
Navigating the digital frontier: transforming endodontic diagnosis through digitization. Part 1

Digital dentistry advances may help endodontists to diagnose the pathology, calibrate the size of the lesions accurately, help visualize and approach the lesion better by improving the ease of...

Endodontics: The Sequel or the Surgical

Root canal treatment is highly successful for managing peri-radicular pathologies related to an infected root canal system, with up to 96% of cases resolved with primary, non-surgical root canal...

Modified Apexification Procedures in Immature Necrotic Permanent Teeth: A Case Report

A 13-year-old boy reported to the clinic with a chief complaint of fractured maxillary anterior teeth. His medical and family history was non-contributory. Extra-oral findings were unremarkable....

Theoretical considerations for root canal re-treatment

Figures 1–5 are examples of different clinical circumstances that were considered for root canal re-treatment. These patients were keen to treat the tooth infection and avoid extraction..

Re-endodontic Treatment. Part 2: How?

Where a decision is made to undertake non-surgical re-treatment, additional assessment is required. Case selection is essential to providing predictable treatment and obtaining informed consent, with...

Root canal re-treatment. Part 1: why and when?

There may several reasons for failure, which can be categorized as technical (procedural) errors, biological factors or others..

Iatrogenic perforation management using calcium silicate cement: a case report

A 25-year-old female was referred to the clinic with the complaint of persistent pain in the right mandibular vestibule region. The patient's medical history revealed no significant findings..

The use of cone beam computed tomography in endodontic re-treatment

The following patient was referred for an assessment of the restorability and suitability of the tooth for endodontic re-treatment. A medically fit and well female patient, aged 51 years, was referred...

Endodontic Update: 50 years of progress

The use of X-ray radiation to make images has been used in dentistry since 1896, and in endodontics since 1899. Its main uses have been as follows:
In the diagnosis of peri-radicular disease often...

A case of dens invaginatus associated with unusual crown morphology

An 18-year-old fit and well male presented to an orthodontic specialist practice 3 years following completion of his orthodontic treatment. He complained of swelling associated with his maxillary left...

Assessing inferior dental nerve injury risk in orthograde root canal treatment

The literature contains significant references to persistent altered inferior dental nerve sensation resulting from the administration of local anaesthesia, particularly by IDN block techniques.5,6...

Healing of peri-apical lesions with calcium hydroxide medicament following apical enlargement: a case study

All five patients presented with a periapical radiolucency (Figures 1-5) and each was keen to have the tooth infection treated and avoid extraction..

Management of root perforation and sodium hypochlorite extrusion injury

A 33-year-old female presented to the A&E department, accompanied by her general dental practitioner (GDP) with a large, painful swelling on the right side of her mandible. Medically, the patient was...

Endodontic surgery. Part 2: surgical root canal re-treatment

Surgical procedures can generally be broken down into three phases: pre-operative; intra-operative; and post-operative procedures. The pre-operative phase for SRCReT should include a thorough history,...

Vital pulp therapy: the past, present and future

Vital pulp therapy (VPT) is a biologically based concept that aims to preserve all or part of the pulp that has been compromised by caries or trauma.