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Tooth wear guidelines for the BSRD part 2: fixed management of tooth wear

From Volume 45, Issue 7, July 2018 | Pages 590-600


Ken Hemmings


BDS, MSc, DRDRCS, MRDRCS, FDS RCS, ILTM, FHEA, Consultant in Restorative Dentistry and Honorary Clinical Associate Professor, Eastman Dental Hospital and Institute

Articles by Ken Hemmings

Angharad Truman

BDS (Hons), MFDS, M Pros, FDS (Rest Dent) RCSEd, PGCME, FHEA

Specialty Registrar in Restorative Dentistry, Bristol Dental Hospital

Articles by Angharad Truman

Sachin Shah

BDS, MFDS RCS, MClin Dent(Pros), MRD RCS

Specialist Prosthodontist in private practice/Clinical Teaching Fellow, Eastman Dental Hospital and Institute, 256 Gray's Inn Road, London, WC1X 8LD

Articles by Sachin Shah

Ravi Chauhan


Specialty Registrar in Restorative Dentistry, King's College Dental Hospital, London, UK

Articles by Ravi Chauhan


The management of tooth wear (TW) may often present a dilemma to the clinician. The clinical decision-making process between monitoring and active management can be difficult. Thorough history-taking and clinical assessment are essential parts of gathering sufficient information to allow the clinician and the patient to make these treatment decisions.

Uncontrolled tooth wear can lead to poor aesthetics, dentine hypersensitivity and functional problems, ultimately resulting in a reduced quality of life. Significant tooth structure loss can also lead to difficulties with any potential rehabilitation.1 Patients often only become aware of their TW when the appearance of their teeth begins to deteriorate or they become symptomatic. Enamel may appear thin or discoloured, begin to fracture and the teeth may appear shorter.2 Exposure of dentine can lead to transient pain in response to chemical, thermal, tactile or osmotic stimuli. This is commonly known as dentine hypersensitivity and may occur following loss of enamel with dentinal exposure secondary to tooth wear.3 This pain can often be unsettling for the patient and may lead to limitation of the types of food or beverage ingested.

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