Thai Yeng
BDS, MDentSci, DClinDent (Endo), PhD, MRACDS (Endo), MRCPS (Glasg), FDSRCPS (Glasg), FDSRCS (Edin), FDSRCS (Eng), FPFA, Specialist Endodontist, North Sydney, NSW, Australia
Visual Confirmation of Cracks and Long-term Outcome: A Case Study
Thai YengEach patient was presented with a provisional diagnosis of a cracked tooth (see Figures 1–5) and was keen to investigate the prognosis further before choosing between treating the tooth with root...
Theoretical considerations for root canal re-treatment
Thai Yeng
Figures 1–5 are examples of different clinical circumstances that were considered for root canal re-treatment. These patients were keen to treat the tooth infection and avoid extraction..
Healing of peri-apical lesions with calcium hydroxide medicament following apical enlargement: a case study
Thai YengAll five patients presented with a periapical radiolucency (Figures 1-5) and each was keen to have the tooth infection treated and avoid extraction..