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Tooth wear guidelines for the bsrd part 1: aetiology, diagnosis and prevention

From Volume 45, Issue 6, June 2018 | Pages 483-495


Ken Hemmings


BDS, MSc, DRDRCS, MRDRCS, FDS RCS, ILTM, FHEA, Consultant in Restorative Dentistry and Honorary Clinical Associate Professor, Eastman Dental Hospital and Institute

Articles by Ken Hemmings

Angharad Truman

BDS (Hons), MFDS, M Pros, FDS (Rest Dent) RCSEd, PGCME, FHEA

Specialty Registrar in Restorative Dentistry, Bristol Dental Hospital

Articles by Angharad Truman

Sachin Shah

BDS, MFDS RCS, MClin Dent(Pros), MRD RCS

Specialist Prosthodontist in private practice/Clinical Teaching Fellow, Eastman Dental Hospital and Institute, 256 Gray's Inn Road, London, WC1X 8LD

Articles by Sachin Shah

Ravi Chauhan


Specialty Registrar in Restorative Dentistry, King's College Dental Hospital, London, UK

Articles by Ravi Chauhan


Tooth wear (TW) is a common condition affecting patients who often require advice and treatment from dentists. Physiological TW is normal and accepted by most patients. Pathological TW, by virtue of symptoms or rapid wear, will prompt the need for dental care. It can range from mild sensitivity from an abrasion lesion to gross destruction of the dentition. Similarly, treatment can range from simple operative care to full mouth reconstruction with crowns or complex dentures. Too little or too much treatment can lead to tooth loss and patient complaints.

These guidelines are designed to help dentists manage tooth wear. A selected literature review covers three sections:

Each section is concluded with a summary of key points which can act as a quick reference checklist for the busy practitioner. It is hoped that effective treatment or advice given at the right time can reduce the amount of long-term maintenance care required in the future. However, it is acknowledged that some severe bruxist patients will always require regular repairs or replacement restorations.

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