Controversies in endodontic access cavity design: A literature review Manahil Maqbool Tahir Yusuf Noorani Jawaad Ahmed Asif Saleem D Makandar Nafij Bin Jamayet Dental Update 2025 47:9, 707-709.
BDS, MSc, Postgraduate Student, Paediatric Dentistry Unit
Senior Lecturer, Conservative Dentistry Unit, School of Dental Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Health Campus, 16150 Kubang Kerian, Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia.
BDS, Grad DipClinSc, MScDent, Senior Lecturer, Prosthodontics Unit, School of Dental Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Health Campus, 16150 Kubang Kerian, Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia.
The purpose of this article is to compare and contrast the different types of endodontic access cavity designs based on the current available evidence. Four types of access cavity designs, namely, traditional endodontic access cavity design (TEC), contracted/conservative endodontic access cavity design (CEC), ultra-conservative or ninja endodontic access cavity design (NEC) and truss endodontic access cavity design (TREC) have been suggested, and the latter three are currently in the limelight. Studies in vitro have been performed comparing the TECs, CECs, TRECs and NECs; except for the TECs, the other three types have not undergone clinical trials on patients. The choice of endodontic access cavity design affects fracture strength of the tooth, but remnants of pulpal tissue, due to ineffective instrumentation, can cause root canal treatment failure.
CPD/Clinical Relevance: Root canal treatment with new access cavity designs has been proposed. However, there is lack of evidence to support such practices. It is important to consider the potential deleterious effects of such access cavity designs rather than emphasizing the preservation of tooth structure alone.
Manahil Maqbool Tahir Yusuf Noorani
Although the role of caries removal and root canal disinfection cannot be overemphasized, there is considerable controversy regarding the size of the preparation of the access cavity and the parameters of the preparation of the root canal. The need for dentine conservation cannot, however, be understated.1 Direct access to the root canal system is one of the purposes of an endodontic access cavity. The traditional endodontic access cavity (TEC) design focuses on the inclusion of all pulp horns and the removal of the roof of the pulp chamber so that the coronal portion of the root canal system is sufficiently debrided (Figure 1 a, b).2 This approach has been contested by the radical design of the access cavity that has been proposed in recent years. It stressed the preservation of pericervical dentine (PCD) and suggested that it was not necessary to unroof the pulp chamber completely.1 The interest in minimally invasive endodontics is enabled by new technologies and techniques that maximize residual dentine.3
The designs of the endodontic access cavity and cumulative loss of tooth structure appear to influence the fracture strength of endodontically treated teeth greatly.4 The amount of the residual dental substance could be affected by the preparation of the endodontic access cavity. Therefore, inspired by the minimally invasive concept of restorative dentistry, a conservative endodontic access cavity (CEC) (Figure 1 c, d) preparation was proposed to preserve as much tooth structure as possible.1 Some endodontists underlined this principle by creating ultra conservative endodontic access cavities ‘ninja’ and ‘truss’ (NEC and TREC, respectively).5,6 An NEC is a small cavity on the occlusal surface that should enable the clinician to find and access all the orifices of the canal system (Figure 1 e, f).2 The other approach is orifice-directed design (also called the ‘truss’ access cavity) in which separate cavities are prepared to approach the mesial and distal canal systems in a mandibular molar (Figure 1 g, h), whereas for maxillary molars the mesiobuccal and distobuccal canals are accessed through one cavity and the palatal canal through another.7 The purpose of this article is to describe the various newly proposed endodontic access cavity designs, review the literature, and suggest best clinical practice based on the current available evidence.
Figure 1 An artist's impression showing the different access cavity designs and the possible amount of tooth structure removal in a mandibular molar (a–b) TEC, (c–d) CEC, (e–f) NEC, (g–h) TREC.
Access cavity preparation
The access cavity preparation generally refers to the part of the cavity from the occlusal table to the canal orifices. Black's principles of cavity preparation, including outline, convenience, retention, and resistance forms, speculate the basis of TEC. The outline form of the endodontic cavity must be correctly shaped and positioned to establish complete access for instrumentation, from cavosurface margin to apical foramen. Convenience form, as conceived by Black, is a modification of the cavity outline form to establish greater convenience in the placement of intracoronal restorations. Later, removal of the remaining carious dentine and defective restorations in an endodontic cavity preparation is necessary. It must be removed for three reasons:
To eliminate as many bacteria as possible from the interior of the tooth mechanically;
To eliminate the discoloured tooth structure that may ultimately lead to staining of the crown;
To reduce the risk of bacterial contamination of the prepared cavity.8
Another important reason to eliminate undermined and unsupported tooth structure is to evaluate whether the tooth is restorable or not, and also to minimize the possibility of tooth fracture in future. It is imprudent and unlikely that a clinician would leave the structure of the diseased tooth intact to create a textbook access cavity.9 In 2010, Clark and Khademi introduced the concept of contracted endodontic access cavity design, in a series of case reports.10 The basis of a CEC was kept in terms of saving the pericervical dentine (PCD) and leaving small overhangs of the pulp chamber roof behind. The most important tooth structure responsible for long-term survival is considered to be the PCD, the dentine structure located 4 mm below and 4 mm above the alveolar crest1 (Figure 2), which serves as the neck of the tooth and is responsible for distribution of functional and mechanical stresses inside the tooth.11,12 More of the occlusal tooth structure can be sacrificed than the cervical tooth structure, as the key pericervical tooth structure should remain as unaltered as possible.1 A new contracted access cavity, using a different set of burs than those used for TEC, was suggested. In a CEC, measurement reference points may change; for example, in the past, the reference for the mesial canals of mandibular molars was often the corresponding MB cusp. Now it may be found as a reference more to the distal, as it would preserve PCD and overhanging dentine. The simultaneous placement of 4 or 5 gutta-percha points for a cone fit radiograph in the more constricted access may be difficult without trimming to eliminate binding. Clark and Khademi recommended not removing the pulp tissue under the overhang until the obturation was finished; that way the operator only has to clean it once.10
Figure 2 A radiograph showing the pericervical dentine (PCD), which is the most common area of catastrophic restorative/root fracture and should be preserved. Additionally, overhanging pulp chamber roof that should be preserved is also shown.
Another approach to the conservation of tooth structure is the orifice-directed design (TREC) (also known as the ‘truss’ access cavity) in which separate cavities are prepared.
The main objective of these access cavity designs is to preserve strategic dentine (ie to leave a dentine bridge between the two cavities thus prepared).2 In TREC, the cavities are prepared over the mesial and distal canals of the mandibular tooth, respectively, guided by computed tomographic images. The pulp chamber roof is maintained beneath the ‘truss’ of the tooth structure, between the mesial and distal cavities.2 However, TREC significantly impaired the debridement of the pulp chamber.5 Only one case report has been published so far regarding a ‘truss’ type cavity design, however, no follow-up of this case was presented.13
Hence, the long-term outcome of this type of treatment is unknown. Another ultra-conservative technique has recently been introduced, which is also known as the ‘ninja’ access cavity design.6 An NEC is actually an even smaller access cavity than the one made for a CEC on the occlusal surface, that should enable the clinician to find and access all the orifices of the canals, but there is not sufficient data or literature discussing this type. However, the NEC could jeopardize the complete removal of infected pulp tissue from the pulp chamber and make canal instrumentation more difficult and less safe.
Histological evaluation
In a study conducted on mandibular molars, one type of CEC design (Truss access) was tested, to acertain whether it was able to debride the pulp chamber completely or not, and to evaluate the remaining pulp tissue (RPT) in both experimental group the (TREC) and control group (TEC). Although both groups showed the presence of RPT in the pulp chamber, the amount in the TEC group was significantly lower than that of the TREC group. There was no substantial difference in RPT present in the isthmus (within the canals) between the TEC and TREC groups at any level.2 Only the area of the pulp chamber under the truss was assessed, which could serve as a nutritional source for the remaining bacterial biomass, leading to persistent infection. The results of this study showed two important findings: the pulp chamber showed a significantly reduced amount of remaining pulp tissue in TEC compared to TREC access, and there was no difference in the amount of remaining tissue in the root canals, close to and at the isthmus area of the root thirds between the two access cavity designs. In another study, the effect of different access cavity designs (lingual cingulum, lingual conventional and incisal straight-line) (Figure 3) on the ability of endodontics files to plane the root canal walls in maxillary anterior teeth was tested.14 It was found that instrumentation did not allow the entire root canal wall to be instrumented during the preparation of canals, irrespective of the access cavity design. However, the incisal straight-line access cavity allowed a larger proportion of the root canal walls to be instrumented as compared to the conventional lingual access cavity and the cingulum access cavity.14 Nevertheless, it is still uncertain what happens to the incisal part of the pulp chamber in incisal straight-line and lingual cingulum access, as no histological evaluation was performed to identify any remaining pulp tissue under the pulp horns. Whether the pulp remnants and possible remaining bacterial biomass would later be troublesome for the patient or not, is still unknown. Further investigations are required to establish the prognosis of root canal treatment in both anterior and posterior teeth with these new designs. Furthermore, no study has been done so far to identify possible remaining pulp tissue in the pulp chamber in other CEC and NEC designs. This holds relevance as the pulp chamber is not completely unroofed and remaining infected pulp tissue under the pulp horns may lead to contamination of the rest of the root canal system and subsequent failure.
Figure 3 Diagrammatic view of the three access cavities in maxillary anterior teeth: (a) lingual cingulum access cavity; (b) lingual conventional access cavity; (c) incisal straight-line access cavity. Adapted from Mannan et al.14
Fracture testing
Fracture tests are used primarily to compare the fracture strength or fracture resistance of teeth. Various studies that compared the fracture resistance of endodontically treated teeth with different access cavity designs are listed in Table 1.
Assess impacts of conservative endodontic cavity on root canal. Instrumentation and resistance to fracture.
Intact extracted human teeth assigned to CEC & TEC groups. Pre- and post-canal treatment micro CT was done. UCL and DVL for each tooth type was analysed. Fracture loading using Instron Universal Testing Machine done.
CEC compromised canal instrumentation only in the distal canals of lower molars, but it conserved coronal dentine, which increased fracture resistance. No difference in fracture resistance in anterior teeth with different access cavity designs.
Assess impacts of contracted endodontic cavities (TEC vs CEC) on instrumentation and biomechanical responses.
Intact extracted human molars assigned to CEC & TEC groups. Pre- and post-canal treatment micro CT was done. Linear strain gauge was attached to teeth and were subjected to load cycles (50–150 N) in the Instron Universal Testing machine, and the axial micro strain was recorded.
CECs did not impact instrumentation efficacy and biomechanical responses compared with TECs. No difference between groups in terms of fracture resistance.
Assess fracture behaviour of teeth with conventional and mini-invasive access cavity designs (TEC vs CEC).
Intact extracted human teeth were assigned to CEC & TEC groups. All specimen teeth embedded in the resin and loaded until fracture using Instron Universal Testing Machine.
No significant difference between CEC and TEC in terms of fracture resistance but higher fracture load was required for CEC.
Assess fracture strength of endodontically treated teeth with different access cavity designs (TEC, CEC, NEC).
Extracted human teeth were assigned to control (intact teeth), TEC, CEC, or NEC groups. Teeth were endodontically treated and restored. Specimens then loaded to fracture in a mechanical material testing machine. The maximum load at fracture and fracture pattern (restorable or unrestorable) were recorded.
NEC did not increase fracture strength compared with CEC. Teeth with TEC access showed lower fracture strength than the ones prepared with CEC or NEC.
Assess influence of access cavity design (TEC, CEC) on root canal detection, instrumentation efficacy, and fracture resistance.
Extracted intact molars were scanned with micro–computed tomographic imaging and assigned to CEC or TEC group. After root canal preparation non-instrumented canal area, hard tissue debris accumulation, canal transportation, and centring ratio analysed. After cavity restoration fracture resistance test done.
No associated benefits with CECs could be proved as compared to TEC. Lower ability of root canal detection and higher incidence of canal transportation was noted with CEC.
Assess impact of access cavity design (CEC & NEC) and root canal taper on fracture resistance.
For tapering assessment, 30 sound distobuccal roots of maxillary molars were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 groups, 0.04 taper, 0.06 taper, or 0.08 taper. After canal preparation fracture resistance was tested using a universal testing machine.
Increasing root canal taper can reduce fracture resistance. NEC in comparison with CEC had no significant impact on fracture resistance.
Corsentino et al5
Assess influence of access cavity design (TEC, CEC, TREC) and remaining tooth substance on fracture strength.
Sound molar teeth were selected. After access cavity preparation, all test teeth were endodontically treated and restored. The specimens were then loaded to fracture in a universal loading machine.
TREC & CEC do not increase the fracture strength of endo treated teeth, rather the loss of mesial and distal ridges reduced fracture strength of teeth significantly.
Assess the effects of endodontic access cavity preparation design (TEC, TREC) and different restorative base material on the fracture strength.
Intact molar teeth were randomly assigned to TEC or TREC group (with one marginal wall missing), restored with either SDR or EverX posterior as base material. Sample loaded after restoration until fracture.
TREC did not increase the fracture strength of teeth. No difference in the fracture strength between teeth with TEC or TREC when the same base material was used
It has been shown that conservative endodontic access cavity designs, specifically the ‘ninja’ and ‘truss’ types, are successful in maintaining the pericervical dentine, and hence increasing the fracture resistance of the tooth. However, a group of researchers concluded that it was the loss of the mesial or distal marginal ridge that affected the fracture resistance of endodontically treated teeth rather than the access cavity design itself.5 Furthermore, Krishan et al15 found no advantage of conservative access cavity design over traditional design in terms of fracture resistance in anterior teeth. Another study compared teeth with different access cavity designs and sound teeth. It was found that unrestorable type fractures after fracture testing were noted considerably more often than the restorable type in access teeth, irrespective of the access cavity design.16 Besides, a huge limitation to the findings of the previous studies is that all of them were performed in vitro on almost non-carious teeth, and the age of the patients, from whom the teeth were extracted, was not recorded. As with the increasing age of the patient, the brittleness and hence the fracture ability of a tooth increases,17 it is necessary that the age be considered and mentioned. Furthermore, all these studies used static loading to determine the fracture strength. Ideally, cyclic loading, as compared to static loading, would correspond better to the natural loading during chewing. Additionally, there was no simulation of periodontal ligament in most of these studies. Although this simulation is necessary, a standardized periodontal ligament simulation model has not yet been introduced.18
The challenges and changes
Bio-minimalism recognizes that the pericervical dentinal (PCD) zone is essential to support the residual coronal tooth structure during functional loading stress, and acts ostensibly to minimize cuspal flexion during mastication.9 However, the fracture strength of endodontically treated teeth could also be affected by insufficient dental residue, due to the caries causing the loss of one or more dentinal walls.19 Fortunately, technological advances in armamentarium has brought the objectives of minimally invasive endodontics closer. Cone beam computed tomography aids the clinician in avoiding the removal of excessive hard tissue by allowing assessment of the angulation and orientation of the root canals.9 Despite the limited clinical evidence for the use of contracted access cavity designs, the growing interest and technological advances in image-guided endodontics can prove to be a paradigm shift in root canal treatment.2 Besides, we now have files and finishers that adjust to the original canal shape, scrape biofilm in a way similar to periodontal scalers and make it easier for irrigants to act on exposed microbes.9 Furthermore, with the advent and use of the dental operating microscope, root canals can be detected and cleaned optimally, even through minimally invasive endodontic access cavities. However, currently there is little evidence (mainly from in vitro studies) available to prove that conservative and ultra-conservative access cavity designs are advantageous over their traditional counterpart, especially when the need to clean the root canal adequately remains an overarching objective of non-surgical endodontic treatment.2 Besides, no clinical trials have been reported so far on patients with these newly introduced contracted cavity designs. Additionally, owing to the fact that pulpal remnants were seen in the pulp chamber while examining the histological sections of the ‘truss’ type CEC,2 the long-term success rate is unknown. Perhaps case selection (based on multifactorial evaluation, including the condition of the pulp, vital or necrotic), level of difficulty (presence of calcifications, curvatures, etc) and accessibility, in addition to the equipment and facilities available, would serve as a reason in which conservative access cavities could be prepared for certain cases without compromising the ability to locate all canals and the efficiency of subsequent root canal treatment procedures.20
Currently, there is no conclusive evidence to suggest that conservative or ultra-conservative access cavity design can help retain endodontically treated teeth longer by increasing their fracture resistance. Furthermore, there is no conclusive evidence that the biological principles (complete disinfection) of endodontic treatment can be adequately achieved with these conservative access cavity designs. Hence, conservative or ultra-conservative access cavity designs should be used with extreme caution. Perhaps the objective of conservative cavity preparation should be avoided from ‘removing the smallest possible tooth structure’ to ‘removing as little as necessary’. Besides, to validate these newly introduced access cavity designs, more research needs to be conducted, as the studies remain few and fragmentary.