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Disinfection of the root canal system: what should the protocol be? Stephen J Bonsor Dental Update 2025 48:10, 707-709.
Stephen JBonsor
The Dental Practice, 21 Rubislaw Terrace, Aberdeen; Hon Senior Clinical Lecturer, Institute of Dentistry, University of Aberdeen; Online Tutor/Clinical Lecturer, University of Edinburgh, UK.
The presence of micro-organisms within the root canal system is the critical aetiological factor in peri-radicular periodontitis. During root canal treatment (RCT) it is imperative that this infection and other organic debris are removed from the root canal system. This is challenging because complex tooth anatomy, the presence of a biofilm and the smear layer complicate the process. There are a number of irrigant chemicals and adjunctive systems available in contemporary endodontic practice that are used to disinfect the root canal system during root canal preparation. This article reviews the available evidence concerning these disinfection methods and concludes by presenting a clinical protocol supported by the literature.
CPD/Clinical Relevance: A clinical protocol, supported by the literature, is presented for effective decontamination of the root canal system during root canal therapy.
In order to retain a tooth that has experienced irreversible pulpitis or peri-radicular periodontitis, the root canal system needs to be decontaminated. This is achieved by removing all the pulpal tissue and micro-organisms, cleaning and shaping the root canals before obturating the root canal space. Conventional technique involves the use of endodontic files and the introduction of chemicals (irrigants) into the root canal system during canal preparation to achieve disinfection. Intra-canal medications may be placed in the root canals with the same aim if the procedure is to be performed over more than one visit; however, these medicaments are outwith the scope of the present article and hence are not discussed. More recently, other systems and armamentaria have been introduced with the objective of enhancing and improving the efficiency of micro-organism removal during root canal preparation. It is incumbent that clinicians keep abreast of new techniques and technologies and, where possible, practise evidence-based dentistry. The aim of the present article is to review the current literature concerning the disinfection of the root canal space during root canal treatment (RCT) and provide the clinician with a protocol that they may follow, reassured that this is current best practice.
Preparation and cleaning of the root canal system
In orthograde root canal treatment, the clinician must access the pulp chamber of the tooth, locate and access all the root canals and prepare these to remove all pulpal tissue and infection, if present, and shape the root canal system to receive the final root filling. This is achieved both mechanically, using endodontic files, and chemically by irrigants that are introduced into the root canal space, usually employing a needle and syringe. There are numerous endodontic files and systems available to the endodontist, but the use of these instruments is beyond the scope of the present article, which concentrates on the various chemicals and systems used to decontaminate the root canal system.
Solutions that are used to irrigate the root canal system during RCT have a number of functions. The ideal properties of endodontic irrigants are listed in Table 1. While all of these functions are important, arguably the most important is that micro-organisms (primarily bacteria, but also viruses, fungi and archaea have also been implicated) found in the root canal system are eradicated as much as possible. Sjögren reported in 1997 that, if bacteria are present in the canal at the time of obturation, then there is a higher risk that the treatment will fail,1 whereas other studies have shown that if the canal is free of infection at time of obturation, there is a higher chance of success.2,3
Lubricate endodontic files to facilitate their passage in the canal
Wet canal walls and remove debris by flushing
Contain any dentinal shavings in suspension, so facilitating their removal from the canals and prevent apical impaction of debris
Facilitate dissolution of organic matter
Remove smear layer
Aid cleaning of areas inaccessible to mechanical cleansing methods
Disinfect the root canal system
Neutralize endotoxins
Be biocompatible and have no detrimental effects on the dentine
The conclusion is, therefore, that micro-organisms are the critical aetiological factor in peri-radicular periodontitis and that successful outcome of treatment relies on effective decontamination of the root canal system.4,5 In order to prevent re-infection of the root canal space, the placement and maintenance of a coronal seal is critical.6 This is achieved by the placement of an adhesive or antibacterial dental material covering the root canals and, in multirooted teeth, the floor of the pulp chamber. It is wise to use a separate material to that used to restore the crown in case this latter restoration fails, thus compromising the coronal seal and leading to re-infection of the root canal system.
When cleaning and preparing the root canal system, the endodontist is faced with three problems: complex anatomy, the presence of established biofilms and a smear layer. Figure 1 clearly demonstrates the complexity of the internal anatomy of dental root canal systems, which does not permit access by endodontic instrumentation to all the root canal walls.7 It is obvious in the cleared samples that, instead of distinct major canals capable of being accessed with an endodontic file, the internal root canal anatomy is very much more complex, with the presence of accessory canals, fins, isthmuses, intercanal connections, apical deltas, all of which may harbour remnants of pulp tissue and biofilms. Furthermore, Vertucci reported that the root canal anatomy is even more complex in the apical third.8
Biofilms are dense aggregates of cocci, rod and filamentous forms embedded in an extracellular matrix and are present on the walls of root canal systems (Figure 2). The presence of a structured biofilm increases the antimicrobial challenge because biofilms may not be easily disrupted. The antibiofilm strategy in RCT is mechanical removal with instrumentation and irrigation, together with chemical activity of the irrigant used.
During canal preparation, a smear layer is produced by instrumentation. This is a 1–2-µm thick, amorphous, irregular and granular layer composed of inorganic and organic particles, coagulated proteins, pulp tissue, blood cells and micro-organisms if infection is present (Figure 3). The smear layer can penetrate 40 µm into the dentinal tubules,9 so preventing decontamination of the root canal surface dentine and good adaptation of the obturation material subsequently. Removal of the smear layer is recommended during root canal preparation because it contains bacteria and nutrients for bacterial growth, and it impedes irrigant penetration into dentinal tubules (Figure 4).10
Unfortunately, current endodontic techniques are unable to consistently disinfect the canal11,12,13 and no single irrigant possesses all the desired properties of an ideal irrigant. It is therefore necessary to use more than one irrigant to effectively clean and disinfect the root canal system.14,15 The clinical challenge facing endodontists was very well summarized by Gulabivala when he said ‘efficient irrigation solutions and protocols are required to provide fluid penetration to such an extent as to accomplish a microcirculation flow throughout the intricate root canal anatomy and to counterbalance the suboptimal debridement quality obtained by current available technology in the mechanical enlargement of the root canal space.’16
The irrigant must flow to the full extent of the root canal system and come into intimate contact with the biofilm and micro-organisms, any debris and tissue remnants. It must carry these products away and act as a lubricant for the endodontic file;
In order to be chemically active, the irrigant must retain a sufficient concentration to be effective and it needs to be frequently replenished;
The passage of the fluid will apply a force to the root canal wall known as wall shear stress. This will have a mechanical effect on detaching and disrupting the biofilm, micro-organisms, debris and tissue remnants;
To be safely used, the irrigant must be confined to the root canal system.
The irrigant is most commonly introduced into root canals by means of positive pressure irrigation using a 3- or 5-ml Luerlok syringe with a side-exiting, 27- or 30-gauge needle. The finer 30-gauge needle is also available in a nickel titanium alloy, so allowing further penetration of curved canals (Stropko Flexo-Tip). It has been recommended that a flow rate not exceeding 4 ml/minute should be used.18 It has been shown by means of fluid mechanics, that the design of the needle tip has a substantial effect on the flow pattern of the irrigant in the root canal and the irrigant does not exit more than 1–2 mm beyond the end of the needle.19 In order to access and fully disinfect all of the root canal system, sufficient canal preparation is necessary to enable full penetration of irrigant to within 1 mm of the working length (WL).20 In an attempt to reduce the risk of extra-canal extrusion, some clinicians place a silicone stop on the irrigating needle 2 mm from the measured WL and use finger pressure as shown in Figure 5. The needle should never be allowed to bind in the canal, but should be moved constantly during irrigation. It is possible that a vapour lock may occur as a result of ammonia and carbon dioxide gases, which are released through the action of sodium hypochlorite solution becoming trapped in the apical canal, so impeding the passage of the irrigant to all parts of the root canal space. In an attempt to dislodge the gas bubble, the technique of manual agitation has been advocated where the canal is filled with irrigant and a gutta-percha (GP) master cone is inserted and pumped up and down by 3 mm.21
Some negative pressure products are available such as EndoVac (SybronEndo, Orange CA, USA) in an attempt to overcome any risks of extrusion of irrigant chemical from the root canal system. This system works by the irrigant being introduced coronally into the canal and removed by means of an aspirating cannula (Figure 6). It has been claimed that this system is safe to use,22 but it is not without its limitations, such as blockage and retained debris.23,24,25 Furthermore, the canal needs to be prepared to a larger diameter to permit full insertion of the cannula.23,24,25
Endodontic irrigants
Essentially, endodontic irrigants may be divided into those that clean and expose the micro-organisms (chelating agents) and those that disinfect the root canal system.26 These irrigants are now discussed in turn.
Sodium hypochlorite solution (NaOCl)
This chemical is considered to be the gold standard by endodontists. It is an effective antimicrobial and proteolytic agent,15,27,28 an excellent organic tissue solvent, lubricant, is fast acting and displays a broad spectrum of antimicrobial action. It works in a number of ways by a dynamic balance as described by Estrela:29
Saponification reaction
Sodium hypochlorite solution is an organic solvent breaking down fatty acids into fatty acid salts (soap) and glycerol. This has the effect of reducing the surface tension of the remaining solution. One of the shortcomings of NaOCl is that its high surface tension (especially at higher concentrations) is not able to wet the canal walls, and thus incompletely covers the walls and the biofilm may not be disrupted effectively.26
Neutralization reaction
Amino acids are neutralized by NaOCl producing a salt and water with a concomitant reduction in pH as hydroxyl ions are lost.
Hypochlorous acid formation
This weak acid is formed when chlorine in solution reacts with organic matter by oxidization. Hypochlorous acid and hypochlorite ions degrade amino acids producing chloramines and water in a hydrolysis reaction. Chloramines impede cell metabolism.
Solvent action
Chlorine is released from NaOCl and reacts with protein amino acid groups also forming chloramines. Chlorine inhibits certain bacterial enzymes that are necessary for viability.
High pH
The pH of NaOCl is 11 and is significant because the action of the hydroxyl ion causes irreversible inhibition of enzymes, alterations in biosynthesis and degradation of phospholipids, so compromising the integrity of bacterial cytoplasmic membranes.
There are four factors that affect the efficacy of NaOCl, namely: concentration; volume; time; and temperature.
There are geographical variations in the concentration of NaOCl solution used for endodontic irrigation, ranging between 0.5% and 6%. In Scandinavia, lower concentrations tend to be used and in the USA, higher concentrations are favoured. Its ability to dissolve organic matter is directly related to its concentration. Irrespective of concentration, NaOCl is an effective antimicrobial, but it can kill micro-organisms more quickly at higher concentrations. It is therefore recommended that if lower concentrations are chosen, then a higher volume of solution is used to irrigate the root canal system and with a higher frequency to compensate for the decreased effectiveness.30 In the past, it was commonplace for clinicians to use household bleach products. However, in contemporary practice, it is strongly recommended that only products with a CE mark for dental or medical applications are used because this is medico-legally defensible in case of any challenge. One such approved commercial product is Parcan (Septodont, Cedex, France), which is a 3% solution.
NaOCl is quickly consumed in the presence of organic matter, inflammatory exudates, tissue remnants and microbial biomass and, for this reason, it must be replenished frequently. Its antibiofilm efficiency is dependent on time and volume31 and its ability to penetrate dentinal tubules depends on time, concentration and temperature with it able to render dentinal tubules free of bacteria to a depth of 130 µm.32 It is therefore recommended that a dwell time of 30 minutes is allowed.33 If the temperature of the solution is increased, more chlorine is released, and this improves its immediate tissue dissolving capacity.34 However, there are no clinical studies to support use of heated NaOCl, and the temperature of the solution quickly falls to body temperature when introduced into the root canal.
Despite its many advantages, NaOCl does have some shortcomings. It is not totally effective at killing all the micro-organisms found in the root canal system.35 It is highly toxic to vital tissue, and if it is inadvertently introduced into the peri-radicular tissues, it can produce some serious effects for the patient, such as severe pain (even when local anaesthesia has been used), swelling, ecchymosis and paraesthesia.36 Its toxic and therapeutic doses are also undesirably close together.26
Chlorhexidine digluconate
Another disinfecting irrigant is chlorhexidine digluconate (CHX), which has a broad spectrum. Chemically, this is a cationic bis-biguanide that is soluble in water and stable. At low concentrations, it is bacteriostatic by causing leakage of low molecular weight elements from the cell membrane with no permanent damage to the cell. CHX is bactericidal at higher concentrations by acting as a detergent and decomposing cell membranes leading to loss of cellular components. It displays no tissue dissolving capacity, and so has been advocated for use in teeth with open apices or in the case of perforation.
It is able to adsorb to dentine as it can bind to hydroxyapatite37 and it is capable of slow release,38,39 otherwise described as substantivity. This is the length of time that a medicament remains effective after application, and this property is considered to be one of the major advantages of chlorhexidine because its antimicrobial residual activity is extended.40,41,42 It has been shown to display residual antibacterial action against a broad spectrum of micro-organisms for 12 weeks.43,44 R4 (Septodont) is an example of a commercially available product, being 20% chlorhexidine digluconate in denatured alcohol. Chlorhexidine's reported disadvantages are that it may have a negative effect on peri-radicular healing45 and concerns have been raised that it may sensitize the patient and result in anaphylaxis.46
In many disinfection protocols CHX is used in combination with other irrigants. The use of chelating solutions (see later) prior to CHX potentiates the adhesion of CHX to dentine so it can be used as the final rinse after ethylenediamine tetra-acetic acid (EDTA) when a maximal antimicrobial effect is desirable.47 A final flush of CHX has been shown to reduce the adhesion of micro-organisms to dentine,48 with a study demonstrating favourable healing rates at 24 months when a one-visit procedure using NaOCl and 2% CHX as a final flush was compared with two visits with calcium hydroxide as an intra-canal dressing.49
It is not recommended that NaOCl and CHX are used in direct contact with each other in any irrigation protocol. These two chemicals react forming the dark precipitate (flocculate), 4-parachloroaniline (PCA). This is concentration dependent, but PCA is carcinogenic, stains dentine, may penetrate into tubules, block narrow canals and hinder further penetration of NaOCl.50 PCA may also be formed if CHX is heated.51
EDTA is a chelating agent that scavenges bi- and tri-cationic ions such as calcium and iron, respectively. This chelator removes the instrument-created smear layer but cannot remove it alone:15,52 NaOCl is required to remove the organic components. EDTA leaves a layer of exposed collagen on the surface of the root canal lumen, which facilitates binding of bacteria,53 so the final rinse should be with NaOCl. Chelators have a temperature range within which their calcium-binding capacity is most effective. For this reason, they should not be heated.54
Many clinicians use both EDTA and NaOCl as irrigants in their endodontic disinfection protocol. This is supported by studies that have shown that superior elimination of Enterococcus faecalis from the root canal and adjacent dentine occurs with intercalated use of 5.25% NaOCl and 17% EDTA,55 and there is a positive synergistic effect of EDTA and NaOCl.56,57 The use of EDTA significantly increased the odds of success of re-treatment cases by twofold.45 When EDTA and NaOCl come into direct contact they react chemically. EDTA retains its calcium-complex forming ability, but NaOCl loses its tissue dissolving capacity as there is no free chlorine. For this reason, they should not be used sequentially without first emptying and drying the canal.58 When EDTA is used in combination with other irrigants, it is the sequence of use that seems to be important. In one study, if EDTA was used as the first irrigant, erosion of peritubular and intertubular dentine was seen, whereas if it was used as a final rinse after 5.25% NaOCl, this did not occur.59 Repeated cycling of NaOCl and EDTA resulted in erosion of the dentine and compromised tooth structure.60 EDTA and CHX should not be used in direct contact as a white precipitate will form.
Citric acid
While EDTA is the most commonly used chelating agent, citric acid in a concentration of 10–50% is a suitable alternative.61 Citric acid is slightly more potent than EDTA at similar concentrations, with both acids able to detach biofilms on root canal walls.16
Iodine potassium iodide (IKI)
Iodine potassium iodide is an organic compound that releases iodine. It is a broad spectrum antimicrobial, being effective against bacteria, fungi, viruses and spores, and is also tuberculocidal. It works by attacking proteins, nucleotides and fatty acids leading to cell death.62 It has a low toxicity, is effective for about 2 days and is able to penetrate dentinal tubules, but may stain dentine.62 Some consideration needs to be given to the patient's medical history when the use of iodine-containing irrigants is being contemplated because an iodine hypersensitivity and a theoretical risk for those with thyroid and parathyroid pathoses may be present. IKI is supplied as an irrigating solution containing a 2% solution of iodine in 4% aqueous potassium iodide. Another iodine-containing chemical is povidone iodine, which is a profound antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral agent. It is widely used as a surface disinfectant but not as an endodontic irrigant per se.
Hydrogen peroxide
This chemical is used in concentrations of between 3% and 30% and is active against bacteria, viruses and yeasts.63 However, it is no longer advocated over other irrigants,64 one reason being that, due to effervescence of the chemical, gaseous oxygen may penetrate into the peri-radicular tissues causing surgical emphysema.
Chemical mixtures
This product is a mixture of chemicals, namely 3% doxycycline, 4.25% citric acid and 0.5% polysorbate 80 detergent (otherwise known as Tween 80). This product has been claimed to remove most of the smear layer and possesses superior bacterial activity compared with NaOCl or EDTA.65 However, there is no advantage for its use over NaOCl,66 so it is advocated for adjunctive use only, as a last step by means of a 5-minute soak then a final rinse. It is marketed as BioPure MTAD Antibacterial Root Canal Cleanser (Dentsply Tulsa Dental Specialties, Johnson City, TN, USA).
Another product, QMix 2in1 Irrigating Solution (Dentsply Tulsa Dental Specialties), which is the combination of the chemicals CHX, EDTA and a surfactant, is claimed to be superior to 17% EDTA for smear layer removal.67 It does not dissolve organic debris however, and, like MTAD, is advocated for use as a final rinse for 60–90 s.
Adjuncts used to activate the irrigant
It has been reported that some 35% of the root canal surface is left untouched by conventional instrumentation.68,69 Acoustic streaming enhances penetration of irrigant from the main canals and tissue dissolution.70 It occurs when ultrasonic waves at 20–26 kHz are transmitted to a liquid, which produce negative pressure causing the liquid to fracture, this is known as the cavitation effect. This cavitation creates bubbles that oscillate in the projected ultrasonic waves causing turbulence. These bubbles grow larger in the waves and then collapse violently. A concurrent increase in temperature occurs, which may enhance the effect of the chemical being used.
It has been claimed that activation of the irrigant is necessary for the complete cleaning of the root canal system.71 Nusstein reported that sonic or ultrasonic activation of the irrigant resulted in a great improvement in the cleaning and disinfection of the root canal and should be considered fundamental in non-surgical endodontic therapy.72
Passive ultrasonic irrigation
Passive ultrasonic irrigation (PUI) has been described as an oscillating file-induced acoustic microstreaming at a frequency of more than 25 Hz73 whereby a non-cutting tip is fitted to a piezoelectric handpiece and introduced into the root canal, so causing the microstreaming. A final irrigation of NaOCl with PUI has been shown to remove more debris,74 bacteria,75 and pulp tissue than conventional syringe irrigation.76 Furthermore, with PUI the irrigant can penetrate any non-instrumented regions and enhances shear stress on the biofilm and tissue remnant77,78 and causes significantly more penetration of irrigant into lateral canals than negative passive irrigation.78 The use of PUI significantly increased NaOCl penetration into dentinal tubules79 and, in combination with 17% EDTA, smear layer removal was enhanced.80
Sonic activation
Activation at sonic frequencies of 1–6 kHz with a flexible tip have been reported with improved cleaning seen compared to conventional techniques.70 Greater penetration depth occurred in the apical third with ultrasonic and sonic compared to manual dynamic activation.81 An example of a commercial product is EndoActivator (Dentsply Sirona) (Figure 7). However, other studies have shown that it provided no additional advantage over conventional irrigation.82
Medium infra-red lasers with a wavelength of between 2780 and 2940 nm have also been investigated to activate irrigants in the root canal system.83,84,85 This has been termed photon-induced photoacoustic streaming (PIPS), with an example being a PIPS pulsed Er:YAG laser.86 A greater penetration of irrigants with PIPS has been reported.81
Disinfection systems
In addition to irrigation chemicals, other disinfection systems have been investigated to see whether they have potential to further enhance the disinfection of the root canal system.
Ozone (O3)
Ozone is a thermodynamically highly unstable chemical with a half-life of 40 minutes at 20°C. Its use in endodontics has been investigated for many years and there is promising in vitro evidence, but none clinically. A systematic review published in 2020 compared ozone therapy against NaOCl and concluded that ozone is not indicated either to replace or to complement the antimicrobial action of NaOCl in reducing bacterial load in patients undergoing RCT.87
Bacterial photodynamic therapy (bacterial PDT)
This system works by the combination of a photosensitizer and light. This concept has been around since 1900,88 but there has been a resurgence of interest in the technique of late.89,90,91 There are a number of systems, but one example uses pharmaceutical grade tolonium chloride and laser or LED light at a wavelength of 635 ±2 nm. The photosensitizer is biocompatible and does not pose a problem if inadvertently extruded into the peri-radicular tissues. Its low surface tension enables it to wet the canal walls and penetrate into the dentinal tubules. The photosensitizer is preferentially adsorbed onto the cell wall of rapidly dividing cells. When exposed to the light of the correct wavelength, the photosensitizer becomes activated, liberating free radical oxygen species, which is a potent protoplasmic poison. This results in death of the cell with no potential for resistance or collateral damage to host cells (Figure 8). For further information on this technique and its use in clinical practice, the reader is directed to an article by Bonsor and Pearson published in Dental Update, 92 which, although published in 2006, is still current.
Bacterial PDT has been used in endodontics for many years with research demonstrating that it is effective in significantly reducing bacterial load as an adjunct to RCT.93,94,95,96,97 While it is recognized that there is insufficient evidence to definitely advocate its inclusion into an endodontic disinfection protocol, one study followed up over 700 cases over a 15-year period in a general dental practice and reported a survival rate of de novo root treatments of 97.3%, and re-root treatments of 93.7%, respectively at 10 years.98 The cases treated in this study followed the protocol described by Bonsor et al.94
Suggested clinical protocol and conclusion
This article has reviewed the literature and provides busy clinicians with an evidence-based clinical protocol for effective decontamination of root canals (Table 2).
Copious irrigation of 1–6% sodium hypochlorite solution throughout i.e. after each instrument use (volume depending on concentration used, see text)
Activated with ultrasonics or sonics for 30 s
(Apical negative pressure devices are optional)
Total dwell time of 30 minutes
Sterile water to remove any residual sodium hypochlorite solution
Constant rinse with 17% EDTA/20% citric acid solution for 1 minute (with ultrasonic activation for 2 s to improve penetration)
If bacterial photodynamic therapy is being used, it should be carried out at this point. The canals should be flushed with sterile water then dried with paper points. The photosensitizer is introduced into the canals and allowed to dwell for 60 s with some agitation to improve penetration. The light at 100 mW is then irradiated for 120 s in each canal (equivalent to 12 J of energy)
Final constant rinse:
Sodium hypochlorite solution for 1 min, or
Chlorhexidine/QMix, or
Alcohol, or
Dry with paper points
It is also important to conclude that the successful outcome of endodontic treatment relies on effective decontamination of the root canal system, which is challenging owing to the complex internal tooth anatomy and presence of complex biofilms and smear layer. There are many chemicals and adjunctive systems available that attempt to achieve this. No single chemical is capable of effectively disinfecting the root canal system, which is why the recommended protocol involves the use of a number of chemicals used together with mechanical instrumentation.