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Ten tips for avoiding post-operative sensitivity with posterior composite restorations FJ Trevor Burke Louis Mackenzie Peter Sands Adrian CC Shortall Dental Update 2025 48:10, 707-709.
Patients increasingly seek tooth-coloured restorations in their posterior dentition, and with the anticipated decline in the use of amalgam as a result of the Minamata Agreement, this will increase. However, the incidence of post-operative sensitivity has been variously assessed as being between 0% and 51%, therefore information on its avoidance is essential. This article reviews the reasons for such sensitivity by examining the potential materials' factors, plus clinical aspects, such as the configuration factor and bonding to tooth substance.
CPD/Clinical Relevance: There is a significant incidence of post-operative sensitivity after placement of a posterior composite restoration, so information on how to avoid this may be of value.
The use of composite as a restorative material for loadbearing situations in posterior teeth has increased in recent years,1 with this potentially being a result of a combination of factors, such as:
Increasing patient demand for aesthetic restorations in their posterior, as well as anterior, teeth (Figures 1 and 2),2 with this having been evident as long ago as 1990;
Increasing patient anxiety with regard to a mercury-containing material being used in their teeth;3 and
The increasing impetus away from dental amalgam as a result of the Minamata Agreement in 2013.4
Figure 1.
(a) Fractured lingual cusp, lower second premolar. (b) Cavity and fractured cusp at (a) restored with resin composite restoration.Figure 2.
(a) Deep caries lower second premolar. (b) Cavity in (a) restored with resin composite.
It is therefore desirable that resin composite restorations in posterior teeth may be placed successfully, including the ability to form a tight, naturally contoured contact point when interproximal surfaces are involved, this having been described previously.5 However, there appears to be a demonstrable incidence of post-operative sensitivity reported to two of the authors (FJTB and LM) when they conduct postgraduate education courses on placement of resin composite restorations in loadbearing situations in posterior teeth, also known as ‘posterior composites’, this being the term that will be used forthwith in this article. Moreover, Jack Ferracane, in his 2008 Buonocore Memorial Lecture, which reviewed the subject, stated that concerns over the problems associated with polymerization contraction of dental composite restorations made their placement a ‘stressful situation for many practitioners’.6
It is therefore the aim of this article to explore the causes of post-operative sensitivity (POS) and its management.
The problem
Determination of the extent of the problem of POS with posterior composites is difficult to quantify because of the heterogeneity of methods used for its determination. For example, researchers may:
Report incidental findings in a cohort study, this methodology having been used in circa 50% of studies.7 This was criticized by Browning et al8 because it gives equal weight to the patients who have experienced different levels of tooth sensitivity.
Recall patients specifically to test restored teeth with a stimulus, usually cold, after varying periods of time (1 day to 7 weeks, for example).
Report the result of a telephone conversation between the clinician or a member of the ancillary staff regarding the comfort of their restored tooth.
Report POS by way of a visual analogue scale or questionnaire.
These differing methodologies present a challenge in establishing the precise incidence of POS, but nonetheless, the data in Table 1,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18 which presents reported incidence of POS in a variety of cohort studies, indicate that there is a potential problem, even if this is difficult to quantify. In this regard, the classic publication by Hayashi and Wilson19 is relevant, insofar that these authors found, when they quantified the occurrence of reported POS in a cohort study (of 1100 restorations) and examined whether there was a correlation between this and risk of failure of the restoration, that restorations in the study were more likely to have failed at 5 years if POS had occurred within 1 month of placement. Avoiding POS is therefore important. It is therefore the aim of this article to suggest ways by which POS may be minimized, or, hopefully, avoided.
An early study on POS was that by Borgmeijer and colleagues.9 They stated that ‘POS is a problem which a dentist can encounter after restoration of a tooth with composite resin’. They compared POS between composite and amalgam restorations in a total of 244 Class II restorations, three-quarters of which were resin composite: the results indicated that 57 restorations (22.1%) ‘showed a varying period of POS’, no difference in POS between amalgam and composite restorations and no difference between premolars and molars
Opdam and co-workers,10 in a study of 144 Class II restorations using one of three combinations of adhesive systems/filling techniques, assessed POS after 6 weeks, with no spontaneous POS being reported, although 19% of the teeth were sensitive to loading, this being correlated to bulk placement
Akpata and Sadiq11 compared POS when Class 1 cavities, lined with glass ionomer or an adhesive bonding system, were restored with resin-based composite (RBC). Cold response measurements were used after 24 hours, 7 days and 1 month post-operatively. They reported 10–20% incidence of post-operative sensitivity at 1 week, but there was no significant difference at 1-month recalls whether the restored teeth received a lining of either glass ionomer or the adhesive bonding system
Manchorava and colleagues12 reported type, intensity and duration of POS in Class I and II cavities restored with a self-etching adhesive and nanofilled composite. These workers found that ‘pressure- and cold-induced’ POS was present in 15.8% of cases, with an overall incidence of POS being 26.3%
Auschill and colleagues13 reported 5.4% overall post-operative sensitivity in a study of 600 teeth in 231 patients, restored by supervised dental students with resin composite: post-operative sensitivity was as reported by the patient after 2 weeks by scoring this on a 10-point scale. Increased cavity depth was significantly associated with the occurrence of post-operative sensitivity and cavities with a carious exposure had a 14 times greater risk of failure and post-operative pain compared to restorations/cavities that were located in dentine. No patients reported sensitivity to sweet/sour, most reported the sensitivity as sharp/dull. In this regard, these results reinforce the advantages of a minimally invasive approach in terms of reducing POS and increasing tooth and restoration survival times
Briso and colleagues14 evaluated post-operative sensitivity in 143 Class I and 149 Class II restorations, with the patients being contacted after 24 hours, 7, 30 and 90 days post-operatively. Deep cavities were excluded, and all procedures were carried out by 20 undergraduate dental students under supervision. The evaluation at 24 hours indicated significant differences in the type of cavity and the occurrence of POS, with a higher frequency (25%) in MOD restorations, as compared to Class II (15%) and Class I (5%). Sensitivity decreased with time. The authors concluded that sensitivity was related to the complexity of the restoration
Asghar and Ali15 similarly reported on depth of cavity and post-operative sensitivity, with 131 patients in the study group who received Class I resin composite restorations lined with glass ionomer. It was found that deeper cavities showed more post-operative sensitivity than cavities with ‘lesser depth’ in dentine. Patients were recalled after 1 week in order to evaluate POS with hot and cold stimuli: 5.3% of teeth reporting sensitivity to cold and 3.8% to hot. Regarding cavity depth, seven out of 31 (22.6%) and five of 31 (16.3%) restored teeth with cavity depth 4 mm showed sensitivity to cold and hot, respectively. No post-operative sensitivity was reported when depth of the cavities was 3.0 mm for both stimuli
Gordan and Mjor16 reported POS after the placement of 46 Beautiful (Shofu Inc, Kyoto, Japan) restorations, with patients being questioned regarding the presence of sensitivity and its duration and intensity. At day 2, six restorations (13.5%) were sensitive to cold, and, at day 7, only two restorations were sensitive, with no sensitivity being present after day 14
Kaurani and Bhagwat17 compared the incidence of POS in 80 Class I or II cavities restored using different treatment protocols and using water at five different temperatures directly applied to the tooth surface to test for ‘degree of sensitivity’. The group with a protocol that used exteriorized resin-modified glass ionomer and packable composite exhibited the highest level (12 of 20 restorations (60%)) of POS to water at 10°C on day 7. No teeth in the study exhibited POS in response to water at 5°C on day 30
Berkowicz and colleagues18 assessed POS in 565 Class I restorations placed for 504 patients by 38 dentist members of a practice-based research network (PEARL), stating that the cavities were no deeper than halfway into dentine. POS was recorded by patients on an 11-point visual analogue scale and by completion of a questionnaire. At 1 week, 51% of restored teeth exhibited POS, and 16% had ‘appreciable hypersensitivity’, with this not being correlated with cavity volume or depth
A systematic review and meta-analysis by Reis and colleagues7 on the subject of POS and the influence of adhesive strategy, which identified an initial 2600 articles and included 29, concluded via a forest plot that ‘the relative risk for spontaneous POS was 0.65, while the stimuli-induced risk was 0.99, and that there was no difference between different adhesive strategies, namely etch and rinse or self-etch
It may therefore be concluded that the incidence of POS, measured by various means, is between zero and 51%. This figure may also be considered to vary between clinicians. It may also be interesting to note that, in the study by Al Omari et al,20 in which amalgam restorations were placed by dental students, short term POS was affected by lesion depth, ie no matter which material is used, the deeper the cavity, the wider are the dentinal tubules
Back to basics
Choosing the right material
While it almost goes without stating, taking time to make the correct diagnosis and then adopting a minimally invasive approach, is important to minimize post-operative problems. It may also be considered essential to choose, not only the correct material for a given clinical application, but also one that has been produced by a manufacturer with a pedigree in the field, ideally with research to back it up. This statement may be evidenced by research into branded versus non-branded (or ‘own label’) materials regarding resin-based21 and glass ionomer materials.22 Additionally, results of research by Shaw and colleagues23 indicated that the batch-to-batch variability was greater for non-branded materials (ie their manufacturing might be in one facility one year and in a different one the following year), and research from workers in Norway and Poland24 concluded that ‘at the present, the own brand label materials herein studied must be considered at the very least, a false bargain’ while expressing ‘legitimate concern’ over such materials. Most recently, Olegario and co-workers25 examined the cost effectiveness of two low-cost glass ionomer cements (GIC) versus Fuji IX (GC) when used for 150 occlusal ART GIC restorations, which were then followed for 2 years. The results indicated that survival of restorations in the low-cost materials was less good, and, despite the fact that Fuji IX was more expensive, the low-cost materials were not cost-effective.
In these chastened financial times for dental practices, it may be tempting to purchase materials that are of low cost despite their less robust pedigree. However, the cost of one premature adhesive failure must be calculated against the saving in a 5-ml bottle of bonding resin.
Tip 1, therefore, is that it makes sense to choose a reliable material with research to back it up, and to follow the instructions!
Mechanisms for pulpal pain
In order to fully understand the potential mechanisms for POS, it may be considered relevant to examine the basic principles involved in bonding to dentine. The physiology of pulpal pain was explained by Brannstrom half a century ago in what has become known as Brannstrom's hydrodynamic theory of pulpal pain.26 Essentially, this considered that pulpal pain was initiated by movement of tubular fluid as a result of an osmotic gradient from the pulpal aspect and the occlusal aspect of a dentinal tubule. Such movement of tubular fluid stimulates mechanoreceptors near the odontoblast processes and the A-delta fibres respond to this stimulation. The response of these fibres is proportional to the fluid flow, with factors that may be responsible for sensitivity being the remaining dentine thickness and the tubule diameter.27 In that regard, Auschill et al13 considered that factors that can cause this fluid movement include dentine drying, heat resulting from cavity preparation, chemical agents and bacterial penetration. The contemporary interpretation of this theory is that, if a reliable (see previous section) bonding agent is employed, the tubules will be sealed and there should be little or no osmotic gradient, thereby minimizing the potential for POS.
Mechanism of dentine bonding
In the past, it was thought that the bond to dentine was dependent on the depth of penetration of resin into the dentinal tubules, but the work of Nakabayashi28 informed us that bonding to dentine was facilitated by the application of an acid to the dentine surface in order to demineralize it and expose the collagen fibrils. Application of the bonding resin, followed by its polymerization, leads to the creation of a layer that is partly collagen and partly resin, termed the ‘hybrid layer’ (Figure 3). It therefore follows that overdrying/desiccation of the dentine leads to collapse of the collagen, and the resin does not penetrate it (Figure 4). In this regard, studies by Tay and colleagues29 and Perdigao and co-workers30 indicate that dry etched dentine resulted in low bond strengths. The concept of ‘wet bonding’, which was announced by John Kanca III in 1992 to some scepticism, has remained a central aspect of bonding to dentine, with Kanca adding that ‘dentine is inherently a wet tissue’.31
Figure 3.
(a) Diagrammatic representation of demineralized dentine surface. (b) Resin penetration of the fully expanded collagen layer to form the so-called ‘hybrid layer’.Figure 4. Overdrying/desiccation of the dentine leads to collapse of the collagen, and the resin does not penetrate it.
Tip 2, therefore, is that for reliable bonding (and as a result, reduced risk of sensitivity), the dentine should not be desiccated, because that can cause the collagen to collapse, and the bond is then challenged.
Contemporary bonding agents, such as the universal adhesives, may be used in self-etch, total-etch or selective enamel-etch modes, but the rule of not overdrying the dentine nevertheless applies.32
What happens if the dentine is etched for a longer time than suggested by the manufacturers? The dentine surface is demineralized more deeply, more collagen fibrils are exposed and more dentinal tubules are opened. However, the bonding agent is generally designed to penetrate to a depth of, for example, circa 5 microns, so it will not form a hybrid layer to the complete depth of the demineralization, leaving an empty space (Figure 5). This then fills with fluid from the dentinal tubules, and when the tooth is subjected to thermal (cold or hot) and/or pressure stimuli during eating, this fluid-filled layer may expand or contract, resulting in tubular fluid movement, which the patient experiences as post-operative pain. Foxton,33 in an excellent review, reinforced this statement, in stating that the phenomenon of over-etched dentine results in the resin not being able to fully penetrate to the full depth of demineralization, resulting in a zone of weakness beneath the hybrid layer. He added that this could influence the longevity of a resin composite restoration, particularly if it was placed in a tooth subjected to high occlusal stress.
Figure 5. Over-etching the surface leads to formation of a fluid-filled layer beneath the hybrid layer.
Tip 3, therefore, is that the dentine should not be etched for longer than the manufacturer's instructions.
Light curing is not as simple as it seems
Light curing has been part of restorative dentistry for more than 50 years.34 Do we take this for granted? It may seem elementary to state this, but it is essential that the exit ‘window’ of the light curing unit (LCU) is placed correctly (noting that type I units have a light guide and type II LED LCUs that have a lens in the head of the handpiece), directly above/below (depending upon which arch is being treated) the restoration being cured. It is also essential that this is held in place for sufficient time, the time being dependent upon the type of composite, its shade and increment thickness, and the type and condition of the LCU. In this regard, Al Omari and co-workers35 reported POS in 30 patients who each received one Class II composite restoration, with the restorations being cured in either fast-curing mode with an LED LCU, or a step mode using the same light. The two-step curing mode resulted in a statistically significant reduced incidence and severity of POS compared with the fast-curing mode. The explanation for this could be that, while the fast mode will have had higher irradiance, the radiant exposure, and hence the extent of cure, may have been less with this mode because of the shorter cure time.
More recently, a study by Par and co-workers36 reported on the effect of high-intensity rapid curing and conventional curing on stress in 1.5-mm composite specimens. The results indicated that the high intensity cycle did cure the composites faster, but at the potential expense of increased shrinkage force, the clinical relevance of that being potentially greater POS.
There is no strong evidence in the literature to relate placement method to clinical outcome. However, four papers are worth noting in this regard.
Lee and Ferracane37 demonstrated increased stress development for bulk-filled versus incrementally filled Class II resin composite restorations and also, notably, the benefit of curing the proximal before the occlusal section of the restoration.
In a finite element study, Pottier et al39 showed a horizontal incremental filling method to give less stress development and associated cuspal deflection than a bulk-fill method.
Finally, Tsujimoto et al40 reported that the reduction in cuspal deflection with oblique layering versus bulk fill did not apply for all the bulk-fill RBCs they tested.
Light power output (or irradiance) has been noted to decrease with LCU age, although this effect is not so marked with contemporary LED LCUs as it was for older quartz-halogen lights. In this regard, results of a recent questionnaire-based evaluation of the ‘habits’ of UK GDPs indicated that 53% of respondents checked the intensity of their LCU regularly, with 33% stating that they checked their light every month and 27% every week.41 It has been considered that, for checking of modern LCUs, a 3-month frequency is probably adequate (Prof WM Palin, personal communication, November 2019), although others have suggested checking before each patient treatment, something considered by the present authors to be impractical.
Tip 4, therefore, is that for reliable curing of the resin composite and its bonding agent (and as a result, reduced risk of POS) the light tip should be correctly positioned directly beneath (for upper arch), as close to, and perpendicular to, the restored surface as possible or above (lower arch) for the correct period of time. Additionally, the LCU's irradiance or power output should be checked regularly.
The configuration factor
It is a fact of life that resin composite materials shrink on polymerization, with experts in the field, Davidson and Feilzer42 once calling this ‘unavoidable’. On the other hand, this may be seen as a good thing, since, if they expanded, the tooth could break. Hence, in a cavity, such as a Class I, where the cavity is surrounded by the walls of the tooth and the restoration is bonded to the walls and floor of the cavity, it therefore follows that there is only one surface at which the shrinkage can take place, namely, the occlusal surface, which is not bonded to any structure. In this regard, if we consider that an occlusal cavity may have four walls and a floor, which can be bonded to, then this presents a negative configuration factor, with this concept based upon the following formula by Feilzer et al in 1987:43
C-factor = Total bonded areaTotal unbonded area
For an occlusal cavity, the configuration factor (C-factor) is therefore 5/1 (Figure 6a). The authors who first suggested this concept, Feilzer et al, also suggested that a C-factor of >1 was necessary for the adhesives used around the cavity to survive the stresses of polymerization. Indeed, in their experimental model, all specimens failed cohesively at C-factors >2. Adhesives have improved since the time of that experimental work, but the concept still stands, namely, that the Class I and traditional box style V cavities (as opposed to a shallow saucerized Class V lesion as found in tooth wear) are a stressful situation for the bonding resin, and steps, such as incremental placement technique (with the composite material only touching one wall at a time) or the use of a low shrinkage stress (vide infra) material. It has been considered that an MOD preparation provides a more compliant structure than does a Class I preparation.6
Figure 6.
(a) The configuration factor: schematic representation of a Class I cavity (top left), Class II (top right), Class IV or cusp replacement (bottom left) and total cusp loss (bottom right). (b) Clinical techniques related to the configuration factor.
It is also important that clinicians assess the compliance of the residual tooth tissue, given that weakened cusps may need reduction and capping. In the past, such cusp-coverage resin composite restorations were considered the domain of indirect techniques. However, the current authors consider that there is no reason why these should not be placed directly, given that this will present the patient with a reduced fee for the restoration, and a more convenient one-visit technique. The downside for the clinicians relates to an increased degree of difficulty in achieving the correct occlusion on the built-up cusps as compared with an indirect technique.
It therefore follows that, for a Class I, high C-factor cavity being restored with a resin composite material, the high potential stress means that incremental layering is necessary: not so with an extensive cusp replacement restoration, in which the resin composite material may be placed in horizontal increments (Figure 6b) (an example is presented in Figure 7), unless the resin composite thickness exceeds the manufacturer's cure depth.
Figures 7.
(a, b) Fractured cusp of upper first premolar with MOD restoration restored with cusp-replacement resin composite restoration.
The configuration factor also helps explain why Class IV restorations and large cusp replacement resin composite restorations in premolars do not generally debond (if correct placement procedures are used) – the bond is not stressed! In addition, as the direction of shrinkage is towards the most strongly bonded interface (enamel) de-bonding may occur at more weakly bonded interfaces for example, caries-affected dentine. Figure 8 presents a cusp replacement restoration in a first molar in which a crack in the cavity floor was identified.
Figure 8. Patient complained of pain on biting, and cold sensitivity. (a) Large pre-existing composite restoration. (b) Restoration removed. (c) Large cavity in first molar with crack at base. (d) Remaining cusps cut back and overlaid with resin composite. Complete occlusal coverage. This significantly reduces the C factor, with pre-op sensitivity resolved due to the seal around the restoration being re-established, and occlusal load now evenly distributed so as to minimize risk of crack propagation.
Tip 5, therefore, is that for reliable bonding (and as a result, reduced risk of sensitivity) an awareness of the configuration factor is essential, especially with regard to medium/large Class I cavities.
Shrinkage stress
However, the configuration factor is not the only factor involved. While, as stated previously, all resin composite materials have a demonstrable shrinkage, which may vary from as little as 1.5% to as much as 6%,6 they may also have differing values for shrinkage stress, because this is a function of:
Polymerization shrinkage, per se;
Elastic modulus;
Development of flow capacity; and,
Degree of cure/conversion
While shrinkage and elastic modulus may be considered most relevant if degree of conversion is constant, it is essential clinically that the resin composite material is cured to the greatest possible extent. It is the resultant clinical effect of shrinkage stress that is relevant to this article, with values ranging from 100 MPa to 300 MPa being generated.6 These are values, according to Ferracane, which he termed ‘startling’, being of a magnitude which could cause ‘tooth-composite interfacial leaking and/or debonding, cuspal deflection (bending) and/or enamel cracking’, any of which may give rise to POS and be implicated in failure of the restoration. In this regard, a lower shrinkage stress (stiffer/less elastic/lower modulus) material will stress or deform cusps less than a high shrinkage stress material. In this regard, in a 5-year practice-based clinical evaluation of Filtek Silorane (3M ESPE, Seefeld, Germany), a low shrinkage stress posterior composite material, was associated with an almost negligible level of POS.44 Furthermore, given that stressed/deformed cusps are expressed clinically as a patient complaining of post-operative pain on biting (most commonly on release of pressure), the use of a low shrinkage stress material is essential if the restorative material is to be placed in bulk, as is possible with the bulk-fill restorative materials that do not require a ‘capping’ with a different material.45 Studies have shown that stresses can be reduced by incremental placement/curing techniques and by using reduced curing intensities and energies,6 but noting that increased radiation time leading to a greater radiant exposure and hence better cure.
Tip 6, therefore, is that, to reduce stresses at the tooth/restoration interface, the use of a material with low shrinkage stress is of value, and, if not, an incremental placement procedure should be used, especially with regard to extensive Class I cavities.
An alternative treatment when using ‘conventional’ resin composite materials
If a ‘conventional’ resin composite material, which is not low shrinkage stress, is being employed, there is evidence from laboratory research that used a variety of placement techniques in extracted human teeth. The results of this indicated that the placement of a flowable composite base layer along with incremental curing of the composite, resulted in less leakage at the gingival margin of Class II cavities filled with conventional composite.46 It may be of interest to note that accelerated curing with a plasma light led to increased leakage values. Today, the authors suggest that an appropriate material for this clinical situation might be one of the wide range of low shrinkage stress flowable composite resins, for example, SDR (Dentsply-Sirona, Weybridge, UK).
Tip 7, therefore, is use a low shrinkage stress material or flowable base layer if you are using a ‘conventional’ composite material (ie one that is not low shrinkage stress).
The deep Class II box and other margins
A deep interproximal box is a challenging clinical situation, given the difficulties in isolation subgingivally and the frequent lack of enamel in such situations. Regarding isolation, the authors suggest that rubber dam is of limited use for deep subgingival cavities and that isolation may generally best be obtained by the placement of a tightly wedged matrix band. In such a challenging isolation situation, the concept of proximal box elevation (also known as cervical margin relocation) comes into play, in which a material that is fast and simple to place is used to build up the interproximal box by 2–3 mm to a level at which isolation by rubber dam is possible (Figure 9). The authors suggest that chemically cured versions of a resin-modified glass ionomer (RMGI) are appropriate, given their fast and easy placement (with no intermediate bonding agent being required), lack of solubility (unlike some other glass ionomer variants) in the dilute organic acids found in plaque, reliable bond to dentine and some fluoride release.47 The use of composite for this technique has also been suggested,48,49 but has the disadvantage that the use of an intermediate bonding agent is required. Finally, it is stating the obvious that all margins, not only in the Class II box, must be adequately adapted, although the Class II box margin may be considered most important, insofar as it is generally difficult, or impossible to check on a regular basis. Importantly, it should also be added that, in cases where proximal box elevation is required (ie no enamel present at the base of the class II box margin), it is likely that the patient has high caries activity and therefore requires counselling regarding this.
Figure 9. The concept of proximal box elevation.
Tip 8, therefore, is ensure good adaptation at the cervical margin (indeed, all margins).
Bonding technique
While it is important to follow manufacturers' instructions with regard to air thinning of a bonding agent in order to evaporate excess solvent, it is important to avoid using the three-in-one syringe at its full strength, as this could blow the bonding agent out of the cavity. This, in turn, will compromise the bond.
There is laboratory evidence50,51 that rubbing in a bonding agent will improve bond strength, with recent work on bond strength to enamel, of seven universal adhesives used in self-etch mode, confirming this.51 There is also clinical evidence52,53 that rubbing in a bonding agent will enhance the clinical performance of adhesives used in restoration of NCCL, with results of one study52 indicating an 82.5% retention rate after 2 years with passive application, and a 92.5% retention rate when the adhesive was scrubbed vigorously. Additionally, it may be of interest to note that the manufacturer's instructions for the clinical application of Scotchbond Universal (3M) indicate that this material should be rubbed in for 20 seconds.54
Tip 9, therefore, be careful not to blast the bonding agent out of the cavity with a strong air blast, and, rub it in.
Adhesive type
There are a variety of papers that examine incidence of POS with regard to adhesive type used and/or the effect of a glass ionomer base. Examples of these include:
Burrow and colleagues55 placed 103 restorations in 70 patients who had ‘moderate to deep’ occlusal cavities in at least one molar tooth. There were four groups: (i) restorations bonded with a two-step total-etch adhesive; (ii) RMGI lining was placed, followed by the total-etch adhesive; (iii) bonded with a two-step self-etch adhesive; and (iv) RMGIC liner and self-etch adhesive. Composite was placed incrementally. POS was evaluated at 1 week and 1 month, being assessed as rare in daily function, with no differences in the RMGIC/no RMGIC groups and the difference modes of bonding agent.
Perdigao and co-workers56 placed 100 Class II composite restorations using either a self-etching or a total-etch adhesive, with a flowable composite being placed in the cervical area of the box in half of the restorations. They timed the application of compressed air and a cold stimulus until the subject responded, with the results indicating that, at 2 weeks, no difference in POS was observed between the two bonding agents or whether a layer of flowable composite had been placed.
Casselli and Martins57 evaluated POS in 104 Class II restorations, with each of 52 patients receiving two restorations, one bonded using a self-etch adhesive and the other with a total etch adhesive. No spontaneous POS was noted and no differences between the two bonding systems.
These studies appear to indicate little difference between self-etch/total-etch bonding systems or when a resin-modified glass ionomer base was placed, However, Akpata and Behbehani,58 when investigating POS with two different bonding systems, reported that POS was ‘mild’, although there was a trend towards POS being less when a self-etch bonding agent was used, compared with a system in which the dentine was etched with phosphoric acid.
Universal adhesives
Previous bonding agents were type specific, ie the self-etch bonding agents' bond strengths were compromised if the dentine was etched and the etch-and-rinse bonding agents performed suboptimally if the dentine surface was not etched. Universal adhesives can be used successfully in whichever etch mode is chosen by the clinician, but given that it has been considered that over-etching the dentine surface may lead to the formation of a fluid-filled layer beneath the hybrid layer, and pain on thermal stimulus and biting (see above), it is suggested that they are used in selective enamel-etch mode, ie do not etch the dentine. In this regard, there is a body of research that confirms the effectiveness of certain universal adhesives in selective enamel etch mode.59 Reviews have also indicated that these materials have enhanced the performance of bonding to dentine,59,60 while results of a randomized controlled trial have concluded that ‘this 2-year clinical evaluation showed that Scotchbond Universal performed similarly in restoring NCCLs compared with the etch&rinse (Single Bond, 3M, MN, USA) or self-etch (Clearfil SE, Kuraray) systems.61 It can therefore be expected that it will perform similarly in selective enamel etch mode. In addition, a review by Perdigao and colleagues has concluded that the clinical behaviour of Scotchbond Universal indicates that it is the current gold standard.62
Tip 10, therefore, is that universal adhesives show promise: use them in selective enamel-etch mode and do not etch the dentine.
Bulk-fill composites
Bulk-fill composite materials, such as SDR (Dentsply/Sirona), were developed as a means of filling a cavity in a posterior tooth quickly. However, these required the placement of a layer of ‘conventional’ composite on the occlusal aspect of the restoration as their wear resistance was suboptimal. Such materials have been classified as bulk-fill base materials.45 However, materials have been introduced (such as Filtek One, 3M, MN, USA, SonicFill, Kerr, Bioggio, Switzerland, and Tetric Evo-Ceram Bulk Fill, Ivoclar Vivadent, Leichtenstein) that do not require placement of a ‘capping’, and hence have been classified as bulk-fill restorative materials.45 This group of materials have depths of cure of circa 5 mm owing to the presence, among other factors, of translucent fillers. There should, therefore, be no need for more than one light curing episode, although an additional interproximal light cure may be suggested, but this negatively impacts the potential time saving associated with these bulk-fill materials.
A ‘bonus’ tip, therefore, is that bulk fills may be our short-to medium-term amalgam alternative, but optimal curing is essential.
While this article has presented tips for avoiding POS, other factors may play a part. The literature strongly suggests9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18 that depth of cavity/depth of residual dentine plays a part, with deeper cavities having a higher potential for greater levels of POS, the restorative history and inflammatory condition of the pulp also playing important roles. In this regard, in the study by Auschill et al,13 cavity depth was significantly associated with the appearance of postoperative sensitivity and a 14-times higher incidence of POS when the pulp was exposed. Furthermore, the work reported by Poon et al63 showed a significant difference in cavity depth and POS. There are two lessons here:
Given the importance of managing patient expectations, patients should be advised if their treatment has involved removal of deep caries
Secondly, every effort should be made to avoid pulp exposure in vital, asymptomatic teeth, given the increasing evidence that sealing caries into a cavity using bonded resin composite is an accepted technique, and given that there are now materials, such as Biodentine (Septodont, France) which, when placed over deep caries, stimulate formation of tertiary dentine.64
It may be worth mentioning that reinforced glass ionomer materials do not appear to have any incidence of POS,65 most likely because these materials have a low modulus of elasticity, which in turn will make the likelihood of stressed cusps unlikely. While they do not have the wear resistance of resin composite materials, they may be considered to provide long-term provisional restorations with little or no risk of POS. In this regard, the results of a recent randomized controlled trial of EQUIA Forte (GC) hold promise.66 In this long-term, split-mouth, randomized, prospective, multi-centre clinical study, 180 patients were enrolled who were identified as in need of two Class II, two-surface restorations in the molar region of the same jaw. The estimated survival rates at the 2-year recall were 93.6% (EQUIA Forte) and 94.5% (Tetric EvoCeram, Ivoclar-Vivadent), indicating no significant differences between the two materials
Finally, It should be added that success with ‘posterior composites’ is dependent also upon the operator's knowledge of and familiarity with the various technique sensitivities that have been described by Mackenzie and colleagues.67 In this regard, success rates of posterior composite restorations have been evaluated in a recent review,68 with the results indicating, both from cohort studies and meta-analyses that fulfilled the inclusion criteria (among these being that the studies were based in primary care) that resin composite restorations have acceptable survival rates when placed in loadbearing situations in posterior teeth, with AFRs generally within the range 2–3%.
A variety of factors may contribute to POS when using resin composite materials for restoration of cavities in posterior teeth. Clinicians should, therefore, assess the tooth being restored when placing posterior composite restorations, and apply the appropriate practical tips that have been suggested to the clinical situation.