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Tooth wear guidelines for the bsrd part 3: removable management of tooth wear

From Volume 45, Issue 8, September 2018 | Pages 687-696


Ken Hemmings


BDS, MSc, DRDRCS, MRDRCS, FDS RCS, ILTM, FHEA, Consultant in Restorative Dentistry and Honorary Clinical Associate Professor, Eastman Dental Hospital and Institute

Articles by Ken Hemmings

Angharad Truman

BDS (Hons), MFDS, M Pros, FDS (Rest Dent) RCSEd, PGCME, FHEA

Specialty Registrar in Restorative Dentistry, Bristol Dental Hospital

Articles by Angharad Truman

Sachin Shah

BDS, MFDS RCS, MClin Dent(Pros), MRD RCS

Specialist Prosthodontist in private practice/Clinical Teaching Fellow, Eastman Dental Hospital and Institute, 256 Gray's Inn Road, London, WC1X 8LD

Articles by Sachin Shah

Ravi Chauhan


Specialty Registrar in Restorative Dentistry, King's College Dental Hospital, London, UK

Articles by Ravi Chauhan


Removable prostheses can be used alone or in combination with fixed prosthodontic treatment to manage tooth wear (TW). It is an accepted mode of treatment that can fulfil the aims of restoring the appearance, function and/or speech of patients with worn dentitions.1,2

The lack of coronal tooth tissue in cases of severe tooth surface loss can make fixed prosthodontic treatment more challenging and less predictable. Removable prosthodontic treatment may be more appropriate in these cases, especially when the additional time and cost associated with fixed prosthodontic treatment is taken into account. The remaining coronal tooth tissue can be used to support, retain and/or stabilize a removable prosthesis. A partially dentate patient with advanced tooth wear may add more credence to this form of treatment.

Patients will need to be made aware of the limitations associated with removable appliances, the added maintenance and potential risks to the remaining dentition. Patient compliance, adaptation and managing expectations will also be key to providing a successful outcome.

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