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Treatment planning over 50 years Ken Hemmings Dental Update 2025 50:5, 707-709.
BDS, MSc, DRDRCS, MRDRCS, FDS RCS, ILTM, FHEA, Consultant in Restorative Dentistry and Honorary Clinical Associate Professor, Eastman Dental Hospital and Institute
There have been significant changes in restorative dentistry since the first publication of Dental Update 50 years ago. The changes in prosthodontics are described in this article, as are the interactions with the sister disciplines of endodontics and periodontology. Conventional crowns, bridges and dentures were the main ‘tools of the trade’ in the 1970s. Adhesive materials, dental implants and bleaching have allowed a less destructive way of repairing and replacing teeth. Dentists and patients have different attitudes to dentistry today. Technology continues to improve, and how we practice continues to evolve.
CPD/Clinical Relevance: Looking back over 50 years of clinical dentistry is useful to see the changes in our day-to-day practice and see the techniques which have passed the test of time.
There has been significant change in the practice of restorative dentistry over the last 50 years. I have practised for just a little over 40 of these years and have found current practice to be much easier and with improved outcomes compared to when I started. When new materials or techniques are developed, the hope is that they will be successful. This is judged by many factors including improved biological or financial outcome and survival, a simplified application or better patient acceptance. The evidence to support these perceptions lags significantly behind. Nevertheless, some techniques have good evidence and have been adopted into regular general or specialist practice. This article highlights some of the major changes that have changed how we provide treatment for our patients today. These include adhesive dentistry, bleaching, dental implants and the use of the ‘Dahl’ concept. This article looks at how these developments have changed our treatment planning, rather than giving a historical literature review or in-depth description of technique.
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