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Restoration of Discoloured Incisors with Ceramic Veneers: A Workflow Case Report Luis Gustavo Barrote Albino Eduardo Trota Chaves Verônica Pereira de Lima Giana da Silveira Lima Dental Update 2025 51:1, 707-709.
Luis Gustavo BarroteAlbino
DDS, Msc, PhD
Doctor, Graduate Program in Dentistry, Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel), Pelotas, Brazil
Lecturer, Academic Center for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA), University of Amsterdam and Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, Netherlands; Guest Researcher, Radboud University Medical Center, Radboud Institute for Health Sciences, Department of Dentistry, Nijmegen, Netherlands
This case reports the treatment of two discoloured incisors with feldspar ceramic veneers using an integrated work approach, and the active participation of a dental technician. The patient presented an upper left central incisor with a composite restoration, and a lateral incisor with discolouration after trauma and endodontic treatment. Planning was developed in collaboration with the technician, the decision was to perform ceramic veneers on the discoloured teeth. Central incisor previous restoration was included in preparation, and lateral preparation was limited to create enough space for the veneer. This case highlights the importance of communication between patient, clinician, and technician to achieve excellent results in restorative dentistry.
CPD/Clinical Relevance: Feldspar ceramic veneers might be a good option for masking light and mediumly discoloured substrates.
Tooth discolouration is one of the most common outcomes associated with traumatic events.1 Colour changes can occur due to different causes, such as pulp necrosis or penetration of endodontic cement into the dentinal tubules.2,3 In light of this, proposed treatments should consider effective approaches to masking the darkened substrate. Ideally, the proposed treatment should only include the affected elements and not involve the adjacent teeth with the aim of achieving chromatic harmony.4 The decision-making process should consider the patient's expectations and demands regarding the restorative material and longevity of the treatment.5,6
Conservative treatments, such as tooth bleaching techniques, can be adequate to resolve or minimize tooth discolouration.7,8,9 However, some cases require restorative treatments, such as direct composite resin restorations.10 The masking ability of resin composites is highly related to the technique and influenced by the thickness of the restoration and the use of opacifier agents and/or opaque resin composites.11 Additionally, the substrate-masking process needs to be balanced against compromising other aesthetic properties, such as translucency.10,12 Furthermore, the ageing of resin composites can result in long-term colour instability12 and require interventions such as polishing or refurbishment.13
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