support undermined occlusal enamel. In contrast, Franchi et al59 concluded that bonded amalgam appears to be as effective as composite in supporting undermined enamel in terms of resistance to fracture.
Figure 2. Unsupported enamel remaining on the lingual surface after cavity preparation in a lower left first molar tooth. This cavity is also unretentive so the use of an amalgam adhesive would be indicated if no other methods of auxiliary retention were being employed.
The amount of tooth tissue remaining following cavity preparation may have an influence upon the fracture resistance of the tooth. The greater the amount of tooth tissue missing then the greater the risk of fracture. Lindemuth, Hagge and Broome60 studied bulk fracture strengths of teeth with large and small cavities. The large amalgam restoration group showed no difference in the incidence of bulk fracture between the conventionally placed and those restored with bonded amalgam restorations. However, the small restoration group displayed a significantly greater bulk fracture strength when the restoration was bonded. It was concluded that other factors could also influence fracture resistance.
Decreased cuspal deflection
The ability of the restoration to bond to its surrounding tooth tissue may brace the weakened tooth and decrease its flexion, especially when a large amount of tooth is missing. El-Badrawy found, in an in vitro study,61 that bonding amalgam restorations decreased the cuspal deflection of maxillary premolars and consequently may assist in restoring strength to the tooth.
The challenge of how to deal effectively with cracked cusps is a problem in clinical practice. By utilizing adhesive technology, the flexure around a fracture line may be decreased or even eliminated62 and the successful treatment of cracked cusp by such an approach has been reported.63 This is illustrated in Figure 3. A fracture line extends from the distal marginal ridge onto the floor of the cavity and it was treated by bonding the amalgam in situ in an attempt to decrease the flexure of the tooth and increase the fracture resistance of the tooth.
Figure 3. Fracture line extending from the distal marginal ridge onto the cavity floor (marked with an arrow).
Conservation of tooth tissue
In the past, cavity design with mechanical retention was required for traditional amalgam restorations at the expense of healthy tooth tissue.11 Current techniques aim to remove the minimal amount of diseased tooth tissue necessary and this is facilitated by the use of adhesive technology. Staninec64 tested bonded amalgams without undercuts against conventionally placed amalgams in undercut cavities, and showed that the bonded group showed a higher resistance to dislodgement and found the bonding technique helped conserve tooth tissue. Setcos et al65 noted that a few ‘minimally retentive’ conventional restorations were lost early which, when replaced using an adhesive technique, appeared to hold well without the additional mechanical retention. Figure 4 shows a cavity prepared to receive a bonded amalgam restoration. The red line depicts the amount of tooth tissue lost had a traditional cavity been cut.66
Figure 4. A DO cavity prepared to receive a bonded amalgam. The red line illustrates the tooth tissue which would have had to be removed had a traditional technique been employed.
The use of an adhesive may prevent the needless removal of sound tooth tissue to create traditional resistance and retention form (Figures 2, 4 and 5), or the use of dentine pins with their attendant placement hazards.67 Summitt et al68 showed that there was no significant difference in failure rate and no difference in the performance of pin-retained amalgam restorations and bonded amalgam restorations at six years.
Figure 5. A post-operative view of a bonded amalgam in an unretentive cavity and without the use of auxiliary retention, 14 years after placement.
Longevity of bonded amalgam restorations and the reasons for failure
Most of the published work on restoration longevity relates to conventionally placed amalgams. There is a scarcity of clinical studies on longevity of bonded amalgams and their long-term clinical performance. One double blind study, conducted over a 42-month period, reported that both bonded amalgams and those placed using Copal varnish were free of secondary caries and were rated clinically acceptable.69
A double blind study carried out in a general practice in Australia70 examined amalgam restorations in posterior permanent teeth lined with five resin-based systems (Scotchbond 2, Panavia Ex, Amalgambond, Amalgambond Plus, Geristore) and a polyamide cavity varnish (Barrier) at intervals over periods of up to five years. There were five restoration failures (1.4%) from tooth fracture that involved Class II preparations in molar teeth. These workers were unable to substantiate that bonded amalgam restorations showed fewer failures and marginal deterioration than similar restorations placed in permanent teeth using a cavity varnish lining.
A retrospective study evaluated the longevity of Class I and II amalgam restorations placed in a general practice over a seven-year period. The results showed 182 out of 912 amalgam restorations failed during the observation period. The main reasons for failure were caries (34%), endodontic treatment required (12%) and fracture of the tooth (13%). Life tables calculated from the data revealed a survival for amalgam of 89.6% at 5 years and 79.2% at 10 years. Cox-regression analysis showed a significant effect on the amount of restored surfaces on the survival of the restorations, but no significant effect of operator, material or the combination of material and operator was found.71
A similar study carried out in general dental practice comparing and contrasting the longevity of conventionally placed dental amalgam restorations with those placed using either Panavia Ex (Kuraray, Okayama, Japan), Vitrebond (3M ESPE, Seefeld, Germany) or Rely X ARC (3M ESPE) as bonding agents over a ten-year period was recently reported.72 The results are set out in Table 2. Although conventionally placed amalgam restorations demonstrated a greater longevity than those bonded into place using Rely X ARC or Panavia Ex at the five-year period mark, there was no statistically significant difference in survival between the restoration types. Interestingly, the bonded amalgam restorations exhibited an acceleration of failure rate around 1000 days post-placement, which suggested a different mode of failure from the conventionally placed group. This author therefore challenges the justification that amalgams, with the greater financial cost to place, should be routinely bonded.
Conventionally placed
Panavia Ex
Rely X ARC
Computable sample size
% Survival at one year
% Survival at five years
not computable owing to small sample size
Clinical technique
The clinical technique will differ, depending on the adhesive selected to bond the amalgam. As with any procedure, the manufacturer's instructions should be referred to prior to using any product clinically. A previously published paper in this journal by Staninec and Setcos3 described a clinical technique using Panavia 21 (Kuraray). However, many clinicians prefer to use a dual-cured resin composite adhesive, such as Rely X ARC (3M ESPE). The technique for this adhesive is as follows:73
After cavity preparation (and placement of a lining material if indicated) a matrix band is placed if required. Inexperienced operators may wish to apply some petroleum jelly VERY sparingly to the inside of the band to prevent inadvertent bonding.
The cavity floor and walls are etched using 35% phosphoric acid for 15 s before being thoroughly rinsed with water for 10s. They are then blotted dry but care must be taken not to desiccate the tooth tissue.
Two consecutive coats of Adper Scotchbond 1 XT (3M ESPE) adhesive are applied to the enamel and dentine. This material is gently air-dried for 2 s before being light cured for 10 s.
The Rely X ARC cement is mixed for 10 s and applied sparingly to the cavity walls and floor using a brush.
The triturated amalgam is packed into the cavity.
The matrix band (if used) is removed and the restoration carved.
Those operators wishing to use a resin-modified glass polyalkenoate (ionomer) cement should firstly complete stage 1 (above). The material should then be mixed as per the manufacturer's instructions and sparingly applied to the cavity walls and floor using a brush. The material should NOT be light cured but the mixed amalgam condensed immediately against the unset cement. Once the cavity has been filled, the matrix band should be removed and the restoration completed.
The choice between bonded amalgam and posterior resin composite
It is true to say that all of the indications and potential benefits for bonding amalgam (Table 1) may also be to posterior resin composite.74 Indeed, with the use of resin composite increasing,35,75 as a result of improvements in the materials, the techniques employed to place them and patient demand,76 some clinicians would postulate that resin composite has superseded the use of amalgam.77 That said, for various reasons, many practitioners worldwide do still use dental amalgam rather than resin composite and, for them, this paper presents the benefits of bonding amalgam without suggesting whether resin composite or bonded amalgam should be employed in any given situation.
There are many theoretical benefits for employing an adhesive when placing amalgam restorations but much more work is required, ideally with the execution of prospective, randomized, controlled clinical studies, over a long period of time, to determine the longevity and success rate of bonded amalgam restorations.72,78 The evidence currently available suggests that these restorations may have a place in clinical practice, but the individual merits of each case should be considered prior to use.