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Interceptive Management of Palatally Displaced Canines: Evidence-based Clinical Guidelines Aslam Alkadhimi John Ahn Susan Power Dental Update 2025 49:3, 707-709.
The orthodontic alignment of palatally displaced canines (PDC) can be complex, with potential dental and soft tissue morbidity. Early diagnosis and provision of appropriate interceptive treatment has been shown to reduce the need for surgical exposure and extensive orthodontic treatment. This article reviews the current literature to gain insight into best available research evidence on all types of interceptive measures for the management of PDCs. Other perspectives of the PDC including development, aetiology and assessment are also be discussed.
CPD/Clinical Relevance: Interceptive management of PDCs by extracting primary predecessors requires an assessment of the determinant prognostic factors for treatment success and to avoid the removal of primary canines where improvement in PDC is unlikely or where retention of the primary tooth may be the preferred long-term option.
The permanent maxillary canine erupts at a mean age of 10.5 years in girls and 11.5 years in boys, with individual variation of 3–4 years.1,2 The eruption of the maxillary canine should be considered late if it is not clinically visible by the age of 12.3 years in girls or 13.1 years in boys.3 If the maxillary canine is not palpable in the buccal sulcus by the age of 10–11 years, canine ectopia should be suspected and further investigations warranted.4
According to one classical study carried out by Ericson and Kurol,4 maxillary canines are positioned palatal to the dental arch in 85% of the cases and buccal in only 15% of the cases.4 The term palatally displaced canine (PDC), historically refers to a ‘developmental dislocation with genetic predisposition of the canine towards the palatal region,’5 although this definition is not entirely accurate given that the aetiology is thought to be multifactorial in nature (interplay between genetic and environmental factors), which will be discussed further.
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