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Endodontic ‘solutions’ part 2: an audit comparing current practice in belfast with uk and republic of ireland dental schools M-L Good IA El Karim DL Hussey Dental Update 2025 39:5, 707-709.
Consultant, Department of Restorative Dentistry, The Royal Hospitals, Belfast Health and Social Care Trust, Grosvenor Road, Belfast, BT12 6BP, Northern Ireland
Professor of Restorative Dentistry and Consultant, Department of Restorative Dentistry, Queen's University, Grosvenor Road, Belfast, BT12 6BP, Northern Ireland, UK
Endodontic lubricants, irrigating solutions and medicaments help reduce the microbial load within root canals. Primary and secondary cases involve different microbes. Each ‘solution’ or combinations thereof could play a significant role but no detailed guidelines exist on their use. An audit was undertaken to compare current practice in Belfast Dental School to the others across the UK and Republic of Ireland (ROI). This audit highlighted three main differences between Belfast and other dental schools. Many other institutions utilized other irrigants besides sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl), different intracanal medicaments, including calcium hydroxide, and higher concentrations of NaOCl. Having gathered this information, we ask, ‘Is there sufficient evidence to change the endodontic regime currently used at Belfast Dental School?’. Using the findings from the literature review (Part 1), we introduce new evidence-based protocols for primary and secondary cases for use in Belfast Dental School.
Clinical Relevance: In the absence of detailed clinical guidelines on the use of endodontic lubricants, irrigants and medicaments in primary and secondary cases, it is important to be aware of current practice in UK and ROI dental schools where dentists and specialists are trained.
There are two types of endodontic case, those involving teeth that have never been root-treated, known as primary, and those where a previous root treatment has failed, known as secondary. All cases involve microbes which are organized into protective adhesive biofilms,1 but the species of microbes differ in primary and secondary cases. Primary infections tend to include many species, involving mostly gram negative anaerobes plus fungi.2 Secondary infections, however, involve fewer species and often include E faecalis,3–5 which can be difficult to eliminate.6
The aim of endodontic treatment or retreatment is to reduce the infection of the root canal system (RCS) sufficiently to allow the host response to favour healing of the periapical tissues.
Following the literature review in Part 1 of this paper it is clear that there are many endodontic ‘solutions’ available which are claimed to help prepare and disinfect the RCS. There are, however, only a few that have evidence to support their use clinically, although no detailed guidelines exist on this topic from the British Endodontic Society (BES), the European Society of Endodontology (ESE) and the American Endodontic Society (AES). In the absence of such guidelines, and in order to formulate protocols for primary and secondary cases for use in Belfast Dental School, an audit was undertaken on the current use of endodontic ‘solutions’ across UK and Republic of Ireland dental schools.
The current practice in the Restorative Department, Belfast Dental School is as follows: routinely no pre-op oral rinse is given: having accessed the RCS canal lubricant 19% ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) paste (File-Eze®, Ultradent Products Inc, South Jordan, UT, USA) is used with files: 10–20 ml/canal of 0.5% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) at room temperature, is the only irrigant used for both primary and secondary infections. In multi-visit cases, calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) paste (Hypo-cal, Ellman Int'l Inc Oceanside, New York, USA) is the main intracanal medicament used for both primary and secondary infections; along with the occasional use of Ledermix paste (Blackwell Supplies, Henry Schein UK Holdings Ltd, Kent, UK) if hyperaemia or failed anaesthesia occurred.
Audit data collection
Data collection forms were e-mailed to Restorative Specialist Registrars from all 16 dental schools across the UK and Republic of Ireland asking for details of the institution's treatment regimes under the following headings:
Pre-operative oral rinse used (if any);
Canal lubricant(s) used;
Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl):
Estimated volume per canal;
Room temperature or warmed?;
Other irrigants and sequence for:
Primary cases:
Secondary/Retreatment cases;
Intracanal medicaments:
Primary cases:
Secondary/Retreatment cases;
Any other relevant information.
The response rate was 87.5%, with 14 of the 16 dental schools participating (including Belfast). The percentage of dental schools using the various ‘solution’ categories outlined is presented in Table 1.
Endodontic Solution
% Dental Schools
Pre-op oral rinse
Canal lubricant(s)
Sodium hypochlorite
Other irrigant(s):
Primary cases
Secondary cases
Intracanal medicament(s):
Primary cases
Secondary cases
All dental schools used sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) but with a wide range of volume (1–40 ml/canal) and range of strength (Figure 1) and only one institution warmed the solution. Only one responder mentioned a volume less than 10 ml/canal.
Figure 1. The percentage of dental schools using various concentrations of sodium hypochlorite.
Primary cases
The other irrigants reportedly used included sterile water (H20), 0.2–2% chlorhexidine gluconate (CHX), 17% EDTA solution and 10% citric acid (CA) (Figure 2). The intracanal medicament used in most primary cases was non-setting Ca(OH)2 paste (Figure 3).
Figure 2. The percentage of dental schools using ‘other irrigants’ for primary cases.Figure 3. The percentage of dental schools using intracanal medicaments for primary cases.
There were 10 different protocols from the 14 dental schools for irrigant sequencing in primary cases:
NaOCl; distilled H2O;
NaOCl; sterile H2O; CHX occasionally; EDTA final flush;
CHX & NaOCl (repeating); final flush NaOCl;
NaOCl & CA (repeating); final flush NaOCl;
NaOCl; CHX; final flush EDTA;
EDTA & NaOCl (repeating);
NaOCl & EDTA (repeating); final flush EDTA;
NaOCl (20 min); EDTA (3 min).
Secondary cases
The ‘other irrigants’ used for secondary infections in some of the dental schools were the same as those for primary infections, apart from the inclusion of iodine (I) preparations (Figure 4). The intracanal medicaments used in retreatment cases included non-setting Ca(OH)2 paste, 2% CHX gel, 10% povidone-iodine (I) or Ca(OH)2 and I combined (Figure 5).
Figure 4. The percentage of dental schools using ‘other irrigants’ for secondary cases.Figure 5. The percentage of dental schools using intracanal medicaments for secondary cases.
Of responders, 57% had the same irrigant sequence for primary and retreatment cases. There were 13 different protocols from the 14 dental schools for irrigant sequencing in secondary cases:
NaOCl; sterile H2O; occasionally CHX; EDTA final flush;
NaOCl; distilled H2O;
CHX & NaOCl (repeating); final flush NaOCl;
NaOCl & CA (repeating); penultimate rinse IKI (5–10 min); final flush NaOCl;
NaOCl; CHX or Povidone-Iodine;
EDTA & NaOCl (repeating);
NaOCl; Povidone-Iodine; CHX; EDTA;
NaOCl & EDTA (repeating); occasional Povidone-Iodine; final flush EDTA;
NaOCl (20 min); EDTA (3 min); NaOCl (20 min); EDTA flush; CHX (3 min). Reported comments included: use of 4% CHX (Hibiscrub Antiseptic Cleansing Solution, Regent Medical, Bedfordshire, UK) as an initial canal lubricant; use of freshly mixed Ca(OH)2 : Ca(OH)2 was left in situ for 2–3 weeks; use of Ledermix paste (Lederle Pharmaceutical, Wolfrathausen, Germany) when hyperaemic vital tissue found within the RCS; use of MetapexTM (Meta Biomed Co Ltd, Chungbuk, Korea) (contains Ca(OH)2 and iodoform) if symptoms were present; use of Sterilox® Solution (Ultradent Products, Inc, South Jordan), (super-oxidized water) and use of Bio PureTM MTADTM Cleanser (Dentsply International, York, PA, USA), a doxycycline, citric acid and detergent mix, which was reportedly used occasionally by one school.
Discussion and conclusion
Audits are designed to compare current practice with an accepted ‘gold standard’ but, as there are no detailed published guidelines on endodontic lubricant, irrigant and medicament use, this topic did not have one. Instead, it was decided to compare current practice in Belfast with the other dental teaching institutes across the UK and ROI where dental students and specialists are trained. These institutes are also influential on the clinical practices of general dental practitioners through the provision of postgraduate courses and lectures.
Restorative dentistry specialist registrars (SpRs) were chosen to complete the audit questionnaire as endodontics is a major component of their training and they ought to be familiar with their institute's recommendations on this topic. At the time of undertaking this audit project, one of the authors was a restorative dentistry SpR and had contacts with this group of trainees and, therefore, hoped that there would be a good response rate. Endodontic specialists or SpRs were not targeted as not every institute in the UK and ROI employs or trains this group.
This audit highlighted three main differences between current practice in Belfast and other dental schools across the UK and Republic of Ireland:
Most other dental schools were using a higher concentration of sodium hypochlorite;
Many other schools used a variety of ‘other irrigants’;
Alternative intracanal medicaments besides calcium hydroxide were in frequent use.
These results raised three important questions:
What was the purpose of each endodontic irrigant and medicament?
Do these ‘solutions’ used sequentially or concurrently interact favourably or otherwise?
Was there sufficient evidence to change current practice at Belfast Dental School?
The audit found that the dental schools did not have a unified approach. The Belfast ‘endodontic solution’ to this problem was to combine the findings from this audit with those from the literature review (Part 1) and develop evidence-based protocols for both primary and retreatment cases for use in Belfast Dental School (Tables 2 and 3). These protocols need to evolve as research uncovers new knowledge on existing and new endodontic solutions, sequences and techniques.
Pre-op: CHX mouthwash
Reduce microbial load in saliva if incomplete isolation
Washes out EDTA; removes organic tissue; antimicrobial
Sterile water flush or paper points
Prevents reaction between NaOCl & CHX
Final irrigant: CHX (2%, 10 ml, 5 min)
Antimicrobial (E faecalis & Candida)
Or penultimate irrigant: IKI (5%, 5–10 ml, 5–10 min)followed by NaOCl (1%, 10–20 ml/canal, room temp, U/S*)
If persistent signs/symptoms and not allergic; antimicrobial (E faecalis, Candida & viruses)To prevent discoloration of dentine by iodine; synergistic with Ca(OH)2