FJ Trevor Burke

Can a concise, benchmarked patient survey help to stimulate improvements in perceived quality of care?

During 2013, practices were beginning to have their second DEPS using exactly the same 10 core questions and the same patient grading options as in 2010. Six practices were identified up to the end of...

Evaluation of a novel compule-based gingival retraction system in UK general dental practices

Retraction of the gingival tissues is a central part of indirect dental restorations to facilitate identification of the restoration margins and to allow the root contour apical to the margins to be...

Information for patients undergoing treatment for toothwear with resin composite restorations placed at an increased occlusal vertical dimension

The cause of TW may be considered to be multifactorial, being mainly due to erosion, attrition and abrasion, with abfraction also being a source of TW. However, the problem becomes increasingly...

Book review

Question: Did you know that?:.