
Systemic Conditions associated with Delayed Tooth Eruption

Odontogenesis, or tooth eruption, is under genetic control, governed by more than 300 genes,6 with environmental factors playing a comparatively minor role. It is a highly complex and tightly...

A nasopalatine duct cyst in an orthodontic patient: a case report

This case demonstrates the findings of a NPDC. While there was no clinically visible intra-oral swelling, the patient presented with a history of pain in the anterior hard palate region for the...

Multiple supernumerary teeth: a sign of an underlying syndrome?

The prevalence of supernumerary teeth is reported to range between 0.1% and 3%. They are more frequently found in males than females and more common in the permanent than deciduous dentition.3...

An unusual appliance: detrimental occlusal consequences of a lack of clinical monitoring

A 33-year-old male patient was referred by his GDP to the oral and maxillofacial surgery (OMFS) department of a district general hospital with a history of an increasing anterior open bite (AOB) that...

Common orthodontic indices and classification

Orthodontic indices are used to describe a rating or classification system that assigns a (alpha)numeric label to a person's (mal)occlusion.1.

Disappearing teeth. The story of infra-occlusion of primary molars: diagnosis, aetiology and management

A number of theories11 for the aetiology of infra-occlusion have been suggested. These include:.

A cautionary tale of two canines: a case report

An 11-year-old male patient of European origin was referred by a specialist orthodontic practice to the hospital orthodontic service. The patient's main concern was in relation to the appearance of...

Molar–incisor hypomineralization: paediatric and orthodontic considerations

The aetiology of MIH remains relatively unclear with multiple studies unable to achieve a consensus on the cause other than that it is likely to be multifactorial.9 Some suggest that childhood...

Multidisciplinary management of an enamel–dentine crown fracture with insufficient inter-occlusal restorative space: A case report

A 20-year-old male patient presented complaining of a fractured upper central incisor, which had been traumatized playing football 3 years prior to the consultation. The patient had a history of...

Interceptive management of increased overjet in young children: a clinical protocol

Factors such as risk of trauma and psychosocial impact should be considered important for early intervention to correct an increased overjet. Patients must understand that this style of early...

Early extraction of first permanent molars: applying the evidence

This patient presented aged 9.5 years with a Class I incisor relationship, slightly spaced upper and lower arches and MIH affecting all four FPMs (Figure 1). As there was enough space to accommodate...

Vacuum-formed versus fixed orthodontic retainers

As discussed by Johnston et al in a 2015 British Dental Journal article, the risk of orthodontic relapse due to the age-related changes in the skeletal and soft tissues surrounding the teeth means...

A Spot of Bother: Orthodontic-associated White Spot Lesions

First, any patient commencing fixed orthodontic appliance treatment must have an up-to-date assessment with their dentist, with excellent oral hygiene a prerequisite.14 Oral hygiene and...

Interceptive Management of Palatally Displaced Canines: Evidence-based Clinical Guidelines

Calcification of the permanent maxillary canine begins at approximately 4–5 months of age between the roots of the first primary molar. As the primary teeth erupt, the canine crypt migrates forward in...

Orthodontic retainers: now you have finished your orthodontic treatment how do you manage long-term post-orthodontic retention?

Retention following active orthodontic tooth movement is necessary for several reasons:.