Matthew BM Thomas

Specialist Registrar in Restorative Dentistry, Cardiff University School of Dentistry, Heath Park, Cardiff, UK

Replacing buried teeth: A Review of primary failure of eruption of permanent teeth and case report

Diagnosis of PFE can be challenging because it has a variable presentation and can be similar to other conditions.9 Establishing the correct diagnosis is essential, as failure to do so, will lead to...

The use of 3D metal printing (direct metal laser sintering) in removable prosthodontics

3D printing is an additive process whereby successive layers of material are placed until the 3D object is created.1.

The prosthodontic pathway for patients with anomalies affecting tooth structure

Table 1 lists a variety of conditions that can affect the quality and quantity of dental hard tissue and the morphology of teeth. The remainder of this article will focus on the features and...

Precision attachments in partial removable prosthodontics: an update for the practitioner part 2

Careful treatment planning is essential. Errors at this early stage may result in failure of the case. A clinical examination to assess for caries, periodontal disease, peri-apical disease, tooth...