We are writing to share our concerns regarding the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on UK Dental Core Trainees (DCTs). We are currently facing much uncertainty regarding progression of training, recruitment and potential redeployment.
Following suspension of all non-urgent elective procedures and limitation of aerosol generating procedures, training has come to a pause. This has halted development of clinical skills in our chosen specialty. Many DCTs, particularly those based in Dental Hospitals, will be unable to complete mandatory clinical competencies usually necessary for satisfactory completion of core training. There is no assurance that we will be able to complete the final 6 months within these training posts, further decreasing our ability to develop skills which would be expected of us to continue into the next stage of our career. Not to mention the loss of several opportunities for portfolio development, including face-to-face teaching and presentations at a national or international level.
Currently, national recruitment has been postponed and existing posts are due to finish in September. Undeniably, there are concerns regarding availability of upcoming training posts as well as opportunities within primary care. Lack of job security come September is undoubtedly an additional source of stress and anxiety during these already testing times.
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