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Resin-retained bridges: ten tips for success and an update on all-ceramic designs

From Volume 48, Issue 6, June 2021 | Pages 465-472


Olivia Barraclough


Dental Core Trainee, Restorative Dentistry, Leeds Dental Institute

Articles by Olivia Barraclough

Email Olivia Barraclough

Thomas Dennis


Hellenic CMS Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University Hospital of South Manchester, Southmoor Road, Wythenshawe, Manchester, M23 9LT, UK

Articles by Thomas Dennis

Jaymit Patel


StR Restorative Dentistry

Articles by Jaymit Patel

Email Jaymit Patel


Resin-retained bridges RRBs are a conservative and minimally invasive means of tooth replacement. The complex nature of planning for RRBs can be overlooked and may subsequently lead to poor outcomes. With ceramic RRBs gaining popularity, discussion surrounding how their preparation differs from that of conventional RRBs is imperative. This article provides an update on ceramic RRBs and highlights some tips for the general practitioner to improve the aesthetics and longevity of their bridges.

CPD/Clinical Relevance: Tips to improve the aesthetics and longevity of bridges carried out in general practice are provided.


Resin-retained bridges or resin-bonded bridges RRB/RBB are fixed prostheses that can be used with a minimally invasive approach as a means of tooth replacement. RRBs are reported to have fewer biological complications than removable partial dentures in the 2 years following fit of prosthesis.1 In addition, they are reported to be more cost-effective than single-tooth implants and conventional bridges.2 In contrast to all other means of prosthodontic tooth replacement, RRBs primary mode of failure is mechanical rather than biological. This is advantageous as it does not compromise the abutment tooth.3

RRBs are reported to be a predictable means of replacing missing teeth. A recent systematic review and meta-analysis identified a 91.4% survival at 5 years and 82.9% survival at 10 years.4 Albeit less successful, this is arguably comparable to outcomes for other fixed prosthodontic approaches from similar meta-analyses, which report 10-year survival for fixed-fixed bridgework and implant-retained prostheses to be 89.1% and 93.1%, respectively.5,6

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