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Management of the single discoloured tooth part 1: aetiology, prevention and minimally invasive restorative options Andrew J Barber Paul A King Dental Update 2025 41:2, 707-709.
Andrew JBarber
BDS (Hons), MFDS RCS(Eng), MSc(Dental Implantology), FDS(Rest Dent) RCS(Eng), PG Cert Med Ed
Specialist in Restorative Dentistry, Prosthodontics, Periodontics and Endodontics, Clinic 8, Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 0QQ
Consultant/Senior Clinical Lecturer in Restorative Dentistry, Bristol University Dental Hospital and School, University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust, Lower Maudlin Street, Bristol BS1 2LY, UK
The single discoloured tooth is commonly encountered in general practice. This is the first of two articles covering the broad range of management options for the single discoloured tooth. This first part outlines the common causes of discoloration and possible methods of prevention. Minimally invasive techniques are covered. Clinical procedures are outlined and clinical cases used to demonstrate outcomes that can be achieved.
Clinical Relevance: The single discoloured tooth is a commonly encountered clinical problem in general dental practice. A wide variety of management options exist and any one in particular may be most appropriate given the clinical scenario. It is therefore essential that general dental practitioners are familiar with the range of options that exist, as well as their indications, and consider adopting minimally invasive techniques in the first instance before moving to more invasive therapies.
In general practice, patients present relatively frequently complaining of discoloured teeth. It is thought that the value placed on aesthetics by western societies is increasing.1,2 Accordingly, when a single tooth is involved, particularly in the upper anterior region, patients are often very conscious of their appearance and highly motivated to try to resolve the problem. Appropriate management strategies can range from monitoring of the discoloration to extraction of the tooth involved and prosthodontic replacement. Careful assessment and diagnosis of the tooth concerned and consideration of the status of adjacent teeth is therefore essential in guiding the clinician to the most appropriate management strategy. The procedures involved can vary in their predictability of resolution of the discoloration and stability of final result over time. An explanation of these issues is therefore a vital part of the consent process in such cases.
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