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The versatility of flowable composites. Part 1: theory and new classification Matheel AL-Rawas Yanti Johari Nazrul M Yusoff Dasmawati Mohamad Adam Husein Dental Update 2025 49:7, 707-709.
BDS, MResDent (Prosthodontics), FRACDS
Specialist and Clinical Lecturer, Prosthodontic Unit, School of Dental Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia; Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia
BDSc, Grad DipClinDent, DClinDent, FRACDS, Senior Lecturer, Prosthodontics Unit, School of Dental Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kelantan, Malaysia.
The increase in consumer demand for restorative and aesthetic dental treatment has resulted in a gradual upsurge of dental professionals relying on flowable composites (FCs) to meet consumer needs. All main manufacturers in the worldwide dental market offer flowable products together with the packable type. Scientific and technological improvements of FCs properties and handling characteristics have not only seen FCs grow in popularity but resulted in the development of different generations and types of dental FCs suitable for wide range of clinical applications.
CPD/Clinical Relevance: It is useful for the dental practitioner to be aware of the classifications, composition and overview of FCs.
Resin composites are classified as universal, packable or flowable according to their viscosity and consistency.1,2 This, along with other classifications,1,3–7 serves as a guide to practitioners, enabling them to identify and select the most suitable materials on a case-by-case basis (Figure 1).
The viscosity of resin composites can be reduced by decreasing the filler content, lowering the viscosity of the monomers, heating, and through ultrasonic vibration. All these methods produce less viscous composites that are easy to apply in cavities and possess excellent marginal sealability. Therefore, it is valuable to review the composition of each flowable composite (FC) to better understand the performance, capabilities and limitations of each type.
An FC typically consists of three primary substances: monomers; fillers; and a coupling agent.8 The physical and mechanical properties of an FC vary based on the type, size, shape, loading, porosity and geometry of its filler.8 A monomer, however, serves as a filler dispersion matrix that gives an FC its structure, while the type of monomer used affects the characteristics of the final FC. Therefore, the viscosity of the monomer mixture, as well as the choice of filler, must be carefully selected to produce a flow property that matches the intended usage. Additionally, a silane coupling agent is a chemical that bonds fillers to monomers. Table 1 summarizes FC compositions.
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