There are three broad categories of sources of information. There are articles containing news and information which are written by authors who may, or may not, be experts in the field and, as such, the information may be incorrect. The Internet comes into this category. Then there are journals and magazines written by professionals and/or experts, but the expert may have views which are his/her own (as opposed to being scientifically based) and which they are free to express. The third category is the peer reviewed journal (also known as a refereed journal), in which articles are written by experts in their field and these are subject to reviewing by a number of experts in the field before the article is accepted, with suggestions for the amendments being made by the reviewers being incorporated. Alternatively, if the reviews are unfavourable, the article will be rejected. By this means, scientific credibility should be assured. Dental Update is an example of this although, it should be added that the Editorial Comment is not reviewed. I can write what I like, within reason!
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