David Edwards
Newcastle Dental Hospital
Endodontics: The Sequel or the Surgical
Jay-Krishan PandyaRoot canal treatment is highly successful for managing peri-radicular pathologies related to an infected root canal system, with up to 96% of cases resolved with primary, non-surgical root canal...
Re-endodontic Treatment. Part 2: How?
David EdwardsWhere a decision is made to undertake non-surgical re-treatment, additional assessment is required. Case selection is essential to providing predictable treatment and obtaining informed consent, with...
When to consider the use of CBCT in endodontic treatment planning in adults
Nisha DowlingCanal obliteration can be idiopathic, due to hereditary disorders (eg dentinogenesis imperfecta) or occur following trauma, orthodontic treatment, pulpal injury, caries or restorative...