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Dental amalgam: a practical guide

From Volume 48, Issue 8, September 2021 | Pages 607-618


Louis Mackenzie

BDS, FDS RCPS FCGDent, Head Dental Officer, Denplan UK, Andover

General Dental Practitioner, Birmingham; Clinical Lecturer, University of Birmingham School of Dentistry, Birmingham, UK.

Articles by Louis Mackenzie


Historically, dental amalgam is the world's most commonly used restorative material. Its use is declining due to patient and professional demand for tooth-coloured restorations that are adhesive and promote minimally invasive tooth preparation techniques. Significant reduction has also resulted from environmental concerns relating to dental amalgam's ~50% mercury content. This paper provides a comprehensive review of the status of dental amalgam including its advantages and disadvantages, amalgam safety, regulations and legislation and a comparison with alternative restorative materials. As the undergraduate teaching of amalgam procedures has progressively declined, this paper also provides an illustrated step-by-step revision guide to the materials, equipment and clinical techniques that will optimize the restoration of challenging, complex cavities, where amalgam is still considered by many to be the material of choice.

CPD/Clinical Relevance: Amalgam remains an excellent restorative material for long-lasting restorations in large/complex cavities and where moisture control presents challenges.


Dental amalgam has been used for innumerable restorations over more than 150 years. It has been the subject of an unparalleled level of clinical and laboratory research, and its advantages and disadvantages are widely documented along with the evidence base for its successful use.1,2,3

Although amalgam is a safe, durable and cost-effective restorative material with excellent mechanical properties, its use is declining for a range of reasons (Table 1).1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8

  • Patient and professional demand for tooth-coloured restorations
  • Professional preference for adhesive restorative materials
  • Increased emphasis on preventive and minimum intervention protocols
  • Trends in dental education towards amalgam alternatives
  • Adoption of the Minamata treaty on mercury reduction
  • Alleged health concerns related to the use of dental amalgam
  • As dental amalgam contains approximately 50% mercury it has always been the subject of controversy. If presented as a new material today, it would not be licensed for patient use.3

    Advantages and disadvantages of amalgam

    Although the use of dental amalgam is decreasing worldwide, it is still used in the majority of practices and its many advantages continue to make it the pre-eminent restorative material in many countries (Table 2).1,2,6,8,9

  • Unsurpassed evidence base over more than 150 years
  • Relatively quick and easy to use, compared to adhesive restorative procedures
  • Less technique-sensitive than tooth-coloured direct restorative materials in conditions where moisture control is challenging
  • Greatest compressive strength of any direct restorative material, making it ideally suited to resist functional forces on posterior teeth
  • Amalgams last longer than composites according to the majority of studies1,2,6
  • Optimal use can provide restoration longevity in excess of 30 years1
  • Proven long-term success in cuspal coverage restorations2
  • May eliminate the need for more destructive indirect restorative procedures
  • Physical properties (eg wear rate, elastic modulus) are closer to enamel than tooth coloured restorative materials2,3
  • Amalgam exhibits less thermal expansion and contraction than tooth-coloured restorative materials2,3
  • Corrosion over time enhances the marginal seal
  • Heavy metal ionic breakdown products are antibacterial, resulting in slower progression of secondary caries compared to composite, which has been demonstrated to attract higher levels of more cariogenic bacteria2
  • Does not significantly affect subgingival biofilms1
  • Suitable for use in posterior teeth, where aesthetic demands are low
  • Useful in deep cavities where the adhesive bond of composites has been shown to be diminished8
  • Historically, amalgams were reported to result in a reduced incidence of endodontic problems compared to composite restorations2,8
  • Colour contrast promotes easy removal (negligible risk of increasing cavity size compared to tooth-coloured restorations)1,8
  • Colour contrast also simplifies amalgam carving/marginal finishing and indirect preparation of teeth with amalgam cores2
  • Comparatively inexpensive/cost-effective material8 (reduced surgery time more than offsets the high price of silver)
  • Dental amalgam is still widely considered as the material of choice for specific procedures, such as the replacement of existing amalgam restorations in complex cavities (replacing one or more cusps;2Figure 1), and in deep cavities where moisture control is challenging.

    Figure 1. (a) MOD amalgam in a previously repaired mandibular first permanent molar, with a fractured mesio-buccal cusp. (b) Cavity preparation with resistance form augmented with pits for ‘amalgapins’. (c) MODLB Bonded amalgam (immediate post-op). (d) Restoration at 6 years. (e) Restoration at 12 years.

    Having demonstrated unparalleled long-term clinical success, amalgam's most commonly cited disadvantages relate to its aesthetic properties, the need for more invasive cavity preparations and environmental concerns relating to its mercury content (Table 3).

  • As a non-tooth coloured material, amalgam can make teeth look unaesthetic. This may be exacerbated by corrosion, and gingival aesthetics may also be compromised by tattooing
  • Requires retentive cavity designs (it may be necessary to remove healthy tooth tissue to optimize retention and resistance form)
  • Weak in thin section (<1.5–2.0 mm)2
  • Not intrinsically adhesive to tooth tissue (may increase incidence of cusp fractures compared to posterior composite restorations)
  • Amalgam has a finite setting/working time (although fast, regular and slow set formulations are available)
  • Fracture resistance is low during the early stages of setting, while the alloy is still crystallizing, making it susceptible to fracture during occlusal assessment
  • Amalgams may elicit temporary galvanic action between dissimilar metals (eg old amalgams, gold) with saliva acting as an electrolyte
  • Thermal cycling may result in significant expansion/contraction
  • Delayed expansion over time may initiate or precipitate the fracture lines commonly seen around older amalgam restorations.
  • Rarely, type IV hypersensitivity reactions may result in lichenoid allergic soft tissue lesions
  • Must be handled properly to avoid excessive exposure of dental staff (and patients) to mercury vapour
  • Amalgam waste is highly regulated and must be disposed of by specialized contractors
  • Surface corrosion/marginal ditching may result in the incorrect diagnosis of failure and unnecessary replacement10
  • Significant reduction in education and training may lead to de-skilling with amalgam procedures, especially with large/cusp-replacement restorations6,8,9
  • Persistent, non-evidence-based safety concerns
  • Amalgam safety

    Dental amalgam is a combination of metallic particles (predominantly silver and tin) and liquid elemental mercury. The resultant multi-phase alloy contains approximately 50% mercury and forms a solid at room temperature.3

    Multiple international authorities recognize that dental amalgam is an effective restorative material for the general population, with low risk of adverse health effects.4,5,6

    The main health concern regarding dental amalgam relates to the risk of release into the environment where aquatic micro-organisms can convert elemental mercury to organic compounds. These may then enter the human food chain, for example by eating fish and other marine species contaminated with organic methylmercury, which is the most toxic and bio-accumulative form of mercury.4

    In this way, dental amalgam can indirectly contribute to a human health risk from mercury. Globally, it is estimated that approximately two-thirds of the mercury content in dental amalgam is eventually released into the atmosphere, soil, surface and groundwater.4 Amalgam can therefore contribute to environmental pollution via the following routes:4

  • Dental amalgam manufacture (including mercury mining, trade and supply);
  • Amalgam placement and removal;
  • Amalgam disposal (eg via landfill/waste water);
  • Following cremation or burial of individuals with amalgam restorations.
  • Since children, infants and developing fetuses have increased susceptibility to the toxic effects of mercury compounds, restrictions on the use of amalgam have been recently introduced as precautionary measures to avoid even the theoretical risk of harm.4,5 By targeting children and pregnant and breastfeeding women, it is hoped that this will create future generations of amalgam-free patients.4

    Although amalgam is a durable and highly effective restorative material with proven safety, from time to time, patients and/or dental team members may raise concerns, which may be addressed by referring to a wide range of evidence-based guidance documents, statements from which are summarized in Table 4.4,5,6

    General guidance
  • There is no evidence to suggest that mercury exposure from dental amalgam restorations has an adverse effect on patient health4
  • The elemental mercury contained in dental amalgam is a more stable form and there is no evidence that it presents a direct health risk to individuals who have amalgam restorations4,6
  • The main source of exposure to mercury for the general population is through the consumption of fish and other marine species contaminated with organic methylmercury4
  • Placement and removal of dental amalgam fillings results in transient short-time mercury exposure compared to leaving the amalgam intact5
  • Mercury vapour
  • Although dental amalgam restorations can release low levels of mercury vapour, particularly during placement or removal, there is no evidence to suggest that exposure to mercury from amalgam fillings has an adverse effect on patient health4
  • Very minimal amounts of mercury vapour are released from amalgam restorations during chewing, tooth brushing, and parafunctional activities eg bruxism5,6
  • The amount of mercury vapour released is widely variable and difficult to accurately measure5
  • Mercury vapour release depends on a range of factors eg restoration number/size/surface characteristics/composition/age, chewing/grinding/brushing habits, food texture, nose-mouth breathing ratio and patient's body weight5
  • There is no evidence that dental professionals are adversely affected, despite higher levels of exposure4,6
  • Amalgam in pregnancy
  • While there is no evidence that the placement or removal of dental amalgam during pregnancy is harmful to the developing fetus,4 extensive dental treatment during pregnancy is generally discouraged6
  • This principle extends to breastfeeding women, which again is not based on any evidence of adverse health effects6
  • Until appropriate data are available it may be prudent to avoid, where clinically reasonable, the placement or removal of amalgam fillings during pregnancy6
  • As mercury vapour is capable of passing the placental barrier, a decision to perform dental treatment during pregnancy should balance patient needs eg pain/infection with any potential risks5
  • New regulations limiting the use of dental amalgam in children, pregnant and breastfeeding women should not be interpreted as advice to remove or replace existing amalgam restorations4
  • Hypersensitivity reactions
  • While localized allergic/lichenoid soft tissue reactions to dental amalgam are very occasionally seen (< 0.3% for all dental materials), they are readily managed eg restoration removal and replacement with an alternative material5
  • There is no justification for removing clinically satisfactory amalgam restorations as a precaution, except in those patients definitively diagnosed as having allergic reactions to amalgam constituents4
  • Minamata

    The Minamata convention was held in Japan in 2013 and resulted in a global treaty designed to protect the environment from mercury pollution, and reduce the risk to human health by limiting the trade and supply of mercury-containing products.7 The Minamata treaty was signed by 128 countries and came into force in August 2017. Table 5 lists the legally binding restrictions introduced in the UK in 2018–2019.4,5,6

    1 July 2018 Dental amalgam must not be used for the treatment of:
  • Deciduous teeth
  • Children under 15 years
  • Pregnant or breastfeeding women
  • See notes on exceptions
    1 January 2019
  • Dental amalgam should only be used in pre-dosed encapsulated form
  • Dental surgeries must be equipped with an amalgam separator
  • Separator efficiency must be at a level that retains at least 95% of amalgam particles
  • Dentists must ensure that all dental amalgam waste is handled and collected by an authorized waste management company
  • 1 July 2019
  • Treaty member countries must publish a national plan describing measures to phase down the use of amalgam, which may be paced according to domestic needs (with public health, prevention and development of effective and safe alternatives as key focus areas)
  • The new legislation includes the slightly confusing exception that amalgam may be used in the prohibited patient groups ‘where it is deemed strictly necessary by the dental practitioner based on the specific medical needs of the patient’. Supplemental guidance statements have been published to assist clinical decision making and are summarized as follows:

  • Medical needs should be interpreted to include specific dental needs of the patient, ie where there are medical or dental reasons to justify the choice in the best interests of the patient, the practitioner will retain the option to use dental amalgam;6
  • The apparently arbitrary age limit of children under 15 years is intended to establish a cohort of patients who have no heritage of dental amalgam restorations and whose life-long management is based on preventive and minimally invasive techniques;6
  • There are no indications for the use of dental amalgam in primary teeth.4
  • Where an individual clinician chooses to use dental amalgam in the best interests of the patient, the decision must be justified and communicated to the patient so that they can provide valid consent, which should be recorded along with the justification in the patient's clinical record.4 Examples of exceptional circumstances include:

  • Allergy or local adverse reaction to a component of resin composite or glass-ionomer materials;4
  • When moisture control or patient co-operation is insufficient to allow the use of an alternative to dental amalgam, even as a medium-term restoration.4
  • In 2010 it was estimated that the European Union accounts for 20–30% of the global demand for mercury.4 Prior to the Minamata Convention and EU regulations, several European countries had already phased down or phased out the use of dental amalgam. For example, Sweden and Norway completely banned its use in 2009 and 2011, respectively, and Finland, Denmark and the Netherlands have phased down amalgam usage to 1–5% of restorations.4

    The British Dental Association emphasize that both the Minamata treaty and related EU and UK regulations are purely for environmental protection and do not reflect any concerns about adverse effects of amalgam on human health and that the phase down of amalgam should occur in recognition that:6

  • Dental amalgam is a safe, durable and cost-effective restorative material;
  • Further development and optimization of alternative restorative materials is needed;
  • Greater focus is needed on the prevention of dental disease;
  • Currently available alternative restorative materials are not economically viable in many circumstances, particularly in developing countries;
  • Restrictions on the use of amalgam would damage the financial stability of health systems as well as impact on individual patients' ability to afford dental care;
  • Introducing general restrictions on the use of amalgam could lead to significant global public health problems.
  • Amalgam alternatives

    As amalgam is phased down because of its mercury content, it is important to consider that alternative materials are far from inert.

  • All dental alloys continuously release metals into the oral environment depending on various factors including: metal content, the phase distribution within the alloy and the corrosion conditions;5
  • Metals like gold, copper, silver and palladium nickel, zinc, cobalt and chromium are released along with many others;5
  • Glass ionomer cements release fluorides, calcium, sodium, silicon, strontium, and aluminium;5
  • Ceramic materials release substances such as silicon, boron, sodium, potassium and aluminium, and some brands also release small amounts of lithium;5
  • While many millions of composite resin restorations have been placed worldwide, with no significant adverse biological effects,4 concerns have been raised with regard to potential oestrogenic effects (eg bisphenol A, and potential cytotoxicity of resin matrix components, such as HEMA, Bis-GMA, TEGMA and UDMA).5
  • Resin composite is the natural successor to dental amalgam. Although posterior composites have been demonstrated to have lower survival rates than amalgam restorations, contemporary resin composites are capable of providing high-quality, adhesively bonded, aesthetic restorations that last for decades.11 They are especially effective in low caries risk patients and in clinical situations where moisture control can be optimized.4

    Clinical stages

    For now, amalgam remains in common use, and it is the strongest and most long-lasting direct restorative material in the world.1,2

    As undergraduate teaching of amalgam has declined significantly at many dental schools (or even been eliminated), the remainder of this article provides a step-by-step clinical case example that is designed to allow revision of the well-established principles for amalgam procedures.1,2,3 Recommendations are provided for the materials, equipment and clinical techniques that will optimize the restoration of complex molar cavities with amalgam.

    Case selection

    The clinical indications for amalgam restorations have decreased, largely due to improvements in composite materials and adhesive technology. Many practices now reserve amalgam for patients with financial limitations and/or low aesthetic demands, and for clinical situations where greater strength is required or where moisture control or other technical difficulties preclude the use of composite materials.

    While the selection of restorative materials should always be delayed until cavity preparation is complete, in the author's opinion, alongside the legal restrictions listed above, there are now virtually no clinical indications for the use of amalgam in the treatment of primary carious lesions, for the restoration of any occlusal cavity, or for the restoration of any class of cavity in maxillary and mandibular premolars.

    Pre-operative assessment

    A patient presented with a fractured disto-lingual cusp on a previously restored (and repaired) mandibular right first permanent molar (Figure 2). Pre-operative assessment included:

  • Diet and oral hygiene evaluation;
  • Assessment of the quantity and quality of residual tooth tissue;
  • Pulp testing (positive response);
  • Periodontal and mobility assessments;
  • Occlusal analysis (eg to help diagnose the aetiology of cusp fracture).
  • Figure 2. Fractured disto-lingual cusp on a previously restored mandibular first molar.

    Clinical photographs with articulating paper marks may be used as a reminder of the pre-operative occlusal scheme to help inform carving procedures.

    Cavity preparation

    The majority of amalgams placed worldwide are for the replacement of existing amalgam restorations.9,12 The well-established principles of cavity preparation for amalgam are summarized in Table 6 and illustrated in Figure 3. 1,2,3,10

  • Cavity size should be limited to that which allows caries excavation and the removal of existing restorative material
  • Retain the maximum amount of tooth tissue
  • Margins should be placed on sound tooth structure that is supported by dentine
  • Proximal box walls should be clear of all contact with adjacent teeth, laterally and cervically
  • Opposing axial walls should be parallel or occlusally convergent
  • Proximal box margins should converge occlusally
  • Cavity depth should allow adequate amalgam thickness (1.5–2.0-mm) to reduce the risk of fracture or deformation
  • Margins should be on sound tooth structure, with marginal enamel supported by dentine
  • Fragile/weak enamel should be removed (sharp hand instruments are recommended)
  • Sharp internal line angles should be smoothed to eliminate stress concentration
  • Box floors should be flat (end-cutting burs are recommended)
  • Outline form should be prepared to create cavo-surface and amalgam margin angles that approximate 90°
  • Embrasure/box margins should approximate 90° to the tooth surface to reduce the risk of marginal fracture
  • Localized adjustments may be required to opposing ‘plunger cusps’
  • Weak/undermined cusps should undergo (measured) reduction to allow room for 1.5–2.0-mm capping with amalgam (unnecessary in this clinical case, where residual buccal enamel was well supported by dentine)
  • Figure 3. (a) Sectioning amalgam using a Tri Hawk T.C bur (Ontario, Canada), copious water spray and high-volume aspiration. (b) Proximal box floor preparation (end-cutting diamond bur). (c) Smoothing axial walls and margins (composite finishing bur). (d) Preparation of proximal box margins (enamel hatchet).

    As amalgam is not intrinsically adhesive and is weak in thin section, it may be necessary to sacrifice additional healthy tooth tissue to optimize the restoration's retention form (to occlusal forces) and resistance form (to lateral forces). Amalgam should be carefully cut into sections using copious water spray and high-volume aspiration in a well-ventilated room, as excess heat increases the release of mercury vapour, which can be inhaled and absorbed in the lungs. Rubber dam isolation may be used to further reduce this risk and that of inadvertent ingestion of amalgam debris.8

    Specialized metal-cutting burs (eg tungsten carbide, Tri Hawk, Ontario, Canada) are advised for the easy sectioning of failed amalgam restorations. Protective interproximal wedges are recommended to reduce the risk of iatrogenic damage to adjacent teeth (eg FenderWedges, Directa, Upplands Väsby, Sweden).

    Retention and resistance form

    While rough, prepared cavity surfaces will help retain well-condensed amalgams, it may be necessary to enhance retention and resistance form by a variety of methods, which may be used individually or in combination (Table 7, Figure 4).

    Use of natural undercuts remaining after caries excavation/restoration removal
    Use of pulp chambers/root canals of endodontically treated teeth13
    Preparation of retentive slots, pits and grooves (recommended depth 1.5–2 mm, Ø 0.8 mm)2
    Amalgam bonding14
    Figure 4. Preparation of a pit for an ‘amalgapin’ resistance feature (330 T.C Bur).

    Retentive dentine pins were introduced over a century ago.2 Their use is now considered by many to be historical because they are associated with a range of well-documented complications, such as crack initiation, pulpal or periodontal ligament perforation and incomplete seating (Figure 5).15

    Figure 5. Micro CT scan demonstrating incomplete pin seating and dentine fracture.


    While a rubber dam is the optimal method of moisture control, it is rarely used for restorative procedures,11 and in some clinical situations equivalent restorative success has been demonstrated without its use.11 A rubber dam can be challenging to secure around badly broken-down teeth, access to deep cavities can be limited without splitting the dam and occlusal assessment cannot be carried out until the dam is removed. However, rubber dam was used in this clinical case as:

  • Cavity configuration made it easy to place;
  • Greater control was obtained for an adhesive restorative procedure;
  • Greater patient comfort was attained;
  • It was a more predictable and enjoyable clinical procedure.
  • As with class II resin composite restorations, the rubber dam retainer should be placed on a distal tooth, and in this example a space between dam holes was needed to account for a missing tooth, to reduce dam tension (Figure 6).

    Figure 6. Rubber dam isolation using a molar retainer and dam stabilization cord.

    Matrix systems

    Matrix and wedge techniques are very important factors governing the success of amalgam restorations and have the following aims:2

  • To confine the amalgam and allow generation of high condensation forces;
  • To restrict extrusion of amalgam and prevent the creation of unhygienic overhangs;
  • To optimize contacts with adjacent teeth (enhanced by matrix burnishing prior to restoration);
  • To recreate naturally cleansable embrasure anatomy;
  • To impart smooth surfaces in contact areas that cannot be carved or burnished.
  • Traditional matrix systems (eg Siqveland and Tofflemire, introduced in 1937 and 1946, respectively) present a range of disadvantages including the tendency to impart open or light contact points, which are placed too far occlusally, have flat proximal contour and may be associated with suboptimal marginal contour/seals.11

    A superior matrix system that is considered indispensable by users is the AutoMatrix (DentsplySirona.USA), which confers the advantages listed in Table 8 and is demonstrated in Figure 7.

    Much easier to use (especially during removal)
    Easily burnishable and delivers tighter contacts (and may be used for composites too)
    Optimizes marginal seal, even in deep/awkward cavities
    Four different matrix patterns allow cusps to be built up to the correct height
    Is reversible and will not flex cusps
    Absence of matrix holder allows wedge placement from any orientation and reduces leverage on removal
    Single use eliminates the risk of cross infection
    Cost effective
    Figure 7. (a) AutoMatrix tightening using an AutoMate instrument (DentsplySirona). (b) AutoMatrix in place with distal FlexiWedge (Optident, Ilkley).

    Wedges are needed to create a tight cervical seal that facilitates maximum condensation pressure. Wedging also improves soft tissue retraction and haemostasis and provides tooth separation that effectively negates the thickness of the matrix band. Wedges should be firmly inserted from the side that results in the best cervical seal.2,11 Plastic FlexiWedges (Optident. Ilkley, Yorkshire, UK) are recommended as their concave gingival contour optimizes seating over the interdental papilla and reduces the risk of matrix deformation. Plastic lugs facilitate placement and removal.11

    Alloy selection

    Dental amalgam is an alloy of mercury (approximately 50%) with other metals, such as tin, silver and copper. Alloy particles may be irregular (lathe cut), spherical or admix (combination).3 The author recommends Tytin (Kerr, Bioggio, Switzerland), a fast-setting spherical alloy with 42.5% initial mercury content.1

    Bonded amalgams

    While traditional linings, varnishes and bases under amalgams may now be considered obsolete,16 adhesive bonding has been suggested as a method of enhancing resistance and retention form. The potential advantages of amalgam bonding are the subject of debate, but a range of studies has demonstrated its success over the years, which may be improved by combination with other cavity modifications.2,14 The benefits reported by amalgam bonding proponents include:

  • Conservation of tooth tissue and enhanced fracture resistance of the tooth/restoration complex;14
  • Decreased microleakage that may reduce post-operative sensitivity and the incidence of secondary caries;2
  • Protection of weak/cracked or endodontically treated teeth;14
  • Enhanced seal (eg following pulp capping procedures);
  • Decreased cuspal deflection;
  • Differentiation between privately funded and health service amalgam restorations.
  • The following clinical stages of the technique for amalgam bonding are illustrated in Figure 8:

  • Etch, wash and dry, apply and light cure adhesive following the same manufacturer's protocol as for direct composites;
  • Apply a specialized filled bonding resin designed to adhere to non-precious alloys (eg Panavia, Kuraray, Japan);
  • Air-thin the dual-cure bonding resin to create a uniform layer (NB: do not light cure);
  • Amalgam is then packed directly on to the unset bonding resin where fingers of resin integrate and set simultaneously with the amalgam matrix to form mechanical and chemical bonds.2
  • Figure 8. Bonded amalgam technique: (a) etch, wash and dry; (b) adhesive application and light curing; (c) bonding resin application (Panavia, Kuraray, Japan); and (d) amalgam packed on to unset resin.

    In the author's experience, it is not necessary to coat the inside of the matrix with any separation medium. The use of a material such as petroleum jelly is occasionally cited, but as the resin cement will not stick to the shiny matrix, this is an unnecessary stage.


    Mixing time is highly influential on adaptation to cavity walls and floor and, therefore, on marginal seal and post-operative sensitivity.1

    It is reported that most clinical teams tend to over-mix amalgam, resulting in material that has poorer handling properties, will have reduced working time due to temperature increase, will exhibit greater expansion on setting and reduced restoration strength.1,2,3 An under-mixed mass of amalgam will also be weaker and will display increased porosity, corrosion and surface roughness.2,3

    As all mixing machines vary, calibration is recommended for individual alloys using a test mix. Testing should begin at a reduced trituration time (25–50%) and/or by using a lower mixing-speed setting, where available.1

    An ideal amalgam mix should not be difficult to remove from the capsule, should feel warm, but not hot to touch and, if dropped from approximately 30 cm, should stay in one slightly flattened piece with a wet surface gloss. An under-mixed mass will crumble.1,3

    Once mixed, amalgam should be immediately transferred to the cavity using a specialized amalgam carrier. For larger cavities, whole or half increments of amalgam may be placed using tweezers, with great care if rubber dam isolation is not used.1

    Amalgam packing

    Packing/condensing amalgam is a critical stage that aims to:1,2

  • Obturate the entire cavity;
  • Enhance adaptation to the cavity floor and walls;
  • Eliminate layers/voids;
  • Improve physical properties by reducing residual mercury content by approximately 6–10%.2
  • Condensation is reported to be an underdone stage, but may be improved using the following techniques (Figure 9):1,2

  • Mix only one capsule at a time;
  • Only use flat-ended packers (polish serrated-tip packers with composite finishing discs);
  • Pack quickly, with overlapping strokes, using heavy condensation pressure (ensure a secure finger rest and impart force from both hand and arm muscles);
  • Initially, use small-ended packers for boxes and retention features and wider tips for final (overfilled) layers;
  • Force matrix bands tight against adjacent teeth during packing to create tight contacts;
  • Work quickly to ensure that setting does not occur before placement of successive increments;
  • Overfilling allows further mercury reduction by carving away the mercury-rich surface layer (increasing strength and longevity);
  • Vertical and lateral packing is recommended to maximize adaptation (especially for spherical alloys);
  • Avoiding moisture contamination throughout the entire packing (and carving) stages will increase strength and reduce the risk of corrosion, porosity, creep and tarnish;
  • Rubber dam isolation/efficient high-volume aspiration technique will reduce the risk of patients needing to rinse out residual amalgam debris
  • Figure 9. (a) Initial amalgam increment, packed onto unset bonding resin. (b) Final overfilled increment.

    Pre-carve burnishing

    This is described as gentle rubbing directed from the amalgam towards the tooth. Burnishing may be considered an extension of the packing process that improves marginal adaptation, creates denser marginal amalgam and brings further mercury to the surface to be carved away.1,2 Burnishing helps to reveal the cavity outline form and initiates the anatomical shaping process. Specialized amalgam burnishers are recommended (eg LM 31-32, LM Instruments, Finland) (Figure 10). Acorn burnishers may also be useful for smaller amalgam restorations.17

    Figure 10. Amalgam burnishing directed from the restoration towards the tooth.

    Amalgam carving

    The reduction in teaching and practice with amalgam at undergraduate level increases the risk of accurate amalgam carving becoming a ‘lost art’.9,18 This is unfortunate because precisely carved amalgams offer a range of advantages:

  • Reduced incidence of secondary caries and periodontal disease;
  • Improved occlusal stability and mechanical support for residual tooth tissue;
  • Reduced fracture risk (short- and long-term);
  • Reduced risk of having to make gross restorative corrections during occlusal assessment;
  • Self-cleansing contours reduce the risk of food trapping and improve access for oral hygiene;
  • Reduced risk of flash, which may result in marginal fracture/ditching;
  • Increased patient and professional satisfaction;
  • Reduced risk of unnecessary replacement by subsequent dentists.2
  • A variety of amalgam carving instruments may be used. For fast, accurate carving the author recommends a Frahm's carver (various suppliers) and refinements may then be made with a sharp half-Hollenback (various suppliers) and discoid-cleoid carvers (eg LM 731-732, LM Instruments, Finland). Mastering efficient anatomical amalgam carving has been demonstrated to be improved by detailed understanding of tooth anatomy, and by use of a systematic carving sequence (Table 9, Figure 11).2,9,17,18

  • Bevel the amalgam inside the matrix using a probe to develop proximal occlusal embrasures and reduce the risk of fracture during matrix band removal
  • Carefully remove the matrix band as soon as possible, minimizing leverage
  • While carving should usually begin immediately, some alloys may require a short interval before sufficient crystallization allows easy carving
  • Carve interproximal margins immediately following matrix removal, while the material is soft and easy to carve
  • Most carving should be achieved with ‘pulling strokes’ directed from the restoration towards the adjacent enamel
  • Carve mesial and distal marginal ridges to the same height as those on adjacent teeth (reduces the risk of high restorations, which are a common cause of immediate fracture during occlusal checks)
  • Restore the correct cusp/fossa occlusal relationship
  • As cusp ridges should be rounded, care should be taken to avoid flattening cusps when using convex-bladed carvers
  • Fissures should be carved to anatomical depth (excessively deep fissures will accumulate plaque and create weak areas)
  • Avoid over-carving, as this will reduce support for residual tooth tissue and over eruption may result in occlusal interferences
  • Preoperative photographs (with articulating paper marks) may be used as a reminder of cavity outline form, reducing the risk of marginal excess
  • Thin red articulating paper is recommended as it shows up well on metal restorations, eg 40 µm (Bausch, Nashua, USA) (Figure 12)
  • Pre-operative occlusal contacts should be restored on the amalgam, residual enamel and adjacent teeth
  • Carving should be completed to an advanced stage before asking patients to tap their back teeth together ‘very, very gently’
  • Occlusal assessment may be assisted using chin-point guidance
  • Stable centric contacts should be achieved and interferences on lateral excursions corrected
  • Figure 11. Amalgam carving sequence. (a) Bevelling inside the matrix band (probe); (b) AutoMatrix opened to significantly increase the ease of removal. (c) Rapid, accurate fissure pattern carving (Frahms carver). (d) Carving refinements (half-Hollenback and discoid-cleoid carvers).
    Figure 12. Occlusal assessment using 40-µm red articulating paper (Bausch, Nashua, USA)

    Amalgam carving (and composite shaping) skills have been shown to be significantly improved by repeated practice using wax carving simulation exercises.9,18 By using these techniques, it is possible to learn how to quickly achieve anatomically shaped restorations that need minimal occlusal adjustment following dam removal, reducing the risk of catastrophic fractures during occlusal assessment.


    Gentle post-carve burnishing is also recommended to smooth restorations and maximize marginal adaptation.1,2 Light pressure should be used to reduce the risk of marginal fracture. A PKT3 instrument (Peter K Thomas; various suppliers) is a useful instrument for burnishing axial amalgam margins and refining fissure patterns.

    A dry cotton wool roll may be used to smooth the amalgam surface. When using strong, fast-setting amalgams (eg Tytin, Kerr, Bioggio, Switzerland), gentle smoothing may be carried out using a thick mix of pumice and glycerine, lightly applied with a rubber cup (Figure 13)

    Figure 13. Post-carve burnishing may be followed with gentle smoothing (fast-setting alloys only) using pumice/glycerine.


    Although polishing amalgams is considered a clinically unnecessary stage, polished amalgams will feel smooth, collect less plaque, be easier to clean and undergo less surface corrosion (Figure 14).1,2

    Figure 14. Polished amalgam (completed at 6-month review appointment).

    Once completely set (>48 hours) amalgams may be polished using pumice and glycerine on a polishing brush, followed by zinc oxide and white spirit on a rubber cup. Brown followed by green silicone polishing tips (Shofu, Japan) may also be used intermittently, with slow rotation and water coolant as dry polishing generates heat, which can release more mercury vapour than any other clinical stage, and may increase the risk of discomfort and long-term surface degeneration.1,2 Even without this stage, amalgams often take on a polished appearance within 6 months of function.

    Monitoring and repair

    Optimizing cavity preparation, placement and carving of amalgams will result in restorations that perform as well or better than any other restorative material (Figure 15).1,2

    Figure 15. Five-year review of MODL-bonded amalgam.

    Over time, amalgams demonstrating signs of wear and tear are a very common finding. A wide range of publications has highlighted the challenges in accurately assessing existing restorations, especially when seeing a patient for the first time.1,2,12 It is widely recognized that a significant number of amalgam restorations are unnecessarily replaced following an incorrect diagnosis of failure,10 as the difference between true secondary caries and a non-carious crevice at the restoration interface is difficult or impossible to detect clinically.12 Explicit use of a standardized, universal criteria to decide whether to replace an existing restoration is still needed.12

    It has been further demonstrated that accurate carving and/or re-polishing may reduce the risk of unnecessary restoration replacement.1 Set amalgams may be recontoured using fine, multi-bladed tungsten carbide finishing burs and aged amalgams may be re-polished to refine margins and remove tarnish.

    Although common practice, the routine replacement of restorations demonstrating early signs of failure has been shown to be highly flawed.1 Furthermore, when failure does occur, restorations are often amenable to localized repair, increasing the functional longevity of the tooth/restoration complex.

    Contemporary restorative management should favour repair over complete replacement. Amalgam may be used very successfully to repair existing amalgams. Retentive features (eg dovetail locks) may be prepared to compliment the chemical bond between new and old amalgam, which may be up to 60% as strong as a solid amalgam specimen (Figure 16).2

    Figure 16. Amalgam repair. (a) Distolingual cusp fracture (total amalgam removal may precipitate further fractures). (b) Dovetail lock preparation. (c) Matrix placement. (d) Amalgam repair. (e) Repair at 7 years.


    Dental amalgam has served dentistry well for over 150 years. While it has been phased down globally for clinical, aesthetic and environmental reasons, it remains an excellent, long-lasting restorative material for specific clinical situations, such as the replacement of failed existing amalgams in large/complex cavities where moisture control conditions are challenging. The time spent mastering skills with dental amalgam will be rewarding for patients and clinicians alike.