
We really hope that you enjoy this special periodontology issue of Dental Update and that you find it useful in supporting your management of periodontal disease in general practice.
There is a common misconception that the BSP is a specialist society when that could not be further from the truth. The society membership is made up of dental hygienists, dental therapists, general dentists, researchers, dental students, restorative consultants and specialist periodontists. Approximately one-third of our membership are general dentists and another third are DCPs. This was almost perfectly represented in the delegate split at our 2023 conference in Birmingham.
The Society aims to support any practitioner who manages periodontal disease in practice, and we hope that you find our downloadable infographics and patient information leaflets of use when you are educating your patients and treating this disease (
There are many benefits to joining the society (, including access to the Journal of Clinical Periodontology, a free educational webinar programme with CPD, monthly newsletters, annual periodical magazine, reduced rates for BSP and EFP events, awards and prizes, and dedicated support from our Early Career Group.
Please take a look at our website ( and see how the BSP can benefit you and your patients. View our membership options and join online to support us in our mission to achieve ‘Periodontal Health for a Better Life’.