Dimitrios Malamos

Oral Medicine Clinic, National Organization for the Provision of Health Services (IKA), Athens, Greece

32. Painless genital and oral lesions

This man suffered from secondary syphilis confirmed by the presence clinically of asymptomatic atypical ulcerations in his mouth and groins together with lymphadenopathy and his highly positive...

30. Red skin

This skin rash was an allergic drug reaction to penicillin. This is a very common side-effect and appears within 5–6 days of drug uptake and ranges from mild to life-threatening. This is a body...

29. Black eye

Traumatic haematoma inflicted by her alcoholic husband is the likely diagnosis. Older patients have fragile skin vessels which bleed easily with minor trauma and form petechiae or large ecchymoses on...

28. erythematous gingivae around the crown of a wisdom tooth

Pericoronitis is the most likely cause of the gingival inflammation here. This inflammation is caused by bacteria and food debris beneath the operculum of the partially erupted wisdom tooth. The short...

Sore or swollen lips part 3: diagnosis and treatment

The diagnosis of sore/swollen lips is based mainly on:.

27. soreness in the floor of the mouth

The history and clinical information suggest a chemical burn is most likely. Direct application of aspirin to the mucosa can cause severe local necrosis seen as a large ulceration covered with white...

Sore or swollen lips part 2: systemic causes

Lips are the site of primary or secondary manifestations of various systemic infections; neoplasms and immune-related disorders. A plethora of bacteria, fungi and viruses can affect the lips causing...

26. Mouth and skin ulcerations

Pemphigus vulgaris, an autoimmune intraepithelial blistering disease affecting skin and mucous membranes, is the cause of oral and skin ulcerations in this patient. The presence of intact bullae in...

Sore or swollen lips part 1: causes and diagnosis

There is a wide range of causes of lip soreness/swelling, as seen in Table 1..

25. White gingivae

The gingivae of this patient show a mild inflammation causing loss of stippling and white diffuse lesions due to Lichen planus. Lichen planus is a chronic inflammation disease which affects the...

24. Dark gingivae

Racial pigmentation is the answer here. This is a very common finding in Afro-Caribbean patients and appears as diffuse hyperpigmentation symmetrically in all parts of the oral cavity but mainly in...

23. Lip swelling

Crohn's disease is the likely cause. This chronic inflammatory bowel disease affects any part of the gastro-intestinal tract causing abdominal pain, diarrhoea and weight loss and may be associated...

22. Red mark on face and lip

(a) Infantile haemangioma (superficial) is one of the most common benign tumours of infancy. It is a vascular neoplasm which can affect the face and other parts of the body and is characterized by...

21. Lump in the floor of mouth

(a) Dermoid cyst is a true hamartoma caused when skin and skin structures become trapped during foetal development. The dermoid cyst presenting in the floor of the mouth is rare but represents the...