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Management of implant screwdriver ingestion: reflection and guidance for the GDP placing implants Rupert Mazareanu Naveed Soomro Shihab Romeed Dental Update 2025 50:1, 707-709.
Dental procedures carry a risk of inhalation or ingestion of foreign bodies. The Medical Defence Union reported there were 141 dentistry-related incidents over a 10 year period (137 ingestion, four aspiration). Most objects pass through the alimentary canal uneventfully, but timely and efficient management can reduce the risk of complications. This article reflects on the management following accidental ingestion of an implant screwdriver in an oral reconstruction patient. Clear step-by-step guidance for the GDP performing implant therapy is provided.
CPD/Clinical Relevance: Through reflection on a clinical incident of ingestion and aspiration of a foreign body, the lessons learned are shared to aid in avoidance of such situations, or their effective management.
Procedures involving fixed prosthodontics have the greatest risk of aspiration or ingestion. Before embarking on oral rehabilitation, the clinician must carry out a comprehensive assessment and take the necessary intra-operative precautions to mitigate the risk of foreign body ingestion/inhalation.1 However, if one of these adverse events occurs, prompt and proper management can help to improve outcomes and reduce litigation.2
Most (80%) ingested foreign bodies pass spontaneously. Fortunately, mortality rates are low, with no death reported in a study of 852 adults. Foreign body impaction tends to occur at areas of anatomical aberrations and pathological changes.3
A 91-year-old lady was diagnosed with T4N0M0 squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the left buccal mucosa with mandibular involvement. This was treated surgically in October 2018 with a left segmental mandibulectomy, neck dissection and fibula free flap. She was then referred to the restorative dentistry team for oral rehabilitation to improve her quality of life in relation to nutrition and digestive problems.
The initial plan was to provide upper and lower dentures; however, despite several attempts, it was not possible to construct a satisfactory lower denture owing to extensive mandibular atrophy/surgical resection.4 A joint decision was then made between the patient, family, restorative and maxillofacial teams to make an implant-supported shortened dental arch bridge.
Once the implants had been placed osseo-integration achieved, the implants were uncovered (Figures 1–4). During removal of the LL4 region healing abutment, the patient made a brisk movement of her head and the implant screwdriver slipped and fell behind a protective gauze. The procedure was immediately aborted, and the patient was leaned forward and encouraged to cough. She felt she had ingested the driver and there were no signs of aspiration/airway compromise. The patient was urgently referred to radiology for chest and abdominal radiographs (Figures 5–7).
A DATIX report was made to register the clinical incident. Furthermore, the gastroenterology (GI) team was contacted and we were advised that a series of abdominal radiographs should be taken to track the implant driver. Regular follow-ups were undertaken, and the patient was asked to look out for signs of obstruction, including constipation, bleeding or pain. The GI team advised that a a non-invasive monitoring approach be undertaken with a view to avoiding surgical intervention. Two weeks later another abdominal radiograph was taken when it was demonstrated that the driver had been excreted uneventfully (Figure 7).
Reflection and guidance
A review and analysis of 617 cases published in Head and Face Medicine reported that the number of ingestion/inhalation incidents has increased greatly since the new millennium. This is in line with an increasing demand for higher risk procedures such as prosthodontics, endodontics, implantology and orthodontics. Furthermore, the over 60-year-old population, who has the greatest demand for complex procedures, is known to be at significantly greater risk of aspiration when compared to other age groups.5
Case selection can be important to mitigate risks. Some patient groups known to be at greater risk include the very young, older people, those who are overweight, or have learning disabilities or dementia, and medically compromised patients. Environmental factors can also play a role, and use of sedation, inadequate high-volume suction, inadequate lighting and a supine position can be considerations.6
In light of the experience in our department, we developed a new protocol to help prevent accidental aspiration or swallowing of instruments during implant procedures (Table 1).
Count the number of implant drivers and screws before and after each procedure
Ligate implant instruments with dental floss to operator's ring finger
Place gauze to protect oropharynx
Treat patient in seated position. Supine position increases the risk of swallowing/aspirating instruments
Have adequate high-volume suction available throughout the procedure
The role of human error in surgical incidents is often multifactorial and includes both organizational issues and human factors. Contributing factors can include stress, fatigue, emotional state, hunger, and situational awareness. New digital technologies, such as intra-oral scanners, can be used to simplify workflows and potentially reduce human error. 7,8,9,10 From an organizational point of view, efforts should be undertaken to streamline processes and reduce risk of error.11 The Swiss cheese model (Figure 8) illustrates how several adverse events can culminate in patient harm.12
Timely referral to appropriate medical specialties can greatly improve outcomes (Figure 9). Early complications can include acute airway obstruction, pneumonia, mucosal abrasions, bleeding, gastric outlet obstruction, and perforation. Chronic complications can include mediastinitis, peritonitis, abscess or fistula formation.1
If a foreign body is ingested, certain predisposing conditions can increase the risk of obstruction, perforation, haemorrhage or fistual formation (Table 2). Once referred appropriately, the hospital surgical teams may organize radiographic imaging to identify, locate and determine the size and shape of ingested foreign bodies. Most objects pass uneventfully in 4–6 days, but some may take up to 4 weeks and should be monitored with regular weekly radiographs. In cases where removal is indicated, this is usually completed within 24 hours to decrease the risk of perforation. This can be achieved via endoscopic removal (with forceps or retrieval net) or surgery.13Table 3 outlines the general timings for endoscopy. Consideration must also be given to patient factors such as age, complexity, comorbidities, and performance status.
Oesophageal obstruction: unable to handle secretions
Oesophageal foreign objects that are not sharp or pointed
Coins in the oesophagus may be observed for 12–24 h
Disk batteries in the oesophagus
Food impaction without complete obstruction
Objects in the stomach with diameter >2.5 cm
Sharp-pointed objects in the oesophagus
Sharp-pointed objects in the stomach or duodenum
Disk and cylindrical batteries in the stomach without signs of GI injury may be observed for up to 48 h. If they remain after 48 h, they should be removed. (Disk batteries >20 mm are unlikely to pass)
Objects >6 cm long at, or above, the proximal duodenum
Magnets within endoscopic reach
The literature shows that the incidence of foreign-body aspiration/ingestion in the dental environment is increasing. Good case selection and a streamlined working environment can help to mitigate these risks. The lessons that have been learned from this incident and reflected upon are the importance of engaging the nursing staff in complex treatments, treating patients in an upright seating position, using floss to ligate implant drivers, counting screws/drivers before and after the procedures, high volume/surgical suction should always be available, same-day escalation/reporting, and the importance of prompt referral to the correct emergency and long-term team. Timely management can improve outcomes and decrease severity of potential complications.