Manuel S Thomas

BDS, MDS, Associate Professor, Manipal College of Dental Sciences Mangalore, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, Karnataka, India


Technique Tips: A Reflection on Mouth Mirrors: Types, Usage and Modifications

Mouth mirrors, also rarely referred to as odontoscopes or stomatoscopes, have three main parts:.

The removal of a primary tooth anterior abutment root to salvage a fixed prosthesis

A 52-year-old woman patient was presented with a chief complaint of pain and swelling in the mandibular left anterior region. Clinical examination revealed a mandibular anterior fixed prosthesis...

Medication-related tooth discoloration: a review

Certain medications used locally or systemically are directly associated with extrinsic or intrinsic tooth discoloration. The prechromogens or the chromogens from these medications are either...