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Full mouth restorative rehabilitation of the generalized worn dentition: a step-by-step approach to treatment

From Volume 50, Issue 10, November 2023 | Pages 834-840


Jose Suarez Feito

MD, BSc, MClinDent (Prostho), MSc, PhD

Visiting Professor, International University of Cataluña, Visiting Professor for Masters in Periodontics, University of Oviedo, Private Practice, Oviedo, Spain

Articles by Jose Suarez Feito

Shamir B Mehta

BSc, BDS, MClinDent (Prosth), Dip FFGDP (UK), PhD, FCGDent, FDSRCS (Eng), FDSRCPS (Glas), FDTFEd, BSc, BDS, MClinDent (Prosth), Dip FFGDP (UK), PhD, FCGDent, FDSRCS (Eng), FDSRCPS (Glas), MClinDent (Prosth) Dip, FFGDP (UK)

Senior Clinical Teacher, KCL, London, UK

Articles by Shamir B Mehta

Subir Banerji

BDS, MClinDent (Prostho), PhD FDSRCPS(Glasg) FCGDent, FDTFEd, BDS, MClinDent (Prostho), PhD, FDSRCPS(Glasg), FCGDent

Articles by Subir Banerji

Email Subir Banerji


In this article, full-mouth restorative rehabilitation of the generalized worn dentition is presented. In the authors' opinion, the steps to achieve a predictable functional and aesthetic outcome are proposed and illustrated using clinical case examples. The rationale for each step is outlined and the longer-term expectations, from the point of view of both the clinicians and patients are considered.

CPD/Clinical Relevance: Knowledge of a step-by-step approach to the full-mouth rehabilitation of the worn dentition is valuable for clinicians.


It has been suggested that the application of any tooth wear index should not be a major influence as to whether restorative treatment should be provided.1 Several patient and clinician factors must be taken into consideration and carefully evaluated before restorative intervention is prescribed. Patient factors would include:1

The clinician on the other hand, may have primary or secondary concerns.1,2 Primary concerns might be:

While secondary concerns would include:

In addition to the above, the impact of tooth wear on the patient's psychosocial condition also needs to be considered.3 Oral health-related quality of life factors and the psychological impact on wellbeing following aesthetic rehabilitation need evidence-based appraisal before restorative treatment is commenced.4 Meticulous patient assessment and history taking will be required.5 Treatment cost, complexity, prognosis and maintenance will require inclusion into the patient consent process.3,6,7 Where no adverse effects are recorded due to the tooth wear, effective prevention and periodic monitoring of the condition could be the indicated management strategy.4,7,8

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